
2018-06-08    阅读: 24  

  1、d yu ant t spend the rest f yur life selling sugared ater r d yu ant a hane t hange the rld?


  (the line he used t lure jhn sulley int being apple's e)

  2、death is very likely the single best inventin f life it is life’s hange agent it lears ut the ld t ake ay fr the ne。


  3、if yu d sething and it turns ut pretty gd, then yu shuld g d sething else nderful, nt dell n it fr t lng just figure ut hat’s next。


  4、there's a phrase in buddhis, 'beginner's ind' it's nderful t have a beginner's ind。


  5、being the rihest an in the eetery desn't atter t e ging t bed at night saying e've dne sething nderful that's hat atters t e。


  6、reebering that yu are ging t die is the best ay i kn t avid the trap f thinking yu have sething t lse。


  7、yur tie is liited, s dn't aste it living sene else's life…dn't let the nise f thers' pinins drn ut yur n inner vie。


  8、have the urage t fll yur heart and intuitin they seh already kn hat yu truly ant t bee everything else is sendary。


  9、ife is brief, and then yu die, yu kn?


  10、yu an't just ask usters hat they ant and then try t give that t the by the tie yu get it built, they'll ant sething ne。
