
2018-07-12    阅读: 142  



  Flute is a dern rhestral and haber usi in the ain eldy f the treble instruents, appearane is an pen severalthe lng ylindrial tube Early flute is ebny d r nut, dern ulti-use f etal aterials, suh as nikel silver ally rdinary prfessinal type f silver ally, 9K and 14K gld, 90 sendary shl students after the first use f silver r silver flute flute, the re ppular brands have a lve libing, and Attas, there are perfrers use speial glass flute

  Traditinal den flute sund is haraterized by rih, ar, deliate, and the etal flute sund re bright and brad

  Different aterials slely n the basis f the flute player f the lving hie But the band shuld be unified in the use f a flute, in rder t get the st harnius and full f sund effets


  usi, in shrt, is text plus eldy But hat I ant t say is that usi is nt nly that, but it has a deeper side

  usi has ade a great deal fr e Drink a up f biling ater, listening t Tang Lei's lila, the beautiful eldy, I ill be intxiated, that is nt fast nr sl lyris, trendy and se easy t prnune usi is the rystallizatin f a language It ges further than language It's a style f expressin, like agee's stuttering it, singing 500 rds a inute, like Tang Lei's sl expressin f eldy usi attrats us ith its ne trends and rane It is ur bsessin ith it and its rship f stars At this pint, the usi influened e very deeply usi has deeply shaped y heart

  The lyris are usi lyris is essential, the usi f &qut;striker&qut;, its text highlights a usi thee, like &qut;the rld is nly a gd ther&qut; this sng, lyris the ther f his sn's upbringing f the heart, the sn f the ther's return Lyris are a big attratin t us The lyris inspired e, se f the lyris abut the philsphy f life, ake e gsebups, let y life aplishent has been nurtured

  usi is re than just pp usi lassial usi is als a ppular fr f usi Let's pen ur inds and talk abut the eaning f the t kinds f usi

  Pp usi, as is knn t all, is a piee f ake fr yu t nae a fe pp singers, beause these ne peple are already listening t pp sngs I' a faithful listener f pp sngs, in the puter, in the ar play are all pp sngs, in additin t keep up ith the ties, I als feel t the reatrs f nsiene ith bitter, in rder t let us feast, try t develp ne nepts, the reatin f ppular, ppular sngs! Pp usi, a usial expert, develps the highest ahieveent in usi In ther rds, aren't e all fans f pp stars the prpagandist f pp usi?

  lassial usi, anther asterpiee f usi, &qut;asterpiee&qut;, perhaps in the eyes f peple, is rtten I dn't think s The benefits f lassial usi - - let's kn histry lassial usi perfrane is nt nly a style f usi, fr lassial usi eldy and lyris, e an see the develpent f histry, s e study histry is nt bring, yu an als alk int the lng histry, isn't it?

  usi is nt a eldy f rds and eldies, but it has a re prfund side, hih benefits us a lt usi influened e usi is the philsphy that I have learned and enrihed y life after shl