
2018-07-12    阅读: 44  



Dear teaher and lassates:

  As yu slly pen yur eyes, lk arund , ntie here the light es int yur r; listen arefully, see if there are ne sunds yu an regnize; feel ith yur bdy and spirit, and see if yu an sense the freshness in the air Yes, yes, yes, it’s a ne day, it is a different day, and it’s a bright day! And st iprtantly, it is a ne beginning fr yur life, a beginning here yu are ging t ake ne desiisins, take ne atins, ake ne friends, and take yur life t a ttally unpreedented level! Yu kn all this is real as lng as yu are nfident,passinate and itted! And yu are nfident, yu are passinate, yu are itted!

  Yu ill n lnger fear aking ne sunds, shing ne faial expressins, using yur bdy in ne ays,apprahing ne peple, and asking ne questins Yu ill live every single day f yur life ith abslute passin, and yu ill sh yur passin thrugh the rds yu speak and the atins yu take Yu ill fus all yur tie and effrt n the st iprtant gals f yur life Yu ill never suub t hallenges f hardships Yu ill never aver in yur pursuit f exellene After all,yu are the best, and yu deserve the best!

  As yur ah and friend, I an assure yu the dr t all the best things in the rld ill pen t yu, but the key t that dr is in yur hand Yu ust d yur part, yu ust faithfully fll the plans yu ake and take the atins yu plan, yu ust never quit, yu ust never fear I kn yu ust d it, yu an d it, yu ill d it, and yu ill sueed!

  N stand fir and tall, ake a fist, get exited, and yell it ut: I ust d it! I an d it! I ill d it! I ill sueed! I ust d it! I an d it! I ill d it! I ill sueed! I ust d it! I an d it! I ill d it! I ill sueed!


Dear teaher and lassates:

  It is diffiult t express y gratitude and lve t yu all I ant t say s uh, but I an hardly find the rds S I’ll just say that yu are the greatest blessing in y life This evening is the expressin f yur lve t e, I realize this, but als it is the event hen I see all f yu gathered in the sae plae

  Thank yu! Thank yu fr being ith e all that diffiult tie Yur supprt and understanding gave e the strength t ntinue fighting ithut yu I uld give up But then yu uld e r all and I uld reeber hy I a s in lve ith this nderful life-beause f yu Yu are y rld, and I a sinerely grateful t Gd fr giving e suh lving faily and aring friends Yur supprt as ruial fr e this year, hen I ahieved uh due t yur help

  Lve and gratitude-this is hat I feel standing n in frnt f yu Lve and gratitude-these are the best etins ne an iagine I a happy t lve yu and t be grateful t yu I kn that yu lve e t I uld like t assure yu that y gal in life is t bee as nderful as yu think I a As far as this gal attainent requires uh effrt, skills and tie, I hpe that yu’ll help e in it, as alays, I deeply appreiate yur supprt Thank yu fr being ith e

  Thank yu very uh!