
2018-07-12    阅读: 40  


  I lve yu , hina

  Gd rning, ladies and gentleen

  I’ very glad t ake a speeh here Tday y tpi is “I lve yu , hina” Sine the day I as brn I began t have a prud nae---hinese Sine the day I began t talk the st beautiful sentene I’ve ever learnt has been “I lve yu ,hina !” I lve yu hina and I’ s prud f being a hinese I’ prud that I’ve gt the beautiful yell skin , blak eyes and blak hair I’ als prud that I speak the st beautiful language is the rld ----hinese

  I lve yu , hina I a prud f being a hinese ith five thusand years f ivilizatin behind I’ve learned abut the fur great inventins ade by ur frefathers I’ve learned abut the Great all and the hang Jiang River I’ve learned abut Zhang Heng and I’ve learned Zheng He

  I lve yu , hina As a yung student , all e shuld d is t study hard and devte urselves hle –heartedly in the future , t the great ause f building yu int an even strnger and greater untry in the rld I lve yu , hina ! Thank yu fr yur listening!


  Dear teaher and lassates:

  I a very glad t ake a speeh here in this lass again! This tie, I'd like t talk sething abut English

  I lve English English language is n used everyhere in the rld It has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade Learning English akes e nfident and brings e great pleasure

  hen I as seven, y ther sent e t an English shl At there, I played gaes and sang English sngs ith ther hildren Then I disvered the beauty f the language, and began y lrful drea in the English rld

  Everyday, I read English flling the tapes Seties, I ath English artns

  n the eekend, I ften g t the English rner By talking ith different peple there, I have ade re and re friends as ell as iprved y ral English

  I hpe I an travel arund the rld seday I ant t g t Aeria t visit ashingtn nuent, beause the president ashingtn is y idl f urse, I ant t g t Lndn t, beause England is here English language develped If I an ride y bike in abridge university, I ill be very happy

  I hpe I an speak English ith everyne in the rld I'll intrdue hina t the, suh as the Great all, the Frbidden ity and Anshan

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  我喜欢英语 亲爱的老师,同学们: 我很高兴可以在这个课堂上做一次演讲.这一次,我想谈谈英语.我的话题是我爱英语.正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要.它已经被应用到世界的各个角落.它已经成为商业上最为通用的一门语言并广泛的用于国际贸易.如果我们能说好英语,我们就有更多的机会成功.因为越来越多的人注意到这一点,学英语的人数正在已很高的速度增长.但是对我而言,我学英语不仅仅因为它的重要性以及它的实用性,更是因为我喜爱英语.当我学英语时,我可以体会到一种不同的思维方式,它可以给我更多接触世界的空间.当我读英语小说时,我能感受到不同于阅读翻译文的快乐.当我说英语时,我可以感到自信.当我写英语时,我能够感到不同于汉语的那种美??我爱英语,它给了我一个色彩斑斓的梦.我希望有朝一日我可以畅游世界,用我流利的英语,我可以和世界各地的人交友.我能看到许多的名胜.我希望我能够到伦敦去,因为那里是英语的故乡.我也希望用我流利的英语来将我们的名胜介绍给说英语的朋友,我希望他们可以像我们一样的爱我们的国家.我知道,罗马不是一天筑成的、(成功需要日积月累.)我相信在持续不断的努力学习下,总有一天我可以拥有一口流利的英语.如果你想被爱,你就应该学着去爱他人.所以我相信我对英语的爱定将换来它对我的爱.我相信总有一天我会实现我的梦!谢谢! I A hinese

  Ladies and gentleen, bys and girls,

  I a hinese I a prud f being a hinese ith five thusand years f ivilizatin behind I've learned abut the fur great inventins ade by ur frefathers I've learned abut the Great all and the Yangtze River I've learned abut Zhang Heng( 张衡 )and I've learned abut Zheng He( 郑和 ) . h says the Yell River ivilizatin has vanished( 消失 ) ? I kn that y anestrs have ade irales( 奇迹 )n this fertile land and e're still aking irales

  h an ignre the fat that e have established urselves as a great state in the rld, that e have devised ur n nulear eapns, that e have suessfully sent ur satellites int spae, and that ur GNP ranks N 7 in the rld? e have experiened the plunders ( 掠夺 ) by ther natins, and e have experiened the ar Yet, based n suh ruins, there still stands ur natin----hina, unyielding and unnquerable!

  I ne ae arss an Aerian turist She said, “hina has a histry f five thusand years, but the US nly has a histry f 200 years Five thusand years ag, hina tk the lead in the rld, and n it is the US that is leading”y heart as deeply tuhed by these rds It is true that e're still a develping natin, but it desn't ean that e an despise ( 鄙视 ) urselves e have suh a lng-standing histry, e have suh abundant resures, e have suh intelligent and diligent peple, and e have enugh t be prud f e have reasns t say prudly : e are sure t take the lead in the rld in the future again, fr ur prbles are big, but ur abitin ( 雄心 ) is even bigger, ur hallenges ( 挑战 ) are great, but ur ill is even greater

  I a hinese I have inherited ( 继承 ) blak hair and blak eyes I have inherited the virtues f y anestrs I have als taken ver respnsibility I a sure, that herever I g, hatever I d, I shall never frget that I a hinese!

  I lve yu, hina

  Gd rning, ladies and gentleen, I’ very glad t ake a speeh here Tday y tpi is “I lve yu, hina”

  Sine the day I as brn, I began t have a prud nae—hinese Sine the day I began t talk, the st beautiful sentene I’ve ever learnt has been “I lve yu, hina!”

  I lve yu, hina, and I’ s prud f being a hinese I’ prud that I’ve gt the beautiful yell skin, blak eyes and blak hair I’ als prud that I speak the st beautiful language in the rld—hinese

  I lve yu, hina, fr I an feel the deep lve yu give e every day, every inute Last year, I gt an pprtunity t visit the United States f Aeria During y staying there, y father’s bss ne invited y faily t dinner hile at table, he lked at e and asked: “Little by, h lng have yu been in Aeria?” “Abut a nth,” I ansered, “H luky yu are!” he said, “If yu ere living in hina, h uld yu learn suh perfet English?” I siled and tld hi prudly that all the students in hina are able t learn English at shl I sa his surprised eyes and said t yself, “I’ prud f yu, hina Fr yu are ffering us the best eduatin”

  hen I ae bak fr the USA, y friends asked e: “H d yu feel abut yur staying there?”“nderful” I said “Then hy d yu e bak?” Hearing this, I tld the there ere lts f beautiful untries in the rld, but nne f the an pare ith ur n untry—hina H true the saying is: “There’s n plae like he!”

  I lve yu, hina As a yung student, all e shuld d is t study hard and devte urselves hle-heartedly in the future, t the great ause f building yu int an even strnger and greater untry in the rld I lve yu, y dear therland! I lve yu, hina!

  Thank yu fr yur listening !

  I lve English

  hen I as seven, I started learning English I played gaes and sang English sngs ith ther hildren Seties, I athed English artns It's funny Then I disvered the beauty f the

  language, and began y lrful drea in the English rld

  I hpe I an travel arund the rld seday I ant t g t Aeria t visit ashingtn, beause y usin is ver there f urse, I ant t g t Lndn t, beause England is here English language develped If I an ride y bike in abridge University, I ill be very happy I hpe I an speak English ith everyne in the rld Als I'll intrdue hina t the, suh as the Great all, and the gardens in Suzhu I ill teahing peple f the rld abut the beautiful language f ur untry

  I like the English language T learn English is nderful I ne anted t be an English teaher I als like hinese literature hen I as really yung, I as able t reeber lts f pes I als anted t be a teaher f hinese N I think that bth f y dreas an e true: I ill be able t use English t teah freign friends hinese and share hinese ulture ith the S that re and re peple ill be able t get t kn the 5000 years' histry ulture, and the prsperity f ur great hina

  y future is nt a drea I a nfident that it ill e true

  我爱英语当我 7 岁,我开始学习英语。我打游戏,唱英语歌曲,与其他儿童。有时候,我看着英文漫画。这很有趣。接着我发现美丽的语言,并开始我的梦想在丰富多彩的英语世界。我希望我能在世界各地旅行一天。我想赴美访问华盛顿,因为我的表哥在那边。当然,我要到伦敦太多,因为英国是英语的发展。如果我能坐我的自行车在剑桥大学,我将非常高兴。我希望我能讲英语和大家在世界上。还我会向他们介绍中国,如长城,并在苏州的园林。我会教人的世界的美丽语言我国。我喜欢英语。学习英语是太好了。我曾经想成为一名英语教师。我也喜欢文学。当我真的很年轻,我能记住大量的诗歌。我也想成为一名教师的汉语。现在我认为,我的梦想都可以成真:我将能够使用英语教外国朋友汉语和中华文化的共享与他们。因此,越来越多的人们将能够了解五千年的历史文化,繁荣我们的伟大的中国。我的未来不是梦。我相信,这将成为现实

  Gd rning/afternn! Ladies and gentleen I’ glad t e here ith yu The tpi f y speeh tday is “Drea es True”

  It’s a fine day tday

  I stare at the sart girl in the irrr fr a lng tie “I an d it ell” I give yself a seet sile I’ a guide fr y hetn, Lishui I’ very happy

  H tie flies! During these years, A siple little girl has bee a faus guide And an ld ity has taken n a splendid ne lk The ne high buildings ith eye-athing lrs have replaed the ld huses The ity nstruts the high ays Peple are living a better and re frtable life

  I hek y bag again t ake sure that everything are there Yes, I get the all??

  There’s a aera in it It an take dn all beautiful senery f Lishui and the beauty f friendship beteen ur itizens and guests

  There’s a sall irrr in y bag t I ust keep a neat appearane fr faing y guests Tday, I have a nie nae, all Lishuier I als rite dn se sentenes n eah ard, suh as “ele t Lishui” and “A big rld, a ar faily” These ill be sent t ur dear guests At last, I’ sure that I put the last iprtant thing in ----y sile A heart-aring sile stands a hle rld It’s a language used by everybdy, n atter here he es I ant ur guests t reeber the ar sile f ur itizens and take it bak t every rner f the rld ith the bag in y ars, I pen the dr It’s nt nly an rdinary dr f y huse, but als the aess t y drealike reality The sunlight is s lvely It’s a fine day tday

  Thank yu!

  I like sprts

  Gd rning, Everyne!

  I ill talk abut sprts I a an ative by I like any kinds f sprts, suh as alking, skating, libing, yling and skipping Ding sprts gives e a gd health and brings e a lt f fun

  N, I ill tell yu abut y yling sprt I ften ride y biyle hen I a free I like t ride y biyle n a rad near y huse It is an epty rad There are n ars and fe peple alking n the rad It is abut fur kileters lng It has several lng slpes S it is very gd fr yling hen I ride dn the slpes, the biyle runs very fast, and I feel I a flying That’s a very gd feeling fr e hen I ride up the slpes, it is very diffiult, but it is a gd training fr e I alays try y best t ride up as lng as pssible yling there gives e lts f fun

  Everyne an get ill, but ding sprts is a gd dtr I kn an English saying “Exerise ne hur a day, keep illness aay” y n stry has prved it I ne had an illness I had t g t see the dtrs and take ediines very ften After ding sprts fr several years, I have revered n

  Ding sprts gives e a strng bdy and brings e lts f fun S if yu ant t be strng, please d sprts; if yu ant t enjy a happy life, please d sprts, t

  Thank yu

  I have a busy father and a kind ther

  y father is a businessan He is 42 years ld He is shrt He likes reading nespapers after eals He athes TV in the evening He ges t rk by ar He has gt a nie blak ar He ften plays glf ith his friends n the eekend He des nt ften eat dinner ith us

  y ther is a huseife She desn’t rk She stays at he She is beautiful She has lng hair She des huserk in the rning She ften ges shpping in the afternn She is kind, but she is strit t y study She likes reading She athes TV at night, t

  I lve y parents And they lve e t I have any friends in y lass They're lvely and interesting I uld like t intrdue se f the Alie is very ute She's als kind t everyne and she's very enthusiasti She's alays ready t help everyne, but she is frgetful She alays frgets t bring her textbks, but ur teahers alays frgive her Ben is the st talkative by in ur lass His niknae is “hatterbx” He has a great sense f hur and he alays akes e laugh Linda is a quiet student She is gd at every subjet but she never shs ff Allen is a very tall by He plays basketball very ell and he is n ur shl tea He ften says, “playing basketball is gd fr yur health H abut yur lassates? D yu like the? Try t adire yur lassates Yu ill be happier

  1 学生两分钟英语演讲稿

  Gd rning everyne, tday is y turn t the speeh First f all, I uld like t say that a quik test, e hpe that the gd preparatin, gd test fr all, is the nly ay he fr a gd year y English is nt high, I ish I uld ithin the next t years t learn English ell I hpe yu ill be able t learn English after graduatin t have a gd future Finally, I ish the students and teahers a happy ne year, further study and rk ell! I finished the speeh Thank yu fr listening 。


  在未来两年内学好英语。我希望,你将能够学习英语毕业后有一个美好的未来。最后,我祝愿学生和教师的快乐新的一年里,进一步研究和工作。好 ! 我完成了讲话。谢谢你听。

  2 英语两分钟自我介绍演讲稿


  Tday I a very happy,Beause I an talk abut ith yuYu see I a

  a lvely girl,yes!I like laughing,I like studyingThat`s e-- zhuyingjie fr Badngshiyan priary shlI a eight I a yung but I kn “e are the asters f nature” e have nly ne earth But n,the envirnent bees rse and rse As yu kn,there's n enugh lean ater fr peple S any f the lse their lives beause f aterIf e take gd are f ur earth tday,it ill be re beautiful trr

  y dear friend let us start fr the trivial side,T be a gd kid keeper

  3 小学英语 3 分钟演讲稿

  y favurite super star is JJ , he has a lvely diple and his eyes are als very lvely N let e tell yu the stry abut JJ

  He enterde the usi indestry at the year 2004 , befre that year ,he as nly a by h rte sngs fr any super stars ,his sngs ere liked by any peple but n ne are h as the riter He as nly hard t rite sngs beause he like usi ,he thught usi has it sal , if yu sing it by heart , it ell be lived

  I like a sng f hi ,it's nae is RIES IN A DISTANE , the sng tells us ,nthing is sad if e belive the hpe He has any diffiulty , but his sng says , ries in a distane , an't stp the treble , I' just aiting y turn , hiding ill never , save e frever , the guns gnne get e fr sure Dear gd I pray hy n't yu be y friend , e t e and take y hand ,like aa uld say everything ill be k

  N he is nt rather a shy singer and perfrer , the lyrial sngs ake hi ature ,and n he is a an r nt a by

  He is a real super star ith any fans ,the iprve ark a big step frard nfident

  4 I lve English 我喜欢英语

  I lve English

  y hnrable teahers , y belved shlatesGd rning everyne ,

  ay I have yur attentin , please? I a glad t be able t give a leture n this lassr This ne , I ant t talk abut English y tpi f nversatin is that I lve English As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f


  一个快乐女孩(A happy girl) i' a happy girly english nae is kittyare yu happy? i' very happyi have a gd friendher nae is heng xin tingshe has a pair f big eyesi like her

  i like englishy birthday is in nveberi' a gd girli' ten years ldi' in lass seven grade fury teaher's nae is ya hui fengshe is a gd teaher!i like her

  hat lr d yu like? i like pink and perplei ant a rabbit fr y birthdayi like t eat habugeri like t g t shl

  i have a gd theri have a gd father h,n!i' hugry! &qut;uy! i' hugry!&qut; gd bye!

  我的可爱老师(y Lvely Teaher)



  there is a lvely teaher in ur lass e like hi as ur friends e uld like t tell hi everything, happiness and sadness he helps us n ur lessns and guides us n ther things i a happy t have suh a gd teaher

  最好的朋友(best friends)

  i have any friendd yu kn h they are?are they y pet?

  nare they y lassates?n let e tell yu:they are y favurit bk

  i like bks very uhi like reading siene bk,artnbk s nnt nly let e kn h nderful the rd is but als teah e h t be a gd persn in the siety,they give e great pleasure i lve bks!

  美丽的老师(Seet teaher)

  y english teaher is s peng her eyes are big, her uth is sall, and her hair is lng she is very yung and pretty

  she likes akes and hlate she ften plays gaes ith us

  e all like her and her english lass she lves us very uh she is a gd teaher

  秋天的颜色(The lur f Autun)

  autun es , it gets ler and ler the sky is blue and the luds are hite yu uld say autun is blue and hite

  lk ! birds are flying fr the nrth t the suth the leaves are yell se are hanging n the trees, se are n the grund ,se are daning in the ind sene uld say autun is yell

  there are s any fruits in autun in xinxing pears ,peahes angs, ranges and s n they're fresh and healthy

  h! i see autun is a harvest seasn autun is lurful hat a beautiful seasn !



  Gd rning everyne, tday is y turn t the speeh First f all, I uld like t say that a quik test, e hpe that the gd preparatin, gd test fr all, is the nly ay he fr a gd year y English is nt high, I ish I uld ithin the next t years t learn English ell I hpe yu ill be able t learn English after graduatin t have a gd future Finally, I ish the students and teahers a happy ne year, further study and rk ell! I finished the speeh Thank yu fr listening。




  Tday I a very happy,Beause I an talk abut ith yuYu see I a

  a lvely girl,yes!I like laughing,I like studyingThat`s e-- zhuyingjie fr Badng shiyan priary shlI a eight I a yung but I kn “e are the asters f nature” e have nly ne earth But n,the envirnent bees rse and rse As yu kn,there's n enugh lean ater fr peple S any f the ls

  e their lives beause f aterIf e take gd are f ur earth tday,it ill be re beautiful trr

  y dear friend let us start fr the trivial side,T be a gd kid keeper


  y favurite super star is JJ , he has a lvely diple and his eyes are als very lvely N let e tell yu the stry abut JJ

  He enterde the usi indestry at the year 2004 , befre that year ,he as nly a by h rte sngs fr any super stars ,his sngs ere liked by any peple but n ne are h as the riter He as nly hard t rite sngs beause he like usi ,he thught usi has it sal , if yu sing it by heart , it ell be lived

  I like a sng f hi , it's nae is RIES IN A DISTANE , the sng tells us ,nthing is sad if e belive the hpe He has any diffiulty , but his sng says , ries in a distane , an't stp the treble , I' just aiting y turn , hiding ill never , save e frever , the guns gnne get e fr sure Dear gd I pray hy n't yu be y friend , e t e and take y hand ,like aa uld say everything ill be k

  N he is nt rather a shy singer and perfrer , the lyrial sngs ake hi ature ,and n he is a an r nt a by

  He is a real super star ith any fans ,the iprve ark a big step frard nfident

  4 I lve English 我喜欢英语

  I lve English

  y hnrable teahers , y belved shlatesGd rning everyne, ay I have yur attentin,please? I a glad t be able t give a leture n this lassr This ne , I ant t talk abut English y tpi f nversatin is that I lve English

  As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese

  I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f English

  I als ant t use y gd English t intrdue ur great plaes t the English spken peple,I hpe that they an lve ur untry like us

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  I a sure that I ill realize y drea ne day!

  Thank yu!

  5 小学生英语演讲比赛稿:ur Shl我的学校

  Gd rning, y dear teahers and friends! y nae is Li Bingke, fr lass fur five Tday, I a very happy t be here y tpi is “ur Shl” y dear friends, ele t ur shl! y shl is very beautiful! It has a big playgrund e an play and d se sprts there Near the playgrund, there is a garden any trees and flers are there S the air is very lean and e an hear birds singing in the trees It is s nderful ur teahing buildings are arund the garden and lk like ur teahers’ ars t ele us e an dra pitures in the art r n the first flr and read stry-bks in the library n the send flr y lassr is n the third flr It is lean and bright e like t study in it The puter r is n the fifth flr e an sing and dane in the usi r n the sixth flr hat a lt f fun! e an have lunh in the anteen near Defang Teahing Building

  In ur shl, ur teahers rk hard and help us ith ur lessns e study hard and listen t teahers arefully After lass, ur teahers play ith us and e feel very happy

  ur shl is s nie and ur teahers are s kind e all lve the Dear friends, d yu like the?

  That's all Thanks!

  早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李Bingke ,来自一流的四个? 5 。今天,我很高兴到这里来。我的主题是“我们的学校” 。




  6 A Frever Friend小学英语演讲A Frever Friend

  seties in life

  yu find a speial friend

  sene h hange yu life just by being part f it

  sene h akes yu laugh until yu an nt stp


  Dear teaher and lassates:

  I a very glad t ake a speeh here in this lass again! This tie, I'd like t talk sething abut English

  I lve English English language is n used everyhere in the rld It has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade Learning English akes e nfident and brings e great pleasure

  hen I as seven, y ther sent e t an English shl At there, I played gaes and sang English sngs ith ther hildren Then I disvered the beauty f the language, and began y lrful drea in the English rld

  Everyday, I read English flling the tapes Seties, I ath English artns

  n the eekend, I ften g t the English rner By talking ith different peple there, I have ade re and re friends as ell as iprved y ral English

  I hpe I an travel arund the rld seday I ant t g t Aeria t visit ashingtn nuent, beause the president ashingtn is y idl f urse, I ant t g t Lndn t, beause England is here English language develped If I an ride y bike in abridge university, I ill be very happy I hpe I an speak English ith everyne in the rld I'll intrdue hina t the, suh as the Great all, the Frbidden ity and Anshan

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t



  我很高兴可以在这个课堂上做一次演讲.这一次,我想谈谈英语.我的话题是我爱英语. 正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要.它已经被应用到世界的各个角落.它已经成为商业上最为通用的一门语言并广泛的用于国际贸易.如果我们能说好英语,我们就有更多的机会成功.因为越来越多的人注意到这一点,学英语的人数正在已很高的速度增长. 但是对我而言,我学英语不仅仅因为它的重要性以及它的实用性,更是因为我喜爱英语.当我学英语时,我可以体会到一种不同的思维方式,它可以给我更多接触世界的空间.当我读英语小说时,我能感受到不同于阅读翻译文的快乐.当我说英语时,我可以感到自信.当我写英语时,我能够感到不同于汉语的那种美…… 我爱英语,它给了我一个色彩斑斓的梦.我希望有朝一日我可以畅游世界,用我流利的英语,我可以和世界各地的人交友.我能看到许多的名胜.我希望我能够到伦敦去,因为那里是英语的故乡. 我也希望用我流利的英语来将我们的名胜介绍给说英语的朋友,我希望他们可以像我们一样的爱我们的国家. 我知道,罗马不是一天筑成的、(成功需要日积月累.)我相信在持续不断的努力学习下,总有一天我可以拥有一口流利的英语.如果你想被爱,你就应该学着去爱他人.所以我相信我对英语的爱定将换来它对我的爱.我相信总有一天我会实现我的梦! 谢谢!

  I A hinese

  Ladies and gentleen, bys and girls,

  I a hinese I a prud f being a hinese ith five thusand years f ivilizatin behind I've learned abut the fur great inventins ade by ur frefathers I've learned abut the Great all and the Yangtze River I've learned abut Zhang Heng(张衡)and I've learned abut Zheng He(郑和).h says the Yell River ivilizatin has vanished(消失)?I kn that y anestrs have ade irales(奇

  迹)n this fertile land and e're still aking irales h an ignre the fat that e have established urselves as a great state in the rld, that e have devised ur n nulear eapns, that e have suessfully sent ur satellites int spae, and that ur GNP ranks N 7 in the rld? e have experiened the plunders (掠夺) by ther natins, and e have experiened the ar Yet, based n suh ruins, there still stands ur natin----hina, unyielding and unnquerable!

  I ne ae arss an Aerian turist She said, “hina has a histry f five thusand years, but the US nly has a histry f 200 years Five thusand years ag, hina tk the lead in the rld, and n it is the US that is leading”y heart as deeply tuhed by these rds It is true that e're still a develping natin, but it desn't ean that e an despise (鄙视) urselves e have suh a lng-standing histry, e have suh abundant resures, e have suh intelligent and diligent peple, and e have enugh t be prud f e have reasns t say prudly: e are sure t take the lead in the rld in the future again, fr ur prbles are big, but ur abitin (雄心) is even bigger, ur hallenges (挑战) are great, but ur ill is even greater

  I a hinese I have inherited (继承) blak hair and blak eyes I have inherited the virtues f y anestrs I have als taken ver respnsibility I a sure, that herever I g, hatever I d, I shall never frget that I a hinese!

  I lve yu, hina

  Gd rning, ladies and gentleen, I’ very glad t ake a speeh here Tday y tpi is “I lve yu, hina”

  Sine the day I as brn, I began t have a prud nae—hinese Sine the day I began t talk, the st beautiful sentene I’ve ever learnt has been “I lve yu, hina!”

  I lve yu, hina, and I’ s prud f being a hinese I’ prud that I’ve gt the beautiful yell skin, blak eyes and blak hair I’ als prud that I speak the st beautiful language in the rld—hinese

  I lve yu, hina, fr I an feel the deep lve yu give e every day, every inute Last year, I gt an pprtunity t visit the United States f Aeria During y staying there, y father’s bss ne invited y faily t dinner hile at table, he lked at e and asked: “Little by, h lng have yu been in Aeria?” “Abut a nth,” I ansered, “H luky yu are!” he said, “If yu ere living in hina, h uld yu learn suh perfet English?” I siled and tld hi prudly that all the students in hina are able t learn English at shl I sa his surprised eyes and said t yself, “I’ prud f yu, hina Fr yu are ffering us the best eduatin”

  hen I ae bak fr the USA, y friends asked e: “H d yu feel abut yur staying there?” “nderful” I said “Then hy d yu e bak?” Hearing this, I tld the there ere lts f beautiful untries in the rld, but nne f the an pare ith ur n untry—hina H true the saying is: “There’s n plae like he!”

  I lve yu, hina As a yung student, all e shuld d is t study hard and devte urselves hle-heartedly in the future, t the great ause f building yu int an even strnger and greater untry in the rld I lve yu, y dear therland! I lve yu, hina!

  Thank yu fr yur listening !

  I lve English

  hen I as seven, I started learning English I played gaes and sang English sngs ith ther hildren Seties, I athed English artns It's funny Then I disvered the beauty f the

  language, and began y lrful drea in the English rld

  I hpe I an travel arund the rld seday I ant t g t Aeria t visit ashingtn, beause y usin is ver there f urse, I ant t g t Lndn t, beause England is here English language develped If I an ride y bike in abridge University, I ill be very happy

  I hpe I an speak English ith everyne in the rld Als I'll intrdue hina t the, suh as the Great all, and the gardens in Suzhu I ill teahing peple f the rld abut the beautiful language f ur untry

  I like the English language T learn English is nderful I ne anted t be an English teaher I als like hinese literature hen I as really yung, I as able t reeber lts f pes I als anted t be a teaher f hinese N I think that bth f y dreas an e true: I ill be able t use English t teah freign friends hinese and share hinese ulture ith the S that re and re peple ill be able t get t kn the 5000 years' histry ulture, and the prsperity f ur great hina

  y future is nt a drea I a nfident that it ill e true







  Gd rning/afternn! Ladies and gentleen I’ glad t e here ith yu The tpi f y speeh tday is “Drea es True”

  It’s a fine day tday

  I stare at the sart girl in the irrr fr a lng tie “I an d it ell” I give yself a seet sile I’ a guide fr y hetn, Lishui I’ very happy

  H tie flies! During these years, A siple little girl has bee a faus guide And an ld ity has taken n a splendid ne lk The ne high buildings ith eye-athing lrs have replaed the ld huses The ity nstruts the high ays Peple are living a better and re frtable life I hek y bag again t ake sure that everything are there Yes, I get the all……

  There’s a aera in it It an take dn all beautiful senery f Lishui and the beauty f friendship beteen ur itizens and guests

  There’s a sall irrr in y bag t I ust keep a neat appearane fr faing y guests Tday, I have a nie nae, all Lishuier I als rite dn se sentenes n eah ard, suh as “ele t Lishui” and “A big rld, a ar faily” These ill be sent t ur dear guests

  At last, I’ sure that I put the last iprtant thing in ----y sile A heart-aring sile stands a hle rld It’s a language used by everybdy, n atter here he es I ant ur guests t reeber the ar sile f ur itizens and take it bak t every rner f the rld

  ith the bag in y ars, I pen the dr It’s nt nly an rdinary dr f y huse, but als the aess t y drealike reality The sunlight is s lvely It’s a fine day tday Thank yu!

  I like sprts

  Gd rning, Everyne!

  I ill talk abut sprts I a an ative by I like any kinds f sprts, suh as alking, skating, libing, yling and skipping Ding sprts gives e a gd health and brings e a lt f fun

  N, I ill tell yu abut y yling sprt I ften ride y biyle hen I a free I like t ride y biyle n a rad near y huse It is an epty rad There are n ars and fe peple alking n the rad It is abut fur kileters lng It has several lng slpes S it is very gd fr yling hen I ride dn the slpes, the biyle runs very fast, and I feel I a flying That’s a very gd feeling fr e hen I ride up the slpes, it is very diffiult, but it is a gd training fr e I alays try y best t ride up as lng as pssible yling there gives e lts f fun

  Everyne an get ill, but ding sprts is a gd dtr I kn an English saying “Exerise ne hur a day, keep illness aay” y n stry has prved it I ne had an illness I had t g t see the dtrs and take ediines very ften After ding sprts fr several years, I have revered n

  Ding sprts gives e a strng bdy and brings e lts f fun S if yu ant t be strng, please d sprts; if yu ant t enjy a happy life, please d sprts, t

  Thank yu

  I have a busy father and a kind ther

  y father is a businessan He is 42 years ld He is shrt He likes reading nespapers after eals He athes TV in the evening He ges t rk by ar He has gt a nie blak ar He ften plays glf ith his friends n the eekend He des nt ften eat dinner ith us

  y ther is a huseife She desn’t rk She stays at he She is beautiful She has lng hair She des huserk in the rning She ften ges shpping in the afternn She is kind, but she is strit t y study She likes reading She athes TV at night, t

  I lve y parents And they lve e t I have any friends in y lass They're lvely and interesting I uld like t intrdue se f the Alie is very ute She's als kind t everyne and she's very enthusiasti She's alays ready t help everyne, but she is frgetful She alays frgets t bring her textbks, but ur teahers alays frgive her Ben is the st talkative by in ur lass His niknae is “hatterbx” He has a great sense f hur and he alays akes e laugh Linda is a quiet student She is gd at every subjet but she never shs ff Allen is a very tall by He plays basketball very ell and he is n ur shl tea He ften says, “playing basketball is gd fr yur health H abut yur lassates? D yu like the? Try t adire yur lassates Yu ill be happier