
2018-07-12    阅读: 114  


  gd afternn, ladies and gentleen, it’s a great hnr t speak here: i a an english teaher

  peple ften say: teaher is the engineer f huan spirit last septeber, i beae a teaher h t bee a real teaher? this is the first diffiulty that i e arss in y areer at first, i felt s gd and fun t stay ith s any lvely students, then i integrated ith the, and sn, the prble ae ut if a teaher an’t set up her dignity in frnt f the students, it ill ake the lass teahing re diffiult in y lessns, the students ften kept n talking, ating, and asking questins hat shuld i d? i an’t get alng ith the like this any re i ust be strit ith the pay re attentin t hat shuld be praised, hat shuld be ritiized any arelessness is nt peritted at last, the lass disipline beae better

  nadays, the iprtane f learning english is bvius the rld bees glbalizatin and unify the assiatin f eah untry is lser and lser peple all the earth as a glbal village english is the first urrent language in the internatinal rld the uniatin f plitis, eny and ulture is upn english as e kn, e ill take a beating if e lay behind h t ath up ith the rld? that is, study english ell t gain the first hand data the entrane f t, the lypi gaes hih ill be held in 2008, shs that e ust learn english ell as quikly as pssible fring study n’t stay in the heart, feeding knledge int the brain n’t get a gd result, and high ark isn’t ur teahing gal t get a satisfied effet, e shuld ake the students learn n their n initiative h t ake the feel interested in studying english? i think the key pint is the teahing design it ust be vivid and vigrus e an hange ur study ntents int gaes, perfranes, petitins and s n let the believe english is easy and funny

  as the step f histry is advaning, the deand f english teahing is hangeable the junir students are nt hat e kn as befre they have a lt f knledge, and are gd at bining english ith ther subjets, suh as histry, gegraphy, physis, heistry and s n their english level is higher than hat e thught any f the started learning english in their priary shl s english teaher shuld pursue advaned studies nstantly, and aster the latest teahing aterials and ethds t eet tday’s deands

  i feel very happy t be an english teaher i ill d y best t teah english ell ith y knledge, y patiene and y enthusias ake hinese speak english better, and sh their ability and talent in the rld stage i a prud t tell yu: i a an english teaher