
2018-07-12    阅读: 35  









  H Shuld llege Students Relieve Pressure? Tday I’ very happy t be here t share ith yu se f y thughts n the tpi f H Shuld llege Students Relieve Pressure?

  Nadays, ith the rapid sial develpent, peple are faing a variety f stress Suh as high study stress n students, rk stress n adults, faily stress n parents and s n President baa have stress, beause hina and India bee re and re perful and strnger; ur handse teaher als have stress, beause he dn’t kn hether it is a gd ay teah us! Therefre stress is s rdinary, it is just ne part f ur life S e ust kn h t deal ith it

  As e all kn, heavy stress nt nly seriusly influene n ur physial health, but als ur ental health ing t high stress , e an't get enugh sleep ,the appetite fr fd ill dereases uh re disease like headahe, stahahe ill appear The quality f life and study derease as ell ne e failed, heavy stress let us feel nervus, upset, dejeted, depressed, and even re stressful hat's re, beause f the diness, e an't get alng ith thers, inluding faily ebers, friends and relatives All in all, heavy stress akes

  us lak f nfidene and feel re tired

  S, h t anage and redue stress has bee re and re iprtant The st ruial pint is t faing the stress, aditting the stress instead f esaping it First, e shuld have a right evaluatin f urselves s as t ake use f advantages and avid disadvantages Send, e shuld set a lear ai f a struggle The ai an give us tivatin, and ake us bee ative Third, attending lletive ativities is an effetive ay t relieve pressure and attepting t take breaks fr the busy rk r study Ding sprts, listening t usi, athing fils, hatting, traveling are k Finally, if yu find pressure is nearly beynd yur ntrl, yu’d better turn t prfessinal psyhlgial guidane

  verall, I ish everyne an rret understanding f stress and take apprpriate easures t deal ith it

  Thank yu!


  Gd evening , ladies and gentleen I a Jy and glad t give yu a speeh abut stress , yes , just the tpi yu see n the sreen Psyhlgist tell us that stress is a state f rry aused by the prble f living , suh as t uh rk r study , heavy

  respnsibilities , and quikened pae f life

  Statistis sh that stress es fr every detail in ur life Finanial prbles , pr health , being laid ff ay be the stress that st adults n suffering As students in the university , e are als under ur speial stress hile study , having t take

  varius tests and subit a prjet against a deadline ay put a great pressure n us And the things ake us felt stressed ay be ur parents’s greater expetatins n us than e uld reah Later , hen e are likely t graduate , se ther prbles ill als anny us I think e ill rry a lt abut ur ability t pete in the jb arket and h e an best use hat e’ve learned at llege in ur future jb

  The hief prble e shuld fae t is ur atitude tards

  stress Peple usually say they an nt live in the sun exept they esape fr stress It’s unele ! Yes , hever , very

  neessary Just iage a rld here stress des nt exist and peple lead their life in a very frtable ay But is this kind f living nditin as perfet as e hpe ? ithut stress , they ay feel very satisfied ith the urrent life but lak f per t

  disver ne things T uh satisfatin result in nthing exept a unterarh f the siety N stress , n develpent S a

  ertain aunt f stress is gd It an stiulate us and inrease ur level f alertness

  And ur anser t stress is anther vital prble H t d ith urselves hen stress suddenly break int ur life ? T ave the hite flag and adit ur unability , t give up t ur ideality , r rstly , just t suiide as t put an end t everything … f ause nt The priniple is t takle ith stress gentlely and

  harniusly e shuld try ur best t release urselves Suh as t d se exerise , t linsen t traditinal hinese usi r

  lassial usi t ease ur inds and t learn t vie these hanges f life as hallenges It’s n use rying ver spilt ilk nly t aept hat has happened an slve the prble

  k , I think I as under large stress 3 inutes befre , but n I a here and have finished y speeh Here is the last thing I ant t add t y tpi ,fae t it and vere it ,stress is als a piee f ake

  That is all Thank yu very uh!