高中英语倒装句 教学总结(译林牛津版英语高考复习)

2018-05-31    阅读: 17  



(一)、 全部倒装--主语与谓语动词倒装


Dn fell the rain

(二)、 部分倒装--主语与助动词/情态动词/系动词倒装


Never have I heard suh a thing




hat an interesting talk they had!

The re yu listen t English, the easier it bees


1 There be 句型(be可换成 live, stand, lie, e, exist, see, appear 等)

There are s any ars ing and ging n the rad

There still exist se prbles

句型 There is n need t d…

There is n dubt that…

There is n kning telling …

2 在here, there, n, then, thus引导的句子里, 要全部倒装

Here es yur head teaher

Here he es主语是人称代词不用倒装

3当in, ut, dn, up, ver, aay, ff, bak等副词作状语置于句首时,谓语常用动词有e, g, rush, be, lie, run,等不及物动词。

Up fle the bird

ut rushed the students


Under the tree __ sits a beautiful girl, reading ___

Suth f the ity ___ lies a paper-aking plant ____

Eventually they arrived at a ave, in frnt f hih __ std a tree __



Ang the gds are hristas trees, flers, andles and tys


Present at the eeting ere Prfessr hite and any ther guests


Seated n the grund are a grup f yung peple


Lying n the flr as a by

Standing beside the desk as a teaher

Gring alng the rad are se ild flers

6 Suh 置于句首时,suh和be连用作表语,也常用倒装语序,如:

Suh are the fats

Suh a great sientist is Yuan Lngping

此句型中的suh 多被认为是表语,所以suh后的be动词应与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。如:

Suh are the fats; n ne an deny the


把be/助动词/情态动词 提前到主语的前面

Is a are as ere

d des did

an uld uld ay ill ight 等

1nly所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时, 要进行部分倒装,如:

nly then did I realize the iprtane f learning English

nly in this ay an yu hpe t iprve the situatin there

nly after he ae bak as I able t see hi


nly sialis an save hina



(F) nly after the ar learned he the sad nes

(T) nly after the ar did he learn the sad nes

(2) nly修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。如:

(F) nly hen did he return did e find ur the truth

(T) nly hen he returned did e find ur the truth

(3)nly 修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如:

(F) nly an he anser the questin

(T) nly he an anser the questin

2 否定副词 never ,nr, nt, seld, hardly, little, sarely, rarely nhere及表否定意义的介词短语 by n eans, at n tie, under/in n irustanes, in n ase, n n nditin等置于句首时 。


I have never seen suh a beautiful plae

Never have I seen suh a beautiful plae

Nt a single istake did he ake= He didn’t ake a single istake

Hardly d I think it pssible t finish the jb befre dark

=I hardly think it pssible t finish the jb befre dark


(1)… s+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 “……也是如此”

They lve having lts f friends; s d I


A 此句型也可写成“it is the sae ith…”, 或“s it is ith…”如:

They lve having lts f friends; it is the sae ith thse ith disabilities/s it is ith thse ith disabilities

B如果句意不是 “……也是如此 ”,而仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的s=indeed),那么,句子不可使用倒装。试比较:

a I as afraid (句中的I指的是a)

b S as I (I 指的是b, 此句意为:I as afraid, t)

a I as afraid (I指的是a)

b S yu ere (yu 指的也是a。此句意为: Indeed yu ere afraid)

(2) …neither (或nr)+ be/助动词/情态动词+主语,“……也不这样”

Lily an’t ride a biyle; neither (或nr)an Luy


A此句型也可写成“it is the sae ith…”,或“s it is ith…”

Lily an’t ride; it is the sae ith Luy/ s it is ith Luy

B此句型中的neither (或nr)不可用s…nt 替代,但可用nt…either改写。如:

(F) I have never been abrad S hasn’t he

(T) I have never been abrad Neither/ Nr has he

(T) I have never been abrad He has never/nt been abrad, either


S +adj/adv …that…“ 如此…以至于…”。

S learly des he speak English that he an alays ake hiself understd


在这个句型中,s 后面的句子要倒装,而that引导的句子不倒装。

(4)Neither…, nr… “…不…, …也不…”。

Neither d I kn it, nr d I are abut it

由于neither 和nr 都是否定词,所以它们后面分句均需倒装。


前句是肯定句用S 某人/某事也是

前句是否定句用neither ,nr 某人/某事也不是


(5)Nt nly…, but als “不仅…而且…”。

Nt nly ill help be given t peple t find jbs, but als edial treatent ill be prvided fr peple h need it

此句型也可写成Nt nly…but …或Nt nly…but…as ell的形式,但but (als)引导的句子必须用正常语序。

(6)Nt until… “直到…才……”。

Nt until he returned did e have supper


A这句话可以改写成:e didn’t have supper until he returned 再如:

Nt until 4:00 in the rning an he fall asleep

=He an’t fall asleep until 4:00 in the rning

B如果nt until 引导的是句子,until从句的主谓不可倒装,只是主句需要倒装。

4、If 虚拟条件从句中 if省略时,had/ ere/shuld等要与主语倒装。从句有(ere/shuld/had)

(1)If I ere yu, I uld rk hard

ere I yu, I uld rk hard

(2) If it shuld rain trr, e uld put ff ur eeting

Shuld it rain trr, e uld put ff ur eeting

(3)If he had flled y advie, he uld have sueeded

Had he flled y advie, he uld have sueeded

If it ere nt fr his teaher’s help, he uld never graduate fr this high shl

ere it nt fr his teaher’s help, he uld never graduate fr this high shl

注意:我们可以说ere it nt或者Had it nt been, 但不可以说eren’ t it 或者hadn’t it been

5在 hardly/sarely/…hen; n sner…than; nt nly … but als;sthat; suh…that 的倒装句中,前倒后不倒

hardly/sarely/ n sner后句子的谓语用had dne, hen/than后句子的谓语用一般过去时

(1) Hardly / Sarely had he fallen asleep hen a lud knk at the dr aaked hi

(2) N sner had I reahed the statin than train ved

(3) Nt nly is he interested in ftball but als he plays it ell

S hard des he rk that he has ade great prgress in English

6在以ften, alays, ne, any a tie, n and then,等作状语的频度副词位于句首时。

ften did I speak f hi befre

any a tie has he helped e ith y experient




hat an interesting talk they had!

H interesting their talk is !



2、the re…the re…句型

The re yu listen t English, the easier it bees



The harder yu rk, the greater prgress yu ill ake

(2)此句型中的第一个the re 引导的部分相当于一个条件状语从句;第二个the re引导的部分相当于一个主句。所以,上面例句的意思实质上就是: If yu rk harder, yu ill ake greater prgress


Hever diffiult the prble ay be, e ust rk it ut this evening


hatever 后面常接名词;用hever时常构成以下形式:


hatever reasns yu have, yu shuld arry ut yur prise

4、as, thugh引导让步状语从句时采用倒装形式的情况

名词形容词副词分词+as hugh+主语+其他



Tired as/thugh he as, he still ent n ith his rk

Strange as/ thugh it sees, it is true

Exhausted as/ thugh she as, she asn’t able t sleep

hild as he is, he has t ake a living



Try as he ight, he didn’t pass the exa

Searh as they uld here and there, they uld find nthing in the r

(3) 状语的倒装

uh as he likes the bike, he desn’t ant t buy it

Hard as I studied, I uld nt ath up ith the


Surrunded thugh he as by the eney, he as nt afraid


Yungest as he is in ur lass, he speaks English the best

5、 祝愿语

ay yu sueed!

ay yu be happy!

ay peae return t the trubled land!

Lng live the Peple’s Republi f hina!



“Very ell,” said the Frenh student

“Bring e t eggs and a up f tea, please” added the uster