
2018-06-09    阅读: 27  

  a ≈b: hi, everyne! ele t the “haring language, rhythi speeh” english stry ntest


  a: i’ 崔倩茹 i’ fr s 06123 我是来自商贸06123班的崔倩茹。

  b: i' 毛婉伊 e’re fr the sae lass 我是毛婉伊,我们来自同一个班级。

  a: h, 毛婉伊 i feel very uh hnred t hst tday’s ntest this is the first tie in ur shl and this is als the first tie in y life i ill never frget the ent, i think


  b: hat yu said is really true i feel the sae ay all f us are lking frard t vieing the sene 噢,你说的一点不错。而且我颇有同感。我们大家都在翘首以待

  a: have yu heard f the sng “e are ready”?

  b: yeah, hy? i an even sing it “e are ready”

  a: thugh tie is very pressing, all f ur ntestants are full f nfidene they are very keen and have spent uh tie and effrts n it after uh pratie and areful preparatins, and n they are ready s e an be sure ur stries in english ntest ill be a great suess

  a: 虽然时间很紧迫,但各位参赛选手还是充满信心,他们热情参与,付出了很大的努力。经过各参赛选手精心准备和艰苦训练,我想他们一定胸有成竹,不用说,我们的英语故事会一定会成功。

  b hey, 毛婉伊, hy d e hld suh a ntest, d yu kn? i have heard f a lt f stries in hinese, suh as hildren’s stries, frtune stries, but never befre have i heard f suh a stry ntest

  哎,毛婉伊, 你说我们为什么要举行这样的故事会呢? 我听说过很多故事会,如少儿故事会,财富故事会等等,但我可从来未曾听说过英语故事会呀。

  a: yes, indeed but i think this is the very reasn hy e hld suh a ntest d yu kn hat ur departent is alled in english?


  b: hy yes, “business english and turis english”, is that right?

  a: yu are right sine yu kn that, then it is bvius that english is the ain subjet fr us s e shuld pay re attentin t bth ritten and spken english and spken english is the st iprtant tl in ur future rk s this is the very reasn e hld suh a ntest thugh this is the first tie, it is a beginning and i think it is a gd beginning beause e kn a gd beginning is half dne

  既然你知道了,那也就不难理解了。英语是我们的主打学科,而听说又是我们的弱项,可是将来也许是我们的强项噢。这就是我们举办talk sh的原因所在。虽然是第一次,可别小看了,常言道:良好的开端是成功的一半呀。

  b: i an’t agree re but hat kind f stries are they ging t tell? d yu kn?


  a: stries, f urse 当然是故事了。

  b: hat kind f stries, lassial r dern? 那是什么样的故事呢?古代的还是现代的?

  a: lassial and dern既有古代也有现代。

  b: estern r eastern? 东方的还是西方的?

  a: estern and eastern 既有东方也有西方。

  b: hat an e learn fr this ntest? 我们能学到什么?

  a: e an learn uh fr it e an benefit a lt fr this stries ntest, i’ sure 可多了。我想,我们每一个都会感觉收益緋浅。

  b: k everyne plaes a great hpe in the ntest but h? let’s ait and see 啊,大家都对今天故事会的期望值很高,到底怎么样? 让我们看吧。

  a: first, let e intrdue the judges f the ntest tday

  b: 首先,让我们来介绍今天大赛的评委。

  a: they are …

  a ≈b: let’s give the a ar ele and a hearty applause


  a: n the ntest ill begin the first ntestant is a girl _______ fr lass______ she ill bring us a stry “_____” let’s give her a ar ele

  b: 今天第一个登台演讲的是来自___ 班的 ,她给我们带来的是—。让我们以热烈的掌声向她表示欢迎。

  a: hi, everyne ele bak t ur english stries ntest n here es the st exiting ent after areful alulatin and evaluatin, the results f the ntest are ready t pen t the publi

  b: 大家好。欢迎回到我们的英语故事会大赛。现在最最激动人心的时刻到来啦。经过细心的计算和评议,本次大赛的结果即将揭晓。

  a: n let’s invite xxx, head f ur departent, t delare the third plae inners and aard the

  b: 现在让我们有请我们管理系主任____,前来宣布获得三等奖的选手名单。

  a: the third plae aard ges t ___________

  a: n let’s invite xxx, head f ur departent, t delare the send plae inners and aard the

  b: 现在让我们有请_______,_____先生前来宣布获得二等奖的选手名单。

  the send plae aard ges t ___________

  n let’s invite r, vie-prinipal f ur shl, t delare the first plae inners and aard the

  the first plae aard ges t __________


  a: ngratulatins t all the ntestants and ur thanks t all the guests and judges thank yu fr ing!

  b: 让我们向本次大赛获奖的选手和参赛选手,以及各位的参与表示衷心的感谢。谢谢你们。

  a ≈ b: thank yu all