
2018-07-12    阅读: 46  

  导读:演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。下面小编为大家带来3分钟的英文演讲稿,希望能帮助到大家。


  H t Be Ppular

  st peple uld like t be ppular ith thers, but nt everyne an ahieve this gal hat is the seret t ppularity? In fat, it is very siple The first step is t iprve ur appearane e shuld alays ake sure that e stay in gd shape and dress ell hen e are healthy and ell-gred, e ill nt nly lk better but als feel better In additin, e shuld sile and appear friendly After all, ur faial expressin is an iprtant part f ur appearane If e an d this, peple ill be attrated t ur gd lks and ipressed by ur nfidene

  Anther iprtant step is develping re nsideratin fr thers e shuld alays put thers first and plae their interests befre ur n It's als iprtant t be gd listeners; in this ay peple ill feel frtable enugh t nfide in us Hever, n atter hat e d, e ust nt gssip Abve all, e ust reeber t be urselves, nt phnies nly by being sinere and respetful f thers an e earn their respet If e an d all f the abve, I a sure ppularity ill e ur ay


  Gd rning/evening/afternn, ladies and gentleen :

  Tday, y speeh is abut talents,in y pinin, talents are indispensable in nadays siety as is knn t all that the fight ang untries is atually the fight ang talents

  First, i'd like t define the rd&qut;talent&qut; in y idea, a talent is ne persn h is gd at r expertised in se r ultiple areas nadays, as the rld develping ges n , if ne untry ant t rank tp r d a gd jb in the rld, the untry ust have any talentsfr exaple, hina, the biggest develping untry in the rld, in the past 100 years, is alays invaded by ther untries, hy ,the reasn is that hina at that tie had nt s any talents if they had anti-intrusin leader talents in the ar, needless t say,they uld have beat thse big persif they had talents in eapns anufaturing, nddy dares t prvke ushever, nadays, it's a ttally different situatin, hina has bee perfulin all ver the rld, hy ? beause there are any talents serving the untry, the ivilians bee re and re literatedre and re peple g t university,re and re peple e t reeive further eduatin s hat is that in return,talents in ary prtet ur untry fr invasin, talents in ere help ake ur eny keep in iprving, talents in aerspae ake the rld see hinese anned spaeraft flying talents in sprts ake hina rank the first in the lypi gaes……

  T su up, talents ill play a re and re ipetant rle in the rld, if ne untry intends t flurish, he ust fster talents as any as they an ,that's all,thank yu


  Gd afternn,ladies and gentleen!

  I’ very hnred t stand here and give yu a shrt speeh! T begin ith ,I ant t ask a questin Des everybdy drea a gd drea last night? Atually ,tday I ant t talk abut drea ith yu f urse, hat I ant t talk is nt a drea yu have last night,but a drea—— abut life

  Everyne has dreas abut life, different dreas at different life stage,and e need dreas t supprt us Dreas are like the stars e never reah in the sky,but like st ariners,e an hart ur urse by the ith the drea,e have a diretin,ith a diretin, e ere n lnger nfusedith the drea, there is hpe,ith hpe, e have the strength t fight

  I have a drea: T be a dtr,beause dtr ay relieve the pain f patients ay let the huan hange the health At the sae tie, I believed that, thse h help thers ay be able t btain jyfully Therefre, I hped in the near future ,I ight be a dtr

  But I kn,life is tugh,and there are alays ups and dns, aybe e fail in the ay t ur ais,and e ay feel depressed ,henever at this tie, the drea in ur heart an alays frt us, enurage us ,and supprt us t ve ahead

  Yung!Frtunately, I a yung n Just due t it, I kn that nthing is ipssibleI firly believe that nthing an stand in y ay If I an't realize y drea,it result fr that I haven't rk harder enugh and I n't find ther exuses If n peple believe yu, yu an ak

  e it t prve that yu are right If yu think the gd haven't blessed yu and there is n truth here, yu an bee the gd and reate the truth &qut;y breath salls the sky and ake the yell river verfl, y srd is faus in Kyushu and it an llapse the five sared untains&qut; At se tie in the past I als had a bitius rds and I had se ahieveents Eah ahieveent results fr y hard rk I alays believe that &qut;If yu ant t have re ahieveents than thers, yu ust rk harder&qut; In se extent, the drea is the hpe If yu an insist n ding sething, the vitry ill e

  Hld fast t dreas, fr if dreas die, life is a brken-inged bird that annt fly Hld fast t dreas, fr hen dreas g, life is a barren field frzen ith sn S y dear friends, think f yur ld and aybe dead dreas hatever it is, pik it up and ake it alive fr tday Let's--- ve ----ut!

  Thank yu fr yur listening!