
2018-07-12    阅读: 559  


  I dn`t believe in la

  Gd afternn, hnrable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentleen Tday I ant t share y vie n la

  T tell the truth,alhugh I a a sphre ajr in la,I dn`t believe in itI ean hen ating e ught nt t put &qut;laful &qut;first Beause in y ind,things that rth believing in are suppsed t be nble and nieThey believe the rld uld be beautiful thrugh arusing and strengthen kindness f an But la is ur last baseline and insurane,hse presuptin is that huan are iked They keep a athful eye n the eakness f huan nature,s it ai at fighting against usJust hen e have n ther ays t rever,ill us appeal t itAs a reasnable persn,h an e regard the last resrt as ur faith

  In additin,e ill realize that la itself has gt bgged dn in ineffetiveness and injustie hile revieing the urrent events

  It is nt the first tie that fd safety issues,hih have athed great attentin f the hle siety in hina,bee the entral tpi f the publiith any years` passing by,statute enated t reslve this series f prbles is nstantly iprving and ntinuusly pxpending Hever,it has`t eliinated even disreasad the eruptin f thse existing prblesTday re and re pisnus substanes

  e int the arket and turn int ur fds under the supervisin f la and regulatinsI an`t help expeting t ask:h the la funtin

  Faing the rugh adinistrative enfreent f legislatin by urban-anageent ffiers,XiaJunfeng,a haker ,killed t enfrers in self-defeneHe as sentensed t death again by the judgeent f the last resrt,uphlding the riginal verditDuring these trials,in supprt f the ffiial,urts exluded all the testinies f legal itnesses regardless f the rights and benefits f the defendant It is distint rruptin and a vilatin f laThe urban anageent syste is bviusly irratinal,hat`s rse,this ase akes e feel that nfrnting ueasnable ehanis,individuals have n hie but t be sarifie f it beause f the unfair judgeent

  In rder t handle these sial prbles ,st peple appeal fr &qut;sund rule f la&qut;As far as they are nerned,la an ffer slutins t every prble siply and effiiently in a rld struggling ith rapid industrializatin

  Nevertheless,is legislatin the sure f the sandals and fundaental slutins t the

  Kant ha ever said:&qut;There are t things ake e deeply shked in y innerst being:the starry heavens abve e and the ral la ithin

  eIt is rality that the easureent fr ne`s nsiene and the priary rule e ught t abide byThe requireents f rality is uh striter than thse f statuteFr this reasn,ne uld be legally innent but rally guiltynly be strit ith yurself under this disipline,shall e prevent urselves fr breahing la and regulatins easily,hih uld be binding thenIn a rd,rule f rality shuld be underlying La is nt everything,but just as hat hks and rpe t liber ,e an`t live ithut itI a sure that a true harnius siety ill be built as lng as rule f la and rule f rality be jint ith eah ther t shine ver ur heads

  篇二:英语演讲 美国的法律

  The Aerian la

  hat des it ean t bey the laThat depends n here yu are Different ultures have very different vies f beying the la In se ultures, la-abiding itizens try t keep the letter f the la That is, hatever the la says, they d In ther ultures, gd itizens live by the spirit f the la They see the la nly as a general guideline ften they bey the la nly hen sene ffiial is lking The situatin in Aeria fits int the first ategry That desn't ean all Aerians keep the la But Aerian ulture teahes peple t respet the la--even t the sallest detail

  ne reasn is abut Aeria's hristianIt’s heritage[文化遗产] has shaped h peple vie the la Fr ne thing, the Bible reveals Gd's unhanging las hih peple ust bey It als teahes peple t respet huan authrity as established by Gd

  Fr exaple,driving habits illustrate Aerian respet fr the la A driver ill usually stp fr a red light, even hen there are n ther ars arund Peple treat the lines arking streets and rads as definite[明确的] bundaries, nt just deratins Vehiles[机动车] yield[让出] t thse ith the right f ay-partiularly pedestrians[行人] Atually, thugh,

  drivers dn't alays keep traffi rules Fr exaple, any drivers ignre freeay speed liits But Aerians generally drive ith areful attentin t the rules

  f urse, nt everyne in Aeria abides by the la rie is a gring prble

  Hever,skilled layers seties use inr issues t get their lients[委托人] set free And prisn inates ay live even better than any pr itizens

  Anyay,n ne believes a perfet legal syste is pssible Yet every siety has las hether peple fll the letter f the la r just the spirit f the la, they regnize the need fr las t keep rder in siety ithut the, the siety uld be hati[混乱] If every an ere a la unt[向,对] hiself, n an uld be free