
2018-10-10    阅读: 205  


  ary day



  建军节Ary Day

  建军节是Ary Day is in

  澳洲建军节hat d e reeber n Anza Day


  August the first is the Ary Day f the hinese Peple's Liberatin Ary。

  每年的八月一日是中国人民解放军建军纪念日,因此也叫&ldqu;八一&rdqu;建军节。August 1st, anniversary f the funding f the hinese Peple's Liberatin Ary。建军节用英语能够称为:Ary Day。中国每年的八一建军节全称为:hina's Ary Day。


  Arydata 【计】 陆军信息编码系统

  ary n。 [][G] 1。军队 2。陆军;军团 3。大群;大批(+f) 4。团体

  ary-ivilian a。 军民联合的

  aryan n。 军人

  aryr n。 粘虫


  an ary f 大群,大批

  ary engineer phr  工兵

  ary tank phr  陆军坦克

  ary utr phr  行军切叶虫

  ary intelligene phr  军方情报


  ffiers and en f the hinese Peple's Liberatin Ary (PLA) and the peple arss the untry have held varius ativities these days t elebrate hina's Ary Day, hih falls n August 1。

  The Headquarters f the General Staff and ther departents f the ary held tea parties and perfranes t express regards t veterans。 The navy, air fre, ilitary universities and institutins, and varius ilitary area ands held rap sessins, seinars, ntest and entertainent ativities t express greetings t ffiers and en and their failies。

  Arss the untry, ary sldiers had parties ith the lal peple t ark the day。 Gvernents at varius levels and peple f all alks f life held ativities t sh respet and regards t the ary。

  The inistry f Agriulture presented the ary 2,500 bks and 1,200 VDs n agriultural tehnlgies。 The State General Adinistratin f Sprt bught sprts failities and sent the t grassrts ary units。 Leaders fr the All-hina en's Federatin held parties ith feale ary pilts。


