
2018-09-13    阅读: 318  



  Elizabeth Bennet, a sart, kind untry girl, is the send f the five daughters in her faily。 The faily has n sn, s it is the usin, r。 llins that inherits[1] the frtune。 rs。 Bennet is

  alays finding rih husbands fr her five daughters。 The appearane f r。 Bingley and r。 Dary akes the faily&rsqu;s life different。 The t gentleen attend a ball。 Then r。 Bingley akes a gd ipressin, hile r。 Dary appears prud and refuses t dane ith Elizabeth。 Sn after, Dary finds hiself fnd f Elizabeth, but he tries t hide his feeling。

  Later the usin r。 llins visits the faily。 He ants t hse Jane as his ife。 Hever, she is engaged ith r。 Bingley。 Then llins thinks Elizabeth is als a gd hie, hile he is refused again。 At the sae tie, Elizabeth eets r。 ikha, a ilitia ffier h says Dary has heated hi。 This inreases Elizabeth&rsqu;s dislike f r。 Dary。 r。 llins revers fr the refusal and bees engaged t Elizabeth&rsqu;s gd friend, harltte。 rs。 Bennet is very disappinted as r。 Bingley als breaks the relatinship ith Jane。




  Pride and Prejudie is a nvel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813。 The stry flls the ain harater Elizabeth Bennet as she deals ith issues f anners, upbringing, rality, eduatin, and arriage in the siety f the landed gentry f early 19th-entury England。 Elizabeth is the send f five daughters f a untry gentlean。


  Thugh the stry is set at the turn f the 19th entury, it retains a fasinatin fr dern readers, ntinuing near the tp f lists f 'st lved bks' suh as The Big Read。 It has bee ne f the st ppular nvels in English literature and reeives nsiderable attentin fr literary shlars。 dern interest in the bk has resulted in a nuber f draati adaptatins and an abundane f nvels and stries iitating Austen's erable haraters r thees。 T date, the bk has sld se 20 illin pies rldide。

  虽然这本书的设定是在19世纪初期,它依旧吸引着无数当代读者,持续出此刻The Big Read榜单&ldqu;读者最钟爱的书籍&rdqu;榜单的前列。这部小说成为英国文学史上最受欢迎的小说之一,博得了诸多文学学者的注意力。由于当代读者的热爱,这本小说发生了巨大的变动,衍生出了诸多小说和故事效仿简?奥斯丁塑造的深得人心的人物和主题。至今,这本书已经在全世界销售了2千万本。



  Elizabeth Bennet: The send daughter in the Bennet faily, and the st intelligent and quik-itted, Elizabeth is the prtagnist f Pride and Prejudie and ne f the st ell-knn feale haraters in English literature。 Her adirable qualities are nuerus‐she is lvely, lever, and, in a nvel defined by dialgue, she nverses as brilliantly as anyne。 Her hnesty, virtue, and lively it enable her t rise abve the nnsense and bad behavir that pervade her lass-bund and ften spiteful siety。 Nevertheless, her sharp tngue and tendeny t ake hasty judgents ften lead her astray; Pride and Prejudie is essentially the stry f h she (and her true lve, Dary) vere all bstales‐inluding their n persnal failings‐t find ranti happiness。 Elizabeth ust nt nly pe ith a hpeless ther, a distant father, t badly behaved yunger siblings, and several snbbish, antagnizing feales, she ust als vere her n istaken ipressins f Dary, hih initially lead her t rejet his prpsals f arriage。 Her hars are suffiient t keep hi interested, frtunately, hile she navigates failial and sial turil。 As she gradually es t regnize the nbility f Dary's harater, she realizes the errr f her initial prejudie against hi。