
2018-09-28    阅读: 38  


  I lve yu nt fr h yu are, but fr h I a befre yu


  Let‐‐s rite that letter e thught f riting &ldqu;ne f these days&rdqu;。


  The rst ay t iss sene is t be sitting right beside the kning yu an't have the


  ne ay fall in lve ith any peple during the lifetie hen yu finally get yur n happiness, yu ill understand the previus sadness is kind f treasure, hih akes yu better t hld and herishthe peple yu lve


  The st easily brken thing in the rld is the an's ine glass, plitiian's prise, girls' drea, steel ire-like lve, the virtuusf dern siety and the hly heart


  Lve yu, think f yu, lve yu seretly, eagerly lve yu, ait, feel disappinted, try hard, lse, and feel sad, g apart, and reallAll f these are fr sake f yu And I ill never regret fr it


  The fat is that the rld is ut f everyne's expetatin But se learn t frget, but thers insist


  Reeber, the brik alls are there fr a reasn The brik alls are nt there t keep us ut The brik alls are there t give us a hane t sh h badly e ant seting Beause the brik alls are there t stp the peple h dn't ant it badly enugh They're there t stp the ther peple ----Randy Frederik Paush


  If a an is nt sexy, she needs etin; if she is nt etinal, she needs reasn; if she is nt reasnable, she has t kn herself learly z nly she has is isfrtune


  e all live in the past e take a inute t kn sene, ne hur t like sene, and ne day t lve sene, but the hle life t frget sene


  If yu an hld sething up and put it dn, it is alled eight-lifting; if yu an hld sething up but an never put it dn,it's alled burden-bearing Pitifully, st f peple are bearing heavy burdens hen they are in lve


  I dn't think that hen peple gr up, they ill bee re brad-inded and an aept everything nversely, I think it's a seleting press, kning hat's the st iprtant and hat's the least And then be a siple an


  T lve sene in seret is like a seed in bttle aiting fr gring up, thugh nt sure hether the future ill be re beautiful, still aiting it earnestly and eagerly


  hen trr turns in tday, yesterday, and seday that n re iprtant in yur ery, e suddenly realize that e are pushed frard by tie This is nt a train in still in hih yu ay feel frard hen anther train ges by It is the truth that e've all grn up And e bee different


  There is n rehearsal in the life , ne issing , it ill be lst frever


  T the rld yu ay be ne persn, but t ne persn yu ay be the rld

  对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整天世界。   英文经典爱情语录

  e shall alays save a plae fr urselves, nly fr urselves Andthen begin t lve Have n idea f hat it is, h he is, h t lver h lng it ill be Just ait fr ne lve aybe n ne ill eut, but this kind f aiting is the lve itself


  In yur life, there ill at least ne tie that yu frget yurself fr sene, asking fr n result, n pany, n nership nr lve Just ask fr eeting yu in y st beautiful years


  Sene akes e frtable, s I ant t rely n hi; hile anther ne akes e feel lnely, s I ant t ebrae hi


  Is there anyne h hasn't suffered fr the seret lve? e alaysthink that lve is very heavy, heavy and uld be the heaviest thing inthe rld But ne day, hen yu lk bak, yu suddenly realize thatit's alays light, light e all thught lve as very deep, but infat it's very thin The deepest and heaviest lve ust gr up iththe tie


  Stray birds f suer e t y ind t sing and fly aayAnd yell leaves f autun, hih have n sngs, flutter and fall there ith a sign


  hen every lve es t the end, if yu lk bak, u ill find flers and srrs, but it's alays beautiful

