
2018-05-12    阅读: 70  

Reassess yur eek n ednesday The iddle f the eek prvides an pprtunity fr yu t figure ut here yu're at and hat still needs t be dne Think abut hat yu an reasnably aplish the rest f the eek and if any f yur planned tasks need t be pushed t the flling eek due t eergeny prjets r unfreseen hurdles ake any neessary adjustents s yu an get bak n trak


Think abut a break n Thursday Use Thursday as a day t reard yurself fr yur hard rk thrughut the eek and t prepare fr the final pre-eekend push Yu ight plan a lunh aay fr the ffie r arrange t take a alk ith a lleague t re-energize Alternatively, if yu've been rking lng hurs, this ight be the day yu leave the ffie a bit earlier than nral


Be flexible n Friday As uh as pssible, try t pad yur eek's shedule s yu have the flexibility n Friday t rap up tasks yu eren't able t aplish during the eek Als spend se tie rganizing yur desk, paper files and e-ails aking sure things are neat and in rder hen yu e int the ffie n nday ill help ake yur eekend less stressful and ensure yu dn't return t a hati ess

周五:灵活一点。可能地话,给一周工作安排留点时间余量,这样在周五你就可以灵活地把一周中没有能完成的任务扫尾。另外,花点时间整理办公桌、文件档案、电子邮件。这样周一上班时,一切将整洁有序。这能减小周末的压力,不会回来时面对的是一团糟。 It's natural fr ativity levels t flutuate thrughut the urse f a eek By learning t identify yur nral peaks and valleys hen it es t prdutivity, yu an ake the st f yur rkeek, n atter hat shedule yu fll


hen I as a little girl ,I dreaed t gr up Beause I think a hild desn't has freeda,and an't d anything hiself

But n I have gr up,t y surprise,I feel re tired and have re surfrngThugh I an d sething yself, I dn't feel happy at all

I believe yu als have the sae thughs ith e

hen every us as a hild , e anted t gr up, but hen e beae a lder an,e dn't have suh nie life as ish

S hatever e are hildren r adults, e shuld try t ake ur life better, and ake urselves re happy e shuld try ur best t study hard, then e an let parents have gg life, t!

Let's d ur best t d urself ! Believe yurself ! Yu are the best!


本学期,我将担任**班的英语教学工作,作为一直从事中学英语教学的我,虽了解到了一些教学教法,但在实际的教育教学中中,我深深感觉到教中学英语之难之累,为了能在以后的工作中取得更好的成绩,特做计划如下: 一继续认真学习永威的教学理念,积极运用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式






