
2018-07-12    阅读: 15  


  There is a saying ges,“life ithut a friend is a life ithut a sun”,that isT say,Friendship is indispensable t peple's life

  有句谚语说,“人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光”,这也就是说,友谊对人的生活是不可缺少的。 Friendship is t ur life hat salt is t dasher hen yu are happy, friendship is just like adding flers n the brade; hen yu are sad, friendship is a dse f nslatin; if yu are in truble, friends ill surrund yu and reve the barriers fr yu; if yu have a hard nut t rak, yu an turn t friends fr help

  友谊是我们的生活中的调味品。当你快乐的时候,友谊就像是盛开的鲜花,展现在你面前,当你可悲时,友谊是一剂安慰;如果您遇到了麻烦,朋友们将会出现并帮你解除困难,如果你有一个难办的事,您可以找朋友获得帮助。 Every ne need friends, and if yu fail t ake friends, yu shuld exaine yurself and see if there is sething rng ith yur persnality aybe yu have sial faults suh snbbishness, talkativeness and using slang et All f that ill drive yur ne aquaintanes hatever yur sial faults ay be, lk at the hnestly and ake real effrt t rret the

  每个人都需要朋友,如果你不能交到朋友,就该反省自己,看是否的你的个性有什么问题。或许你有些在社交上应该避讳的缺点:譬如势力、饶舌、说脏话等等。这些都会妨碍你结交新朋友。无论你有什么社交缺点,都应该正视它们,并努力改正。 Hever, hat’s atual diffiult is that friendship is easier ade than keptThere are several iprtant eleents neessary t aintain a gd friendship

  然而,真正困难的是:友谊容易得到却不易保持。要想维持友谊以下几方面是必不可少的了 Listen The ability t really listen t anther is a rnerstne f gd friendshipIt helps yu t understand yur friend and his/her feelings,as ell as shs that yu really are 善于倾听。倾听是友谊的基石,它有助于你更好的了解你的朋友同时又表示你在关心你的朋友。 Spend quality tie ith yur friend N relatinship an be satisfying ithut quality tie spend tgetherake tie fr yur friend,shedule get tgether

  与朋友相聚。没相聚就没友谊。所以抽点时间与朋友一起聚聚 Be frgiving There is nt even ne persn in the rld h is perfetYu kn yur n shrtings,s dn't expet perfetin fr thersI' nt saying that yu shuld alays aept a rng ding n yur friend's partTellthe hen yu didn't like sething and be alays ready t ake up afterardDn't hld grudges in yur heartIt ill help yur friend t be lng-suffering ith yu as ell

  宽容。人无完人,任何人都有自己的缺点,所以就不要要求别人完美。我并不是叫你一味的纵容朋友的错误,相反你应该明确的告诉你的朋友,不要藏在心底,这对你和你们自己的友谊都是有好处的 Adit yur faults In every friendship there ill be nflit sner r laterhen it es,ften the rng is n bth sides Adit yur rngs instead f just pinting ut the rngs f anther persn invlvedThis ill help yu bth t keep the line f uniatin pen and strengthen yur friendship

  勇于承认自己的错误朋友相处迟早都会产生冲突的,但产生误会和冲突时双方都是有责任的我认为勇于承认自己的过错比追究责任更有助于解决问题和增进友谊 In shrt, hen e have established friendship, e ught t herish and treasure it by eans f rds and deeds nly thus, an e develp real friendship and keep the sared lap f friendship burning all ur life



  Ladies and Gentleen:

  Tday I ant t talk ith yuYes,just talking,nt stiff speaking

  y tpi is “friendship”But,at first ,I ant t talk ith yu abut lveany f us have visin it in llegeThe speial feeling in the ery f the fur years is alays pure and beautiful

  Yu ay have asked hat the “lve”is n earth? In y pinin, Lve is a sense f respnsibility!Knn t are fr thers, and this feeling, n atter hat the result is ,ust be a life-lng erable event

  y friends ften nsult e abut their etinal prblesAnd they spend t uh tie n their lverNaturally,they igred their friends

  I have reeived a essage fr ne f y gd friendsShe said: “ if A is equals t 1 ,B is equals t 2, is epuals t 3,and s n??

  Then L++V+E=54,

  but F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P=108!

  S friendship is tie strnger than lve!” N I’d lve t share y experiene ith all f


  Last suer vatin,I had a ar aident,and had t be in hspital,I felt bring and painful,beause I uld d nthing but stay in bed It’s y friends h ae t see e ,hatted ith e ,enuraged e, helped e get thrugh the hardtie

  It is a n saying that lve is a lap, hile friendship is the shad hen the lap is ff,yu ill find the shad everyhere Friend is h an give yu strength at last

  Finally let's pray tgether n ,that ne day, all f us uld find the persn e ant t find, and uld enjy a real beautiful friendship in ur lives Let's pray the fler f friendship beteen ur friends and us uld alays bl brightly in ur hearts That’s all Thank yu!


  Fr interpersnal relatinships, I gradually sued up ne f the st in line ith the priniple f y nature, that is, utual respet and affinity I believe that all gd friendship is fred naturally and nt deliberately btained I als think that n atter h gd f friends shuld have a distane, the friendship is t ften rded epty

  Get alng ith thers, espeially if yu are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel f the real lessns learned, I bet yu, yu ust have enuntered the sae, even if yu are engaged in different upatins

  Philsphers, pets, usiians, artists have their n jargn Seties, the different eaning f the sae jargn said Seties, speaking ith a different eaning f jargn

  but an nt lib the hills, the gap beteen the sul f it is insuruntable Peer jargn e say, spit ut the vie f a friend

  Ang the st prfund distintin is nt prfessinal, and in the sul

  Prfessr f uniatin t see the bkstre t sell the suess f surgery patients like best-selling bk, I feel funny A persn has a gd ipressin n a persn, and he r she paid a friend, r

  interested in sething, try t d it suessfully, it uld have been natural D nt erize the ain pints n the rss an nt be friends, d nt beg fr tips n the d nt spiritual ause, e an see h the lak f real etin really interested Hever, there is n real etin, h it ill be true friends? Nt really interested in, h ill it really ause? That being the ase, hy shuld diligently and suess in uniatin? That f urse there are bvius utilitarian tives, but it is quite apparent deeper reasn is that spiritual eptiness, then hid shrtut t the rd and affairs I d nt kn h, nly kn that if this kind f uniatin at he, I apprahed hi, I ill definitely be re lnely, if suh a suessful stand in frnt f e, I ill definitely be even re bring

  Study, suh as aking friends, but at least ne exeptin is the tie t teah the kind f bk arts friends

  Persnals surgery hing real friends perish

  Friendship is tlerane Fr this reasn, a friend ne eneies, it is ften irreversible, the differenes that they ust be very serius, and has reahed the pint here an nt be ndned

  nly beteen gd friends an be suh a thing urred in Dear Jhn, in the past beteen the re diffiult, re diffiult t repair the raks n, and sees t aintain an aquaintane t unnatural As fr thse h have nly aquaintane, handed ver the ase f nn-payent f the t ay be, it is nt a Dear Jhn

  Extraversin persnality peple easy aess t any f y friends, but alays a fe true friends Intrversin are lnely, ne friends, ften is true


  Busy tie, ant t rest,

  Hliday, think the future

  The pr t rih;,

  Life as at ease, nt afraid f happiness

  This deisin, rry as expeted results,

  See, regret nt deterined

  Dn't belng t neself, ften be desire,

  In his hand, and nt having issed the relaxed befre

  Life if nt n, hen?

  A an an d n reasn ith yu, but fr relatives

  A an ithut reasn nt t d frever friends

  I'll think f yu

  Als reeber happened drps

  Until e are ld age uld like this in frnt f a puter utual defense? Anyay, I hpe e are alays sinere friends (relative friend)

  Friends like yu h kn yu t

  ish yu an herish every friend arund

  Beause f yu I have the fate, an bee the friend

  an bee the friend, re rare!

  Tie is nt yur friend, I beae the reasn

  But an prve t

  Yur friend's are nt in vain!

  Hpe yu are y gd friends!

  hen yu are happy, and friends t share ith hi,

  Friend, yu are nt happy an give yu angry,

  Friends, but als in yur dinner ney hen playing save yu,

  Friends, yu an s desperately stuffy ith yur hands tgether,

  Friends, are illing t give lessns yu py ith yu tgether, tgether ith the at as punished,

  Friends, yu buy a hand, ant t buy a letter f big gave hi,

  Friends, but als yu see his nline!

  ant t realize h uh a value, yu an ask a failure f students ant t realize h uh value in January, yu an ask an unfrtunate preaturely ther

  ant t realize h uh value f a eek, yu an ask a regular the editr f a eekly nespaper

  ant t realize h uh value fr an hur, yu an ask a pair f lvers aiting tgether

  ant t realize h uh ne inute value, yu an ask a persn h issed the train

  ant t experiene a send h uh value, yu an ask ne f the luky esape

  ant t realize a illisend h uh value, yu an ask a iss gld edal athlete

  Friend is Even the little tuhed, little things t share

  Friend is hen yu g ry, hld yur shulders

  Friend is hen yu fae setbaks, hld yur hands


  Yu an see he is yu and his fate

  Yu an ake friends ith peple arund yu and yu and his fate Even if yu dn't kn the eters ill disappear hen

  But if yu herish every ent t see this eter

  That if yu dn't g the eter regret

  Please herish everyne arund the

  Treasure the friendship!


  T y Friends

  N friendship is useless and n day is in vain

  Just as Gd has a purpse fr sunshine and rain

  All an be disuraged and everyne ries,

  But e have friends t frt us

  Beneath these ludy skies

  All hearts an break… they’re fragile as glass

  But ith a friend beside us, this t shall pass

  Friends h are faithful are nble at heart,

  Yu ay be afar, but e ill never be apart

  Be sift t give praises fr the friendship e have gained,

  And reeber Gd ill raise the sun just after it has rained

  Yur friendships are a gift,

  S be sure t thank all

  y friends












