
2018-07-12    阅读: 88  



Ladies and Gentleen:

  Nthing is diffiult if yu put yur heart n it Nthing is easy if yu dn’t try yur best

  e ften hear peple say, “Never give up” This an be enuraging rds and rds f deterinatin A persn h believes in the ill keep trying t reah his gal n atter h any ties he fails In y pinin, the quality f deterinatin t sueed is an iprtant ne t have Therefre, I believe that e shuld never give up

  ne reasn is that if e give up t easily, e ill rarely ahieve anything It is nt unusual fr us t fail in ur first attept at sething ne, s e shuld nt feel disuraged and shuld try again Besides, if e alays give up hen e fail, e ill nt be able t develp ne skills and gr as peple Anther reasn e shuld never give up is that e an learn fr ur istakes nly if e ake a ne effrt If e d nt try again, the lessn e have learned is asted Finally, e shuld never give up beause as e rk t reah ur gals, e develp nfidene, and this nfidene an help us sueed in ther areas f ur lives

  Prbably the greatest exaple f persistene is Abraha Linln Brn int pverty, Linln as faed ith defeat thrughut his life He lst eight eletins, tie failed in business and suffered a nervus breakdn

  He uld have quit any ties - but he didn't and beause he didn't quit, he beae ne f the greatest presidents in the histry f ur untry

  Linln as a hapin and he never gave up

  In shrt, it is iprtant that e dn’t give up hen rking fr ur gals hether e sueed in the end r nt, e ill learn sething, and hat e learn ill help us t bee better, re nfident peple Furtherre, if e give up, e have n hane f attaining ur gals, but if e keep trying, there is alays a hane that e ill sueed ne dayThank yu very uh!


Ladies and Gentleen:

  y tpi is Hnesty

  As a rrespndent f the Qingda rning Nes, I visited Dr Jaes Gilan, the President f the Internatinal ittee fr ar Pl Studies in England In this piture, this's Jaes, and this is e and e are lking at a dragn’s tth This is a true stry

  65 years ag, Jaes lived in Qingda Then he as nly 5 years ld He ften visited the Aquariu and as fasinated by a reature n display there, hih he thught as a dragn He as afraid f its sharp teeth and anted ne t keep as a treasure

  In the late 1930s, hen the Japanese upied Qingda, his faily had t leave n his last day in Qingda, he ran t the Aquariu and pulled ut ne f the teeth fr the dragn’s uth

  He kept the tth fr the next 65 years, but the feeling f guilt at having stlen it as there in the bakgrund all thrugh his life It as alays n his nsiene, and the feeling intensified as he beae lder Finally he deided t put right his hildish errr In 2002, he visited Qingda and returned it t the Aquariu ith his sinere aplgies He reeived a ar ele

  hen Jaes visited Qingda, I apanied hi all the tie and reprted n his visit I as deeply tuhed by his hnesty It has taught e a lt I think t err is huan The iprtant thing is t have the urage t adit and rret ne’s errr

  Hnesty is a vital quality f huan behaviur S e shuld try t keep an hnest ind in everything e say and d I uld like t say t all f y friends: Let’s be hnest peple f gd ral harater

  Thank yu