
2018-12-19    阅读: 27  

????1?¢The darkness is n darkness ith thee óDá???£?ú°μ2??ùê?ú°μ?£

????2?¢Yu ay be ut f y sight, but never ut f y ind ??ò2Díò?×?3??òμ?êó??£?μ?′ó?′×?3??òμ??????£

????3?¢The hard part isn&rsqu;t aking the deisin It&rsqu;s living ith it ×?3????¨2¢2?à§??£?à§??μ?ê??óêü???¨?£

????4?¢Dn't aste life in dubts and fears £¨ Eersn £?2?òa°?éú?üà?·?óú?3òéó??????D ‐‐ °???éú

????5?¢hen lve is nt adness, it is nt lve è?1?°?2?·è???í2?ê?°?á??£

????6?¢Lve is blind °??éê??¤??μ??£

????7?¢If I had a single fler fr every tie I think abut yu, I uld alk frever in y garden ?ùè???′????e???ò???áμ?μ?ò????ê?¨£????′?ò??óà???ú?¨′??Dá?áà?£

????8?¢Life is a jurney, nt the destinatin, but the senery alng the shuld be and the d at the vie è?éú?íê?ò?3???DD£?2??ú???μ?μ?£??ú?μ?ó|??ê???í?μ?·??°ò??°?′·??°μ?D??é?£

????9?¢It&rsqu;s better t be alne than t be ith sene yu&rsqu;re nt happy t be ith ?t??ò???è?′?×?£?£¨?-μ?ó????£?ò22?òa?ú2????μ?è?′?ò??é?£

????10?¢If there ere less sypathy in the rld, there uld be less truble in the rld £¨ ilde £?è?1?êà??é?éù?D£?飣?à??é?ò2?í?áéùò?D??é·3?£?í???μ?£?

????11?¢A heart that lves is alays yung óD°?μ?D?óà???ê?á?£

????12?¢Lve never dies °??éóà2??à?£

????13?¢rality ay nsist slely in the urage f aking a hie £¨ L Blu £??·μ??é?ü?????úóúóDó???×÷3??????££¨2??3?1£?

????14?¢I iss yu s uh already and I haven't even left yet! ??1ü?12???à??a£??òò?????3ˉ?????£?

????15?¢The sul annt live ithut lve áé?ê2??ü??óD°???′??ú?£

????16?¢I need hi like I need the air t breathe ?òDèòa??£??yè??òDèòa??ü?????£

????17?¢A lng dispute eans that bth parties are rng £¨ Vltaire £?3???μ??ù??òa??×???·???ê?′íμ? ‐‐ ·ü??ì?

????18?¢ne rd frees us f all the eight and pain in lifeThat rd is lve óDò???′ê?éò?è??ò??°úí?éú???D?ùóDμ??μ£íí′?à£????íê?&ldqu;°??é&rdqu;?£

????19?¢Preius things are very fe in this rld That is the reasn there is just ne yu ?ú?aêàé???1óμ????÷×üê?±óD£??ùò??aêàé???óDò??????£

????20?¢Peple generally quarrel beause they annt argue £¨ hestertn £?í¨3£è???ê?òò?a2??á±?àí2?33?üμ? ‐‐ ?D?1ì??ù

????21?¢In the end, it&rsqu;s nt the years in yur life that unt It&rsqu;s the life in yur years μ?í·à′£?????á??àéù?ê2???ê2?′£???òaμ?ê?£???ê?è???è1y?aD??ê??μ??£

????22?¢Until yu ake peae ith h yu are, yu&rsqu;ll never be ntent ith hat yu have 3y·????üí??êμμ?×??í???à′|£?·??ò??óà??2??á??ò?óμóDμ????÷?Dμ??ú×??£

????23?¢Happiness is a ay statin beteen t uh and t little Dò?£ê?ì??àíì?éù????μ?ò????£

????24?¢N rds are neessary beteen t lving hearts á????à°?μ?D?????2?Dèòa??ó??£

????25?¢In lve flly is alays seet áμ°??D£??ééμê?×üê?è?è??Dμ?ê?·??à???£

????26?¢N atter h bad yur heart has been brken, the rld desn&rsqu;t stp fr yur grief The sun es right bak up the next day 2?1ü??óD?àí′?à£??a??êà????2??á?a??í£?1×a?ˉ?£ì???òà?é???ùéy?e?£

????27?¢If yu uld hit the ark, yu ust ai a little abve it Every arr that flies feels the attratin f earth £-Henry adsrth Lngfell òa??é??D°D£?±?D??é×?±è°D???a??D?£?òò?aí??ò???y??êüμ?μ?D?òyá|μ?ó°?ì?£

????28?¢Yur happy passer-by all kns, y distressed there is n plae hides ??μ?Dò?£?·è????a£??òμ?à?±·?T′|?YD??£

????29?¢I'll think f yu every step f the ay ?ò?á????£??ú?t?t3¤?·μ???ò?2??£

????30?¢irales seties ur, but ne has t rk terribly fr the £¨ eizann £????£óDê±òê??á·¢éúμ?£?μ?ê???μ??a???′?üμù??á|?££¨?′??ü£?

????31?¢Lve is hard t get int, but harder t get ut f °?ü??í?è?£?μ?ò?μ?í?è?£?±??ü??×?3??£

????32?¢If yu ish t sueed, yu shuld use persistene as yur gd friend, experiene as yur referene, prudene as yur brther and hpe as yur sentry è?1????£í?3é1|£?μ±ò??D??aá?ó?ò??-?é?a2??±ò??÷é÷?aD?μüò??£í??aéú±??£

????33?¢Passinate lve is a quenhless thirst èèáòμ?°??éê?2??éò???μ??êí??£

????34?¢ithin yu I lse yself, ithut yu I find yself anting t be lst again óDá???£??ò??ê§á?×??ò?£ê§è¥??£??ò?à?′?£í?×???ù?è??ê§?£

????35?¢If equal affetin annt be, let the re lving be e è?1???óD?àμèμ?°?£????íè??ò°??àò?D?°é?£

????36?¢The st preius pssessin that ever es t a an in this rld is a an's heart ?ú?a??êà??é?£??Dè?×???1óμ?2?2ú?íê?ò?????è?μ?D??£

????37?¢Lve keeps the ld ut better than a lak °?±è′óò??ü?ü?y×??à??£

????38?¢hatever is rth ding is rth ding ell è???μμ?×?μ?£??í°??ü×???£

????39?¢There is n suh thing as darkness; nly a failure t see ??óD?′2?????ò??££¨?í??à???£?

????40?¢A day is a iniature f eternity £¨ Eersn £?ò?ììê?óà?μ???ó° ‐‐ °???éú

????41?¢Tie ges by s fast, peple g in and ut f yur life Yu ust never iss the pprtunity t tell these peple h uh they ean t yu ê±???úá÷ê?£?éú?ü?Dè?à′è?íù?£2?òa′íê§?ú?á£??????????ú??éú?ü?Dμ?òaò??£

????42?¢Lk int y eyes - yu ill see hat yu ean t e ?′?′?òμ????|£????á·¢???????ò????òa??×?ê2?′?£

????43?¢Lve is nt a aybe thing Yu kn hen yu lve sene °?2?ê?ê2?′?é?ü′ó??ò2Dí£?ò?μ?°?é?á?£?×??ê?ê?·???3tμ??£

????44?¢Eduatin is a prgressive disvery f ur n ignrane £¨ Durant £??ìóyê?ò????e2?·¢??×???T?aμ?1y3ì?££¨??à?ì?£?

????45?¢Aept hat as and hat is, and yu&rsqu;ll have re psitive energy t pursue hat ill be ?óêü1yè¥í???úμ??£?ù£?2??áóD?üá?è¥×·?°×??μ??′à′?£

????46?¢here there is great lve, there are alays irales ??à?óD??°?′??ú£???à??íóD???£?£ Lve is like a butterfly It ges here it pleases and it pleases here it ges °??é?í??ò????μ?£??ü?2??·éμ???à?£??í°???à?′?μ???à??£

????47?¢I&rsqu;ll think f yu every step f the ay ?ò?á????£??ú?t?t3¤?·μ???ò?2??£

????48?¢There is n reedy fr lve but t lve re ??á?°?μ?′′é??¨óD?ó±?μ?襰??£

????49?¢y heart is ith yu ?òμ?°?ó???í??ú?£

????50?¢Every day ithut yu is like a bk ithut pages ??óD??μ?è?×ó?í??ò?±???óDêéò3μ?êé?£

????51?¢She h has never lved, has never lived è???×?×üòa°?ò????£

????52?¢ay yur lve sar n the ings f a dve in flight ????μ?°?3?×?·é?èμ?°×??£??13á??·é?£

????53?¢h travels fr lve finds a thusand iles nt lnger than ne ?ú°?è???à?£?ò??§à?μ???3ì2?1yò?à??£

????54?¢Take aay lve, and ur earth is a tb ??óDá?°?£?μ??ò±?3éá?·??1?£

????55?¢Life is the fler fr hih lve is the hney éú?üè??¨£?°??éê????£

????56?¢If I kn hat lve is, it is beause f yu òò?a??£??ò??μ?á?°??£

????57?¢e ease lving urselves if n ne lves us è?1???óDè?°??ò??£?£¨?-μ?ó??? £??ò??ò2?í2??á?ù°?×??á??£

????58?¢Lve is a light that never dis °?ê?ò??μóà2??è°μμ??÷μ??£

????59?¢Distane akes the hearts gr fnder ?àà?ê1á???D???μ??ü?ü?£

????60?¢Lve is the greatest refreshent in life °??éê?éú??×??μ?ìáé??á?£

????61?¢I lied hen I said I didn&rsqu;t like yu I lied hen I said I didn&rsqu;t are I lie every tie I try t tell yself I ill never fall fr yu ?ò?μ2?°???£???ê??ù?°£??ò?μ2??ú?£???ê??ù?°£??ò????×???????ù2??áóD?D??á?£???ò2ê??ù?°?£

????62?¢At the tuh f lve everyne bees a pet ??ò????????ú°?ó?Dμ?è???ê?ê?è??£

????63?¢Lve is a vine that grs int ur hearts °?ê?3¤?ú?ò??D?à?μ?ìù???£

????64?¢In eduatin e are striving nt t teah yuth t ake a living, but t ake a life£¨ A hite £??ìóy2?ê??aá??ì?á?à?êè??±éú£???ê??ì?á????′′?ìéú???££¨?3ì?£?

????65?¢Brief is life, but lve is lng éú?ü???ì£?°?è′?à3¤?£

????66?¢ne needsthings t be truly happy living in the rld: se thing t d, se ne t lve, se thing t hpe fr òaμ?μ????yμ??ìà?£??ò????DèóμóDèy?ù???÷£óD??×?μ?ê?£?óD?μμ?°?μ?è?£?óD?àà?μ????£

????67?¢herever yu g, hatever yu d, I ill be right here aiting fr yu ?T????éí?ú?′|£??T?????a??|?μ£??ò???á?ú′?ê?ò?£

????68?¢Lve is like the n, hen it des nt inrease, it dereases °??é?í????áá£?2????ò???£

????69?¢hen the hle rld is abut t rain, let&rsqu;s ake it lear in ur heart tgether μ±è?êà?????ò??e??óê£?è??ò?????ò??e?úD?à?·????£