
2018-09-12    阅读: 16  


  Gd rning !

  It is really y hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie,I hpe I an ake a gd perfrane tday。 I' nfident that I an sueed。N I ill intrdue yself briefly。

  I a 26 years ld,brn in shandng prvine 。I as graduated fr qingda university。 y ajr is eletrni。and I gt y bahelr degree after y graduatin in the year f 2003。I spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 。 and I have aquired basi knledge f y ajr during y shl tie。

  In July 2003, I begin rk fr a sall private pany as a tehnial supprt engineer in QingDa ity。Beause I' apable f re respnsibilities, s I deided t hange y jb。

  And in August 2004,I left QingDa t BeiJing and rked fr a freign enterprise as a autatin sftare test engineer。Beause I ant t hange y rking envirnent, I'd like t find a jb hih is re hallenging。 rver trla is a glbal pany, s I feel I an gain the st fr rking in this kind f pany ennvirnent。 That is the reasn hy I e here t pete fr this psitin。I think I' a gd tea player and I' a persn f great hnesty t thers。 Als I a able t rk under great pressure。

  That&rsqu;s all。 Thank yu fr giving e the hane。


  Hell, y nae is xxx, it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie, i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise, and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday, eventually enrll in this prestigius university in septeber。

  n i ill intrdue ybesides, i have attend several xxhld in xx, this is ur advantage study here, i have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany。 thrugh these i have a deeply understanding f desti xxindustry。 pared t develped untries suh as us, unfrtunately, althugh e have ade extrardinary prgress sine xx,ur xx industry are still underdevelped, ess, unstable, the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard。 but i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur enyan keep the grth pae still。 i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la, and hat is yplan during graduate study life, i uld like t tell yu that *** is ne f ylifelng gal,i like yajr xx and i nt give up,if i an pursue yaster degree here i ill bine la ith yfrer eduatin。

  I a able t rk under great pressure。 Thanks fr the hane。


  Gd rning, y nae is xxx, it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie, I uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise, and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday, eventually enrll in this prestigius university in septeber。

  N I ill intrdue yself briefly,I a 21 years ld,brn in heilngjiang prvine ,nrtheast f hina,and i a urruently a senir student at beijing xx uni。y ajr is pakaging engineering。and i ill reeive y bahelr degree after y graduatin in june。in the past 4 years,I spend st f y tie n study,i have passed et4/6 ith a ease。 and I have aquired basi knledge f pakaging and publishing bth in thery and in pratie。

  Besides, I have attendseveral pakaging exhibitin hld in beijing, this is ur advantage study here, I have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany。 thrugh these I have a deeply understanding f desti pakaging industry。 pared t develped untries suh as us, unfrtunately, althugh e have ade extrardinary prgress sine 1978,ur pakaging industry are still underdevelped, ess, unstable, the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard。 But i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur eny an keep the grth pae still。 i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la, and hat is y plan during graduate study life, i uld like t tell yu that pursue la is ne f y lifelng gal,i like y ajr pakaging and i nt give up,if i an pursue y aster degree here i ill bine la ith y frer eduatin。

  I ill rk hard in thesefields ,patent ,tradeark, pyright, n the base f y years study in departent f pp, y harater? I annt desribe it ell, but i kn i a ptiisti and nfident。 seties i prefer t stay alne, reading, listening t usi, but i a nt lnely, i like t hat ith y lassates, alst talk everything ,y favrite pastie is valleyball,playing ards r surf nline。 thrugh llege life,I learn h t balane beteen study and entertainent。 by the ay, I as a atr f ur aazing draa lub。 I had a fe glrius ery n stage。 that is y pride。


  gd rning, y nae is jak, it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie, i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise, and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday, eventually enrll in this prestigius university in septeber。 n i ill intrdue yself briefly,i a 21 years ld,brn in heilngjiang prvine ,nrtheast f hina,and i a urruently a senir student at beijing XX uni。y ajr is pakaging engineering。and i ill reeive y bahelr degree after y graduatin in june。in the past 4 years,i spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 ith an ease。 and i have aquired basi knledge f pakaging and publishing bth in thery and in pratie。 besides, i have attend several pakaging exhibitin hld in Beijing, this is ur advantage study here, i have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany。 thrugh these i have a deeply understanding f desti pakaging industry。 pared t develped untries suh as us, unfrtunately, althugh e ha

  ve ade extrardinary prgress sine 1978,ur pakaging industry are still underdevelped, ess, unstable, the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard。 but i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur eny an keep the grth pae still。 i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la, and hat is y plan during graduate study life, i uld like t tell yu that pursue la is ne f y lifelng gal,i like y ajr pakaging and i n't give up,if i an pursue y aster degree here i ill bine la ith y frer eduatin。 i ill rk hard in thesefields ,patent ,tradeark, pyright, n the base f y years study in departent f p≈p, y harater? i annt desribe it ell, but i kn i a ptiisti and nfident。 seties i prefer t stay alne, reading, listening t usi, but i a nt lnely, i like t hat ith y lassates, alst talk everything ,y favrite pastie is valleyball,playing ards r surf nline。 thrugh llege life,i learn h t

  balane beteen study and entertainent。 by the ay, i as a atr f ur aazing draa lub。 i had a fe glrius ery n stage。 that is y pride。


  I a a third year aster ajr in autatin at Shanghai Jia Tng University, P。 R。 hina。 ith treendus interest in Industrial Engineering, I a riting t apply fr aeptane int yur Ph。D。 graduate prgra。

  In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University f Siene ≈ Tehnlgy (NUST) -- idely nsidered ne f the hina&rsqu;s best engineering shls。 During the flling undergraduate study, y aadei rerds kept distinguished ang the hle departent。 I as granted First lass Prize every seester, and y verall GPA(89。5/100) ranked N。1 ang 113 students。 In 1999, I gt the privilege t enter the graduate prgra aived f the adissin test。 I seleted the Shanghai Jia Tng University t ntinue y study fr its best reputatin n binatrial ptiizatin and Netrk Sheduling here y researh interest lies。

  At the perid f y graduate study, y verall GPA(3。77/4。0) ranked tp 5% in the departent。 In the send seester, I beae teaher assistant that is given t talented and atured students nly。 This year, I n the Aer Shlarship as the ne and nly andidate in y departent, hih is the ultiate alade fr distinguished students ended by y university。 Presently, I a preparing y graduatin thesis and trying fr the hnr f Exellent Graduatin Thesis。

  Researh experiene and aadei ativity,hen a sphre, I jined the Assiatin f AI Enthusiast and began t narr dn y interest fr y future researh。 In 1997, I partiipated in siulatin tl develpent fr the sheduling syste in Prf。 ang&rsqu;s lab。 ith the tl f penGL and atlab, I designed a siulatin prgra fr transprtatin sheduling syste。 It is n idely used by different researh grups in NUST。 In 1998, I assued and fulfilled a seage analysis ≈ dispse prjet fr Nanjing seage treatent plant。 This as y first pratie t nvert a labratry idea t a erial prdut。

  In 1999, I jined the distinguished Prfessr Yu-Geng Xis researh grup aiing at Netrk fl prble slving and Heuristi algrith researh。 Sn I as engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design。 y duty as t pik up the useful infratin ang different kinds f gene athing frat。 Thrugh the parisn and analysis fr any heuristi algriths, I intrdued an iprved evlutinary algrith -- ulti-ppulatin Geneti Algrith。 By dividing a hle ppulatin int several sub-ppulatins, this iprved algrith an effetively prevent GA fr lal nvergene and prte varius evlutinary rientatins。 It prved re effiiently than SGA in experients, t。 In the send seester, I jined the rkshp-sheduling researh in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant。 The sheduling as designed fr the rubber-aking press that vered nt nly disrete but als ntinuus irustanes。 T ake a balane pint beteen ptiizatin quality and tie st, I prpsed a Dynai Layered Shed

  uling ethd based n hybrid Petri Nets。 The pratial appliatin shed that the average akespan as shrtened by a large sale。 I als publiized t papers in re jurnals ith this idea。 Reently, I a ding researh in the psite Predit f the Eletrial Per syste assisted ith the tehnlgy f Data ining fr Ba Steel。 I try t bine the Deisin Tree ith Reeding ptiizatin t prvide a ne slutin fr the psite Preditive Prble。 This prjet is n under nstrutin。

  Besides, In July 2000, I gt the pprtunity t give a leture in English in Asia ntrl nferene (AS) hih is ne f the tp-level nferenes ang the rld in the area f ntrl and autatin。 In y senir year, I et Prf。Xia-Sng Lin, a visiting prfessr f atheatis fr University f alifrnia-Riverside, I learned graph thery fr hi fr y netrk researh。 These experienes all rapidly expanded y knledge f English and the understanding f estern ulture。

  I hpe t study in depth 。In retrspet, I find yself standing n a slid basis in bth thery and experiene, hih has prepared e fr the Ph。D。 prgra。 y future researh interests inlude: Netrk Sheduling Prble, Heuristi Algrith researh (espeially in GA and Neural netrk), Supply hain netrk researh, Hybrid syste perfrane analysis ith Petri nets and Data ining。

  Please give y appliatin aterials a serius nsideratin。 Thank yu very uh。


  I&rsqu; glad t intrdue yself t yu。 y hinese nae is xxx, but yu an all e athy, y English nae。 I as brn and raised in Guangdng, s I speak bth antnese and andarin。

  I&rsqu;ll sn graduate fr Zhngshan University, ajring in aunting。 I think yu ay have intervieed quite a lt f students fr ur shl, s yu kn this ajr prepares us fr GA and st urses are taught in English。 y GPA is 3。6, it ranks nuber 9 in the 115 students in y grade。 And I&rsqu;ve passed 15 exas in GA, I antiipate I ill get the GA qualifiatin in 2009。

  Besides having gd aadei perfrane, I as atively invlved in student ativities。 I as in harge f Student elfare in y lass, and in the Student unin f ur shl。 I enjyed this psitin beause hat I did as very iprtant t everybdy, althugh it as stly sall details。

  I had a three-nth internship in Guangdng Zhengzhng Aunting Fir。 I did the inventry hek and helped the auntants t ake the auditing reprts。 y bss as pleased ith y perfrane and he asked e t reend y lassate t jin ur tea。

  KPG is y drea pany。 hat&rsqu;s re, I have great interest in jining the Tax Departent as y lng ter areer gal is t be a tax nsultant。 I ish y drea uld e true tday。 Thank yu!


  Sir r ada,

  Gd rning。 I a glad t be here fr this intervie。 First let e intrdue yself。 y nae is ***, **years ld。 I e fr ******,the apital f *******Prvine。 I graduated fr the ******* departent f *****University in **** ,****。In the past *** years I have been prepareing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing *****in N。****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in junir grade t。N all y hard rk has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervie by yu 。

  I a pen-inded ,quik in thught and very fnd f histry。In y spare tie,I have brad interests like any ther yungers。I like reading bks, espeially thse abut *******。Frequently I exhange ith ther peple by aking ents in the fru n line。In additin ,during y llege years,I as ne a Net-bar tehniian。S, I have a parative gd and f netrk appliatin。I a able t perate the puter ell。I a skillful in searhing fr infratin in Internet。I a a ftball fan fr years。Italian tea is y favrite。Anyay,I feel great pity fr ur untry&rsqu;s tea。

  I alays believe that ne ill easily lag behind unless he keeps n learning 。f urse, if I a given a hane t rk ****** in this faus rpratin,I ill stare n effrt t aster a gd and f advane ******。

  Thank yu!


  I&rsqu; glad t intrdue yself t yu。 y hinese nae is liuxue86, but yu an all e athy, y English nae。 I as brn and raised in Guangdng, s I speak bth antnese and andarin。

  I&rsqu;ll sn graduate fr Zhngshan University, ajring in aunting。 I think yu ay have intervieed quite a lt f students fr ur shl, s yu kn this ajr prepares us fr GA and st urses are taught in English。 y GPA is 3。6, it ranks nuber 9 in the 115 students in y grade。 And I&rsqu;ve passed 15 exas in GA, I antiipate I ill get the GA qualifiatin in 2009。

  Besides having gd aadei perfrane, I as atively invlved in student ativities。 I as in harge f Student elfare in y lass, and in the Student unin f ur shl。 I enjyed this psitin beause hat I did as very iprtant t everybdy, althugh it as stly sall details。

  I had a three-nth internship in Guangdng Zhengzhng Aunting Fir。 I did the inventry hek and helped the auntants t ake the auditing reprts。 y bss as pleased ith y perfrane and he asked e t reend y lassate t jin ur tea。

  KPG is y drea pany。 hat&rsqu;s re, I have great interest in jining the Tax Departent as y lng ter areer gal is t be a tax nsultant。 I ish y drea uld e true tday。 Thank yu!



  1。 I have been fr ver five years in teh eply f an exprting pany。


  2。 I have been in the business fr the last ten years, and rked as the superintendent in the persnnel departent。


  3。 I have had five years' experiene ith a pany as a salesan。


  4。 Fr the past three years, I have been in the ffie f the Brthers Trading 。, here I have been ad still a an auntant。


  5。 I a tenty years f age, and have been eplyed fr the last t years by the Green Trees 。, in teh general lerial rk f the ffie。


  6。 I a 25 years f age, and have had t years' experiene in y present pst, hih I a leaving t better yself。


  7。 I a nineteen years f age, feale and have had t years' experiene in a pany's delivery ffie。


  8。 I a just leaving shl, and a eighteen years f age。


  9。 Sine y graduatin fr the shl t years ag, I have been eplyed in teh Green Htel as a ashier。


  10。 I a tenty years f age, and a anxius t settle dn t ffie rk。
