
2018-07-12    阅读: 94  


  hen the breeze gently hld hen liuxu savury, hen the sun put it glden glrius quietly arund the herry blss trees n appered handse; hen the beautiful petals in the air t reah several

  nly rll lng, then gently landed, e are enjying a brilliant happinef apus life

  early rning, happy bird singing, apany us g strll flral path and athed the e alked int the apus, eye is full f

  happiness sunshine shp in riting has &qut;e, nanjing nral university affiliated yangzi dikers&qut; e, the brnze edal and put dny light refletin t ur bdy, e heerfully aepted this light, vigrus entered in apus n the ay t the lassr, and every day that e an all see beautiful funtain and pl, and freful huaihe bks and rather ?

  the st suessful persn ay nt be the sartest nesarding t a survey nduted ang a grup f peple h ere in the sae university ten years ag , thse hse grade-pint average as in the iddle fifty perent , all bee rih r anagers f different fields , hile nt a single yung an f the upper ten perent

  bees an exeutive r bss hy the sartest kids in the lassill nt end up the rihest? hy thse h are nt exellent in studies tend t be anagers r n their n enterprise in their later life? and hat fatrs lead t suein areer and life if brains are nt the nly anser? arding t y bservatin , aadei brightneis nly part f the stry , the ther fatrs are very iprtant ne ingredient , ang ther things , is gd interpersnal skills there is stng evidene that friendship an help t tide yu ver a perid f diffiulty ith a ide irle f friends h an be trusted y

  prvide infratin and resures, yur hanes f sueare uh higher n the ntrary , if yu are petent in prfessin , but have diffiulty in getting alng ith yur lleagues and even yur bss, yu an hardly survive the rpratin anther pnent is the ability t expreneself in tday s rld , hat really unts is the ability t expreneself rather than tehnial petene r prfessinal knledge the larger the rgnizatin f hih yu are an eplyee , and th fierer the petitin , the re iprtant it ill be that yu kn h t nvey yur thughts and nvine thers f yur ideas persnality is als an iprtant fatr hatever diffiulty r situatin , thse h appear relaxed and nfident are nearer t suess bviusly , ang the ingredients fr sue, intelligene unts fr the half , the rest depends n yur persnality , and ther abilities


  hen the breeze gently hld hen liuxu savury, hen the sun put it glden glrius quietly arund the herry blss trees n appered handse; hen the beautiful petals in the air t reah several

  nly rll lng, then gently landed, e are enjying a brilliant happinef apus life

  early rning, happy bird singing, apany us g strll flral path and athed the e alked int the apus, eye is full f

  happiness sunshine shp in riting has &qut;e, nanjing nral university affiliated yangzi dikers&qut; e, the brnze edal and put dny light refletin t ur bdy, e heerfully aepted this light, vigrus entered in apus n the ay t the lassr, and every day that e an all see beautiful funtain and pl, and freful huaihe bks and rather ?

  the st suessful persn ay nt be the sartest nesarding t a survey nduted ang a grup f peple h ere in the sae university ten years ag , thse hse grade-pint average as in the iddle fifty perent , all bee rih r anagers f different fields , hile nt a single yung an f the upper ten perent

  bees an exeutive r bss hy the sartest kids in the lassill nt end up the rihest? hy thse h are nt exellent in studies tend t be anagers r n their n enterprise in their later life? and hat fatrs lead t suein areer and life if brains are nt the nly anser? arding t y bservatin , aadei brightneis nly part f the stry , the ther fatrs are very iprtant ne ingredient , ang ther things , is gd interpersnal skills there is stng evidene that friendship an help t tide yu ver a perid f diffiulty ith a ide irle f friends h an be trusted y

  prvide infratin and resures, yur hanes f sueare uh higher n the ntrary , if yu are petent in prfessin , but have diffiulty in getting alng ith yur lleagues and even yur bss, yu an hardly survive the rpratin anther pnent is the ability t expreneself in tday s rld , hat really unts is the ability t expreneself rather than tehnial petene r prfessinal knledge the larger the rgnizatin f hih yu are an eplyee , and th fierer the petitin , the re iprtant it ill be that yu kn h t nvey yur thughts and nvine thers f yur ideas persnality is als an iprtant fatr hatever diffiulty r situatin , thse h appear relaxed and nfident are nearer t suess bviusly , ang the ingredients fr sue, intelligene unts fr the half , the rest depends n yur persnality , and ther abilities


  ears by itI kn ,i a als safe in yur hearti have already frgtten hen i tld yu i as ging t leave fr Australia this suer hlidayYu just siled as usual,gently speakinghatever yu deide t d,i ill be in favr f it,but, just nething,reeber,hen yu fell lnely abrad,d nt frget e are here ,praying fr yue are all arund yu,far arss the distane and spae beteen usi lsed y eyes,the flashbak startedThe eries e had tgether,ne e played gaes n the palygrund,e played jkes n eah ther,yu alays rte a lt f sentenes n y artiles t enurage eAnd the st unfrgetable thing,yu tld e,yu believed i uld be a big girlSner r later

  At that speifi ent,i suddenly understd the eaning f this sentene ttallyS n that day,i siled as yu used t,lking at yuThe last rds i said ere,keep alking in sunshine

  Yes,keep alking in sunshineI said t yu ,als t yselfI kn i a nt alne iht yur pany,and e an keep alking in sunshine till the last inute f ur days

  I prise,i ill be a big girl

  I prise,i ill be a brave girl

  I prise,i ill keep alking in sunshine

  That is y speeh,thank yu!

  a rld f hpe fr ever after