
2018-07-12    阅读: 40  



  Suess is everyne ants, hether it as r the ause f eduatin Give peple the jy f suess

  H an e sueed? The great inventr Thas Edisn said, genius is 99 perent n 1 perent f the hard rk and inspiratin Suess ust be hard rk If yu sleep, is unlikely t sueed

  Edisn invented the light bulb durable, he has dne any thusands f experients, but still n ay t enable the ability t live in high-teperature filaent Next t it as said: &qut;Bah! an nt find even a Yu have ade s any experients, and an nt find, d nt hite and effrt, and ding anything else n!&qut; He said: &qut;I ust ability t find a live high-teperature aterials, he ust find ut &qut;rk pays ff, he finally invented a durable light bulb, s that the ell-being f peple arund the rld t be knn as the 20th entury, ne f the greatest inventins

  e need t learn the spirit f his, if he as nt unreitting effrts, it is ipssible t invent the light bulb durability, e an see the need fr the nditins f suess, as lng as required t eet the nditins fr suess, suess easy

  Seize the pprtunity is ne f the nditins fr suess Fr exaple it! Bill Gates, the rld's rihest university, a keen aareness f the eerging puter industry in this huge business pprtunities, he drpped ut fr Harvard University, and ith their friends pened a puter pany alled irsft, hen his friends Friends are ppsed t hat he has dne, but Bill Gates said, tie ill prve that I a right t d s N, puters in all alks f life in a ide range f appliatins, t the peple's rk and life have brught treendus hanges, irsft has bee the rld's largest sftare ne

  There are a lt f suess, fr exaple, sientifi and ultural qualities f their n ithut a gd basi knledge, even thugh hard rk and a heaven-sent pprtunity t sueed r nt There are left t help thers, it is neessary t ebark n the path f suess and is exeptinally diffiult

  T be suessful, needs t be dne and pprtunities


  It is easy t desribe suess in ters f ney, fae and reputatin But I believe that suess is nt external I believe that suess es fr ithin y definitin f suess is t be true t yurself, and be true t thers That eans, that yu ust herish yur persnal ideal even in the fae f adversity I als believe that suess is nt disriinatry Suess is nt restrited t suh a lass f peple, in fat, it ay be ahieved by any persn irrespetive f his rae, reed, gender and eni bakgrund A gd exaple f suess is that f Beethven He is ne f the rld's st faus psers, yet he as deaf He uld nt hear the ajesti piees f usi that he reated Yet, in the fae f this adversity, he as able t aintain his ideals--that f psing usi

  T exeplify hat suess eans t e, I pse a questin t all f yu hat brings us tgether here tday? I believe that it is the beauty f the spken rd The effet f pause and the sund f rhetri are unique t the spken rd I believe the beauty f the spken rd is even strnger fr thse h have diffiulty in expressing theselves These peple are relusive and had their etins hidden ithin the I ne ent t Australia and I sa t pitures, ne as dran by a nral hild, the ther as dran by a hild ith sial inhibitins The piture dran by the nral hild as siple and plain The ther as life-like, full f details and iaginatin hat this shs is that these are ideas, etins and feelings that are lked internally in these hildren

  y ideal is t be the key, spreading the beauty f the spken rds t these hildren These hildren have been negleted, but I feel that I an and shuld help these hildren t find theselves and be able t express theselves

  I realize that this is a diffiult task, and there are any bstales n the ay But I believe in y ideals and I ill stik t the--even in the fae f adversity e shuld never have a preature abrtin f ideals--let the hild, let ur ideals, stand the hallenge Fr a life ithut ideals is nt living

  Thank yu!