
2018-07-07    阅读: 76  



  hiken feed 小额钱币,

  They’re nly paying hiken feed fr a very deanding jb

  hiken hearted/livered 怯懦的,

  Dn’t be hiken hearted, have a g!

  hiken ut 畏缩不前, He hikened ut at last

  dn’t unt ne’s hikens (befre they hathed) 不要蛋未孵先数鸡,

  Dn’t unt yur hikens and buy that ne utfit

  n (spring) hiken (尤指女子)年龄不小了,

  She’s n hiken and shuldn’t be riding n the bak f a trbike

  tender as a hiken 不坚强的,

  He’s as tender as a hiken and nt up t hard anual rk


  ilh 财源,

  T uh peple regard the Sial Seurity as a ilh

  sared 神圣不可侵犯的人、事,

  The Publi Shl syste is ften seen t be the sared f the upper lasses

  till the s e he 永远,

  Yu an ait till the s e he


  rdile tear 鳄鱼的眼泪,

  I dn’t kn Nany an shed rdile tears abut Philip’s aident


  as the r flies 沿直线,

  e’re nly five iles fr the ast as the r flies

  r abut/ver 夸口,

  I’ tired f hearing her r abut inning the up

  r’ feet 眼角皱纹,

  She’s develped a duble hin and r’ feet


  all ff the dgs 停止追踪,

  The plie have deided t all ff their dgs in their hunt fr the issing diands

  die like a dg 悲惨地死去,

  They died like dgs in the trenhes

  dirty dg 行为卑鄙龌龊的人,

  He isn’t s dirty dg

  dg days 大热天,

  The suer are getting dg days alays

  dg eat dg 黑吃黑,

  Yu need a strng harater t survive the dg eat dg f big business

  dg fight 混战,

  It is a big advantage in a dg fight

  (in the) dg huse 挨骂,丢脸,

  I’ll be in the dg huse hen I get he late

  dg in the anager 占马槽之狗,

  There’s n need t be dg in the anager and prevent fr e t ging

  dg’s bdy 勤杂工,

  He anted a general dg’s bdy t help ut n the site

  dg’s breakfast/dinner 一团糟,

  Yu’ve ade a right dg’s dinner f painting that dr

  dg’s hane 极微小的机会,

  It hasn’t a dg’s hane f inning

  dg tired 极度疲乏,

  I’ dg tired

  dn’t keep a dg and bark yurself 不要用了人还亲自操劳,

  Dn’t keep a dg and bark yurself—yur seretary shuld d all that filing

  every dg has its day 凡人皆有得意日,

  It just ges t sh that every dg has its day

  gay dg 寻欢作乐的人,

  Graha is a bit f a gay dg ith the en

  give a dg a bad nae 加人恶名,

  N nder they say give a dg a bad nae

  g t the dg 垮台,

  ur lal pub has gne t the dgs

  hair f the dg (that bit yu) 解宿醉的烈酒,

  He g ver t the pub and have a hair f the dg

  lead a dg’s life 过不安宁日子,

  His ife lead hi a dg’s life ith her inessant nagging

  let sleeping dgs lie 不招惹麻烦,

  I deided t let sleeping dgs lie and hanged the subjet

  let the dg see the rabbit 给参加者机会,

  It’s Tny’s g Let the dg see the rabbit

  lie dgg 隐藏,

  The esaped prisners lay dgg in a haystak

  like a dg ith t tails 欣喜若狂,

  The ld lady as like a dg ith t tails hen her sn ae fr Aeria

  luky dg 幸运儿,

  T is a luky dg

  shaggy dg stry 杂乱、故做滑稽的故事,

  He tlled a shaggy dg stry abut an atress

  sly dg 狡猾的家伙,

  The sly dg never entined that he as dating a baraid!

  tail agging the dg 主次颠倒,

  It’s typial ase f the tail agging the dg

  thr sebdy t the dgs 丢掉,

  He ant t thr the t the dgs

  tp dg  优胜者,

  He’s the tp dg ang frula ne tr raing drivers

  treat sebdy rse than a dg 待某人如狗,

  aptain Bligh treated the re like dgs

  underdg 处于劣势的一方,

  He kne he as the underdg

  rk like a dg 苦干(很少报酬)

  I rk like a dg all eek

  yu an’t teah a ld ne triks 你不能使年老守旧的人接受新事物,

  It’s sees yu an’t teah an ld dg ne triks

  (t be ntinued)


  dve f peae 和平的象征,

  At last there is a hane that the haks f ar ill be replaed by dves f peae


  eagle eye 目光锐利,

  He ill be keeping an eagle eye n the party


  slippery as an eel 琢磨不定的,

  This fell is as slippery as an eel


  dn’t put all ne’s eggs in ne basket 不把蛋放在一个篮子里,

  That ay yu dn’t put all yur eggs in ne basket

  egg-head 学问家, he is an egg head

  egg sebdy n 鼓励(某人做某事)

  The rd egged hi n t the finishing line

  gd egg 好人,

  harles is a gd egg

  have egg n ne’s fae 丢脸,

  I d have egg n y fae

  kill the gse that lays the glden egg 杀鸡取卵,

  e ustn’t kill the gse that lays the glden egg

  sure as eggs is eggs 必定,

  Yu an be as sure as eggs is eggs that it ill nit rain ithin the hur

  tread n egg 如履薄冰,

  The reprter treaded n eggs hen he asked the terrrist leader


  ery like an elephant 极好的记忆力,

  She ust have a ery like an elephant

  pink elephant (吸毒、醉酒后的)幻觉,

  I a seeing pink elephant after drinking

  ruge elephant 离群的凶猛野象,

  He regards hi as ruge elephant

  see the elephant 见世面,

  hite elephant 沉重的包袱,累赘的珍品,

  The gvernent spent rate payer’s ney n a hite elephant


  be spitting feathers 非常愤怒,口渴,

  Len as spitting feathers hen he sa se vandal had dne tn his ne ar feather-bed  His ther has feather-bedded hi

  feather-brained 溺爱,

  They had se feather-brained shee

  feather-friend 鸟,

  e ustn’t frget t put ut fd fr ur feathered friends in frsty eather

  feather in ne’s ap 某人的卓越成就,荣誉标志,

  He as the final feather in his ap after years f dediated servie t the unity

  feather ne’s nest 营私,肥己,

  The hairan is taking ney ut f the pany t feather his n nest

  in fine feather 情绪极好,身体健康,

  Yu’re in fine feather this rning

  ake the feather fly 引起骚动,争斗,

  That ill ake the feather fly!

  sh the hite feather 显示懦弱,

  The hallenger shed the hite feather

  sth sebdy (ruffled) feathers 冷静下来,

  I sthed her ruffled feathers

  yu uld have knked e dn ith a feather 使我十分震惊,

  Yu uld have knked e dn ith a feather hen I kne this


  big fish 大人物,

  The bss shs se big fish arund the fatry

  big fish in a sall pnd 井底之蛙,小地方的要人,

  He’s nly a big fish in a sall pnd

  ld fish 冷冰冰的人,

  Sue is a ld fish

  feed the fishes 葬身鱼腹,

  If yu fall verbard, yu’ll end up feeding the fishes

  fish fr plients 寻找别人恭维,

  The ne girl is alays fishing fr plients hen she talks t the en

  fish in trubled aters 混水摸鱼,

  He fishes in the trubled aters f arital strife

  fish ut 捞出,把鱼捕尽,

  She fished ut a purse fr her pket

  have ther fish t fry 另有它图,

  I’ve gt plenty f ther fish t fry

  like a fish ut f ater 如鱼离水,

  I feel like a fish ut f ater

  neither fish nr fl 不伦不类,

  This fell is neither fish nr fl

  (fine/pretty) kettle fish 一团糟,

  Yu are ging t be prseuted fr areless driving, that’s a fine kettle f fish

  queer fish 怪人,

  Jhn’s a queer fish, he nearly alays ears dd sks

  sall fish 小人物,

  I’ nly a sall fish

  sell sething fishy 可疑,

  He said he as ill, but I sell sething fishy

  there are plenty re fish in the sea 有水何患无鱼,碰到的人多得很,

  y byfriend and I have split up but I dn’t are—there’s plenty re fish in the sea


  dress a fl 把家禽去毛开膛,

  Very fe en tday kn h t dress a fl


  be fxed 使迷惑,

  The rssrd puzzle usually fxed e

  unning as a fx 非常狡猾,

  He’s as unning as a fx and ill try t take advantage f yu

  ld/sly fx 老奸巨滑,

  Yu ld fx, yu talked her int selling the ar fr uh less than it’s rth


  frg in the thrat 轻咽喉炎,

  I’ve gt frg in y thrat this rning

  frg arh 蛙式押送,

  The landlrd frg arhed hi ut the dr


  at/play the gat 干蠢事,

  Glen is alays ating the gat

  get sebdy’s gat 使某人恼怒,

  His ay gets y gat

  srt ut/separate the sheep fr the gat 区分合格与不合格者,

  That shuld srt ut the sheep fr the gat


  gse flesh/piple 鸡皮疙瘩,

  erely the thught f hlding a snake akes e e ut in gse flesh

  kill the gse that lays the glden egg 杀鸡取卵,

  e dn’t ant t kill the gse that lays the glden egg

  say “b” t a gse 吓唬某人,

  The bss uldn’t say “b” t a gse

  hat is saue fr the gse is saue fr the gander 对别人怎样,对自己也怎样,

  He is a an hat’s saue fr the gse is saue fr the gander

  (t be ntinued)


  hare-brained 愚蠢的,轻率的,

  hse hare-brained idea as it t padlk the fire exits?

  ad as a arh hare 非常疯狂,

  He ust be as ad as a arh hare

  run ith the hare and hunt ith the hunds 两面讨好,

  Yu an’t run ith the hare and hunt ith the hunds


  hen-party 女人聚会,

  She has invited all her girlfriends t a hen-party n Friday night

  hen-peked 惧内的,

  He’s hen-peked fr rning t night

  like a hen ith ne (nly) hiken 大惊小怪的,

  She’s like a hen ith nly ne hiken

  ther hen (忙乱、小题大做的)女人,

  She fusses ver the like a ther hen

  hrse talk hrse 吹牛


  ivry ter 象牙塔,

  Aadeis in their ivry ters have n idea hat it is like t earn ne’s living


  kid’s stuff 容易,

  This rssrd puzzle is kid’s stuff fr hi

  ith kid glves 非常柔顺的,

  Yu have t learn t handle her ith kid glve,

  yu’re kidding! 我不相信你!


  g like a lab (t the slaughter) 逆来顺受地干某事,

  There ges Jnes t the headaster’s study like a lab t the slaughter

  ne ight as ell be hung fr a sheep as a lab 明知要受处罚,索性干完坏事,彻底享受一番,

  I  ‘ll have anther drink, I ight be hung fr a sheep as a lab

  uttn dressed up as lab 作年轻妇女打扮的老年妇女,

  In a better light I realized she as uttn dressed up as lab


  a lepard never hanges its spts 本性难易,


  as brave as a lin 非常勇敢,

  y yung daughter is as brave as a lin and ill takle any f the bys

  beard the lin in his den 面对上司,权势,

  I ust beard the lin in his den and g and ask the bss fr a day ff next eek

  lin-hunter 巴结权势,名人,

  He is a typial lin-hunter

  lin’s share 其大作用,最大份额,

  I fund yself ding the lin’s share f the rk

  put ne’s head in the lin’s uth 处于危险境地,

  I’ll have t put y head in the lin’s uth

  thr sebdy t the lins (为保全自己)而使他人处于危险境地,

  He arned e that if I ake a istake she’ll thr e t the lins

  tist the lin’s tail 触犯英国,

  Frane sees t use any EE eetings erely t tist the lin’s tail


  sar like lusts 贪婪地围着,

  The hildren sared rund like lusts


  the best laid shees f ie and en 每人都有失算之时,/智者千虑,必有一失。

  pr as a hurh use 清贫,

  y parents ere as pr as hurh use

  quiet as a use 非常宁静,

  Tina is as quiet as a use, yu hardly kn she’s there


  stubbrn as a ule 非常顽固,

  She’s as stubbrn as a ule


  ful ne’s (n) nest 家丑外扬,

  All he’s ding is fuling his n nest


  prud as a peak 非常自豪,

  Dad’s as a prud as a peak f that shelf he put up


  buy a pig in a pke 盲目购买,

  Yu are buying a a pig in a pke

  live like a pig in lver 生活奢侈,舒适,

  He has lived like a pig in lver ever sine

  ake a pig f neself 狼吞虎咽地吃喝,

  I uldn’t help arking a pig f yself

  ake a pig’s ear f sething 把某事办得很糟,

  Yu’ve ade a right pig’s ear f it

  pig(gy)-in the-iddle (无意中)夹在敌对双方之间的人,

  I find yself pig-in-the-iddle

  pigs ight fly 不可能发生的事,

  He said he uld pay e bak the ney he ns e next nday—and pigs ight fly!


  stl pigen 密探,

  The plie uldn’t pssibly have knn I as there unless they ere tld by a stl pigen

  nt ne’s pigen 与某人不相干的事,

  Dn’t ask e t fill in the frs, That’s nt y pigen


  breed like rabbits 大量繁衍,

  Her faily breed like rabbits!

  pull/prdue a rabbit ut f the hat 意外发现难题解法,


  as et as/like a drned rat 浑身湿透,

  The sher ade e as et as a drned rat

  rat n se bdy 告发某人,

  Ti sa us sking and ratted n us t the teaher

  rat rae 激烈竞争,

  He have adjusted t the rat rae already

  sell a rat 感到有可疑之处,

  I sell a rat—I nder hat he ants


  blak sheep (f the faily) 害群之马,

  She alays has been the blak sheep f the faily


  snake in the grass 隐患,

  Se snake in the grass has tld the anager that I as late fr rk this rning


  ne sall desn’t ake a suer 轻率推论必成大错,

  e shuld reeber that ne sall desn’t ake a suer

  sall up 耗尽,

  Ne lthes fr the hildren see t sall up all her ney


  san arund 四处闲逛,

  He sanned arund the lal fd and ine


  turn turtle 底部朝天地翻转过来,

  The dek turned turtle


  et ne’s histle 过得很愉快,

  The hildren had a hale f a tie playing in the sand pit


  lip sebdy’s ings 扼杀某人的雄心,使无计可施,

  That ill really lip his ings!

  spread ne’s ings 开始独立行事,

  y daughter ants t spread her ings

  take sebdy under ne’s ing 关照某人,

  The pupils tk hi under his ing


  turn turtle 底部朝天地翻转过来,

  The dek turned turtle


  et ne’s histle 过得很愉快,

  The hildren had a hale f a tie playing in the sand pit


  lip sebdy’s ings 扼杀某人的雄心,使无计可施,

  That ill really lip his ings!

  spread ne’s ings 开始独立行事,

  y daughter ants t spread her ings

  take sebdy under ne’s ing 关照某人,

  The pupils tk hi under his ing


  thr sebdy t the lves 使某人处于危险境地,

  They’ll thr hi t the lves

  ry lf 在不需援助时求援,

  Susan is alays rying lf

  keep the lf fr the dr  免于饥饿,

  I have a spare-tie jb hih helps t keep the lf fr the dr

  lne lf 不喜与人往来的人,

  He is a lne lf

  lf in sheep’s lthing 披着羊皮的狼,

  He turn ut a lf in sheep’s lthing