
2018-07-07    阅读: 41  





  汉语成语具有比喻丰富,形象生动的特点,给人一种生动传神,淋漓尽致的感觉。另外,汉语成语学有言简意赅,琅琅上口的特点,既简洁,又富有文采,是读者所喜闻乐见的表达方式。成语好比一面镜子,它反映出一个民族或一个文化的特点。1 褒贬


  狐朋狗 友:比喻不正派的朋友。a gang f sundrels/a pak f rgues例如:你也别过于相信那些狐朋狗 友。

  狗急跳墙:把狗惹急了,能跳越高墙。比喻坏人穷途末路时不计后果,铤而走险。A rnered beast ill d sething desperate/A rnered beast ill d sething/just as a dg ill leap ver a all in desperatin 例如:困兽犹斗,敌人在濒临灭亡的时候,会狗急跳墙的,我们要加倍提高警惕。

  狼心狗肺:形容心肠狠毒,多就忘恩负义者而言。be as ruel as a lf/ruel and unsrupulus/brutal and ld-blded/pletely ithut nsiene/heartless and ungrateful/rapaius as a lf and savage as a ur/the heart f a (ild)beast; iked-hearted /ith the heart f a lf。例如:哪知这贼子恁般狼心狗肺,负义忘恩!

  狗苟蝇营(蝇营狗苟):像狗似的无耻,像苍蝇那样逐臭,比喻到处钻营,而手段卑劣。ingratiate neself ith sene t gain ne’s ends例如:到底狗苟蝇营,依然逃不了对明烛照。——《孽海花》

  狗胆包天:斥责别人胆子太大,敢于胡作非为的人。 have nstrus audaity例如:你狗胆包天!竟敢继续煽动大家。

  望子成龙:盼望儿子成长为有出息,有作为的人。expet ne’s sn t be talent/hpe ne’s sn ill turn ut a dragn例如:他望子成龙心切。

  而在英语习语中,“dg”一词常用来比喻人的行为,通常是没有贬义的。如:Yu are a luky dg (你是个幸运儿。) Every dg has his day (凡人皆有行意日。) ld dg ill nt learn ne triks(老人学不了新东西。)等等。

  再如:“龙”字在汉语中是中国人的象征。它的英语对应词是“dragn”,而“dragn”的意思却是 a ythial nster traditinally represented as a giganti reptile having a lin’s las, the tail f a serpent, ings, and a saly skin(龙是一种传说中的怪物,一般被描述成有狮爪,蛇尾,翅膀及带鳞的皮肤);a fierely vigilant r intratable persn (严密警戒的人;相当警惕或难以驾驭的人); sething very fridable r dangerus (可怕的或危险的东西); any f varius lizards, suh as the Kd dragn r the flying lizard(蜥蜴的一种,如巨蜥或飞蜥)。

  2 历史典故


  东施效颦:《庄子·天运》中故事。blind iitatin ith ludirus effet/ play the ape/ lk all the uglier by iiking the beauty

  叶公好龙:prfessed lve f hat ne atually fears/ like Lrd Ye laied t be fund f dragns but as rtally afraid f the

  夜郎自大:ludirus neit f the king f Yelang-parhial arrgane

  班门弄斧:display ne’s slight skill befre an expert

  名落孙山:fail in a petitive exainatin/ be flunked

  历史典故是最具民族特色的,汉语是这样,英语也是如此。典故通常是不能按照字面对译的,典故通常要采取意译或解释或加注释的办法来翻译。例如英语中的&qut;Jhn an be relied n He eats n fish and plays the gae”中国读者看了,就不知所云。“eat n fish”是英语里的一个典故,是表示“忠诚”的意思。而“play the gae”的意思是(比赛,游戏中)按规则做;正直诚实,光明正大。因此,上句可译成,“约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又老实”。

  3 共性成语

  一败涂地: eet ne’s aterl/ bite the grund/hunt grass/suffer a rushing defeat

  趁热打铁: strike hile the irn is ht/Hld a lf the irn is ht

  熟能生巧: Skill es fr pratie/ Pratie akes perfet

  挥金如土: spend ney like ater/squander ney like dust

  破釜沉舟: burn ne’s bats/burn ne’s bridge /thr aay the sabbard

  雪中送炭: t ffer fuel in sny eather/help in ne’s hur f need

  一人得道,鸡犬升天: Even the dg saggers hen its aster in favr

  瓜田李下: in a eln path r a plu tree—in suspiius irustanes r surrundings/Neither adjust yur she in a eln path, nr yur hat under a plu tree


  移步换景: a different vie ith every step/take a step and the senery ill hang

  曲径通幽: a inding path leading t a seluded plae

  诗情画意: peti lyriis and pituresque nept

  金碧辉煌: in splendid lurs

  阡陌纵横,鸡犬相闻,风和日丽,鸟语花香的一片新天地: a ne land ith rissrssed fields, bright sunshine, gentle breeze, ks ring, dgs barking, birds singing and flers bling


  典雅大方: elegant and graeful

  香浓可口: arati harater and agreeable taste

  软硬适中: neither t hard nr t sft

  大补无气: reinfre vital energy

  畅销全球: sell ell all ver the rld

  花色繁多: a ide seletin f lrs and designs

  用料上乘: seleted aterial

  甜而不腻: agreeable seetness

  安心益气: ake ne feel at ease and energeti

  交货及时: tiely delivery guaranteed

  品种迭出: Ne varieties are intrdued ne after anther

  随意小酌: Light snakes are ready n request

  老少良伴: Gd panies fr hildren as ell as fr adults

  旅游胜地: a turist stand

  经验独特: Experiene is ut pyright

  鲜花美人,倾诉衷肠: Flers by beauty speak fr the heart

  随意挑选,保君满意: hse ne and hse ell

  体积虽小,颇具功效: pat ipat

  一夫当关,万夫莫开: ne arrir deplyed in the pass akes thusands f burglars lse heart

  三心二意,照样钓鱼: Fr all yur duble-indedness, fishing ges n just the sae

  (操作)简单: It’s siple

  用途广泛: It’s versatile

  (复印)迅速: It’s fast

  图文清晰: It’s intelligent

  功能齐全: It’s perful

  名副其实: It’s everything a pier philsphy shuld be

  琳琅满目: a superb lletin f beautiful things/ide hie总之,不论是四字成语,还是非成语,应注意以下原则:

  1 形象性原则。

  2 简练性原则

  3 不可滥用字面意义直译法

  4 尽量少用意译法和直译法——注释法