
2018-05-31    阅读: 18  




  Day t reeber the riginal rld re beautiful beause f yu, happy birthday。


  ish a nderful fragrane ent arund yu, ake yur life full f happiness, frever the bath in endless jy tie! I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Tday is yur birthday, y lve, thank yu fr yur til, thank yu fr giving e the nern, understanding and supprt。 All y lve t yu!


  Tday is yur birthday, I ill never frget nt t drp a day。 ay gd bless yu a happy life in peae, healthy and happiness! y ife。


  Let e bless fr yu, let e laugh fr yu, beause in yur birthday tday, y heart is ith yu the sae jubilatin, happy! I ish yu a happy birthday!


  I have n lrful flers, n the ranti petry, n expensive gifts, free ithut thse exiting surprise, nly a gentle blessing, ish yu a happy birthday!


  The birthday girl guy, in yur birthday is ing, ish yu an get all hpe, all dreas e true, all aiting an appear, all paying an ash, happy birthday!


  I e lightly, just as I gently alked, I ave sleeves, leaving a alf。 In yur birthday apprahing, send t I deeply ishes, I ish yu the best attle shipped。


  Let essage arrying y greetings and rds t express y ish, in yur birthday tday, y heart is ith yu the sae jubilatin, happy! I ish yu a happy birthday!


  y greetings t y lve fr yu, ish yu have a nie birthday, the day in the past, yu lie dn t rest, ay the peae f a glden drea be filled ith happiness。


  A lng interval, lng line, lng tie ipe nstantly, tday is yur birthday, far aay I have been thinking f yu, I ish yu a happy birthday! I are abut st f friends!


  Tday is yur birthday, y lve, thank yu fr yur til, thank yu fr giving e the nern, understanding and supprt。 All y lve t yu! Happy birthday!


  Nisy party ver the happy fae, seet ine passes happy seet, grgeus andlelight refleted happy siling fae, seet ake t express ishes t yu: happy birthday t yu!


  An arrival this day and age a lng lng; ake t heer, ish t ahieve; Texting this have hat eaning? The ain purpse f the blessing, ish happiness, peae thinking int everything!


  , happy birthday! ish I uld have the language t express ur gratitude, thank yu fr yur daily huserk and give ur help。 ay yu alays happy in the future years t health!


  Lifestyle is very happy and happy, happiness and happiness are speial happiness, peae and peae are alays peae, health and health are very healthy。 I ish yu a happy birthday, happy!


  Dear, trr is yur birthday, send a blessing SS, tell yu, I' ready, aiting fr yur all; ant t say t yu is that yu are in y life, the nly girl rth aiting fr。


  Tie is alays re and re shrt, birthday is inreasingly fast, lve is alays re and re strng, y blessing is re and re deep, let yu every day as pituresque beauty! Happy birthday!


  The husband, in yur birthday is apprahing, I ish Kenneth legitiate ause, nuerus ney, is strng as tigers, rk ithut hard, arefree like ie, like ranti usi, happiness nly yu!


  ant t be the stars shining eyes, nurse yu spend a quiet night, ith the blessing, sar ith the truth in yu drea f the sea, I ish yu in the future a drea but reality, happy birthday!


  Blessing f h als said nt ver, alays happy thing alays an't finish the usi, beautiful d beautiful frever, alays happy days is nt ver, I ish yu a happy birthday, happy every day。


  Pr an't affrd t drink ater, pr t pay y fee, pr t eat rie, pr leaves bl, the pr are all tired, pr leaves the uth; Generus lkrk infratin: I ish yu a happy birthday。


  Happy birthday sng fr yu jy, and happiness ith yu。 ay yur life seet and fragrant like a ake。 Lit andles, please reeber t ake a gd ish。 I ish yu a happy birthday, a drea e true!


  Yu are the happiest an in the rld, there is a handse, hurus and lve yur husband very hlds the prise f life t yu and t alk ith yu every year tday, y ife, happy birthday!


  Pik a beautiful fler, a bunh f red aple leaf, int the envelpe f issing, rete sent t distant friends! In this the st beautiful day f the year, I sinerely say t yu: happy birthday!


  ith light yur birthday andle, the falling f a star ith a falling sn in the inter fr yu rite Zhang Zhufu ard, ith a sinere heart fr yu pen the years ne hapter, I ish yu a happy birthday。


  Let the stars int y eyes, are f yu all night; Let the ind int y sile, yur at f heart; Let all the gd things int y blessing, happy birthday t lngevity, happiness as iense as the Eastern Sea!


  Put eah petal eldy in the iaginatin, put eah lr eyes in editatin, in y life the st perfet tie, in the life the st perfet event, y dear friends, I ish yu a happy birthday, happy frever。


  Seet ake, sns and daughters f filial piety; Red red andle, hildren's affetive thik; hildren singing eiei, deeply in lve; The blessings f hildren birthday ndles, lng ntinuus! Let father happy birthday!


  Affair best d, purple deep and rete drea, full f light。 Thrn int pes elegant ay。 Fung sund ving, lianhi ith ply, the star is like a dane。 In yur birthday, text essages, I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Read this essage, ake a ish, all ver the sky star, all ant t see yur siling fae; There are lng luds hint f yearning, fl there are y ishes, ntinuus, ish yu a happy birthday, sile t life every day!


  Tday is yur birthday, but I an't in yur side, but y blessing had already passed the lng arh, after y n heart have n fae t fae expressin, send a text essage, send sinere blessings! I ish a happy birthday!


  I ish yu a happy birthday! Send yu a buquet f flers, lve ake yu d flat in the sky; Send yu a buquet f rses, let yu lve happiness; Send yu a buquet f arnatins, let yu ar ar; I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Althugh yu are nt an angel, but it has the beauty f an angel。 Althugh yu are nt a priness, but it has the teperaent f the priness。 rdinary and extrardinary, yu sending ut the haring fragrane。 Happy birthday, y friend!


  e get t kn eah ther s lng, I' glad ur friendship reains the sae, s beautiful, s pure, frget yur deliate and haring sile, happy and unfrgettable yu, ur lve ill never hange, I ish yu a happy birthday!


  In the frative years have trubles have happiness, have flers have thrns n the ay frard, the stap f the ind has a sl sng has the sng。 In yur birthday this day, ith y blessing y greetings: I ish a happy。


  Everyne, has his n ties, lking bak, lking t the future, aept a blessing, lking frard t trr's ay; The sared ent, I ish yu ill alays utshine all。 I ish yu a happy birthday, the day n rries!


  Let the ind bl aay yur trubles, running ater t drain aay yur sadness, diffuse in the air is happy, sending ut the ara f happiness in the flers。 rld health day blessing yu, ish healthy bdy belng t yu frever。


  T send a isp f the glden sun, let yu happiness f life re ar, send a l asis f yur beautiful fae re ist, t send a sinere birthday ishes, ay yu thrugh ne f the st beautiful days, happy birthday。


  In yur birthday this day, the rising sun, shine yur life frtune; Peae f hite luds, the ind sent t yu frever; All ver the sky sunset gl, eave up yur life hi jin; I use the st beautiful ish I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Ptpurri birthday is ing, I give yu seet ake。 Butterfly busy birthday is ing, I give yu seet lve; Sng Yang birthday is ing, I give yu happiness; ishing yu peae and happiness, every year ruyi!


  ake up in the rning, ith the agpies alling utside the ind, arefully think, yur birthday has e! Nt arund, lkrk SS blessing f table: physial health, be happy every day! Night after night seet sleep, life n rries!


  Fus yur thughts tday, yur birthday is ing, send yu t red eggs, I ish yu the best f everything, the shell rapped in happiness, prtein steal hidden seet, egg ylk, saturated ith happy, ith yur hand t frever!


  Life is like a sightseeing ladder, every layer and ill verlk the farther re beautiful senery。 ngratulatins n the heel f life, build re int ne year ld。 I hpe yu in jy and happiness, I ish yu a happy birthday!


  A nespaper, a year, the headlines is alled happy, N years ag subsriptins, N years later, the plate is alled a spring, suer, autun and inter, the editr is alled life, friends, uld yu please read the jurnal, please happy every day。


  Birthday ishes fr the sky, the Fried annyane as blak and blue all ver, frighten t brighten the run, keep yu happy day, keep yur happiness ges bak t anient ties, if a rearguard atin, bless bln t the end f tie! Thank yu fr e。


  lean hiself h nae rds, as brn in rld health day, graduated fr lleage in1992。and ei has brught the health ertifiate。 Value y birthday tday, ith regards t lean all kinds f sanitary prduts fr yu t alk: lve e, happy life。


  Happy birthday yuth's friend iss t send blessings, the sun n shuttle in the rtatin, sinere friendship lng panins, grinning at sile, n pleasure yu the st seet, the birthday ake is tasted, happiness fr a year - fr a year, happy birthday!


  Heart ant t lapses, andle lit inds, hapter table is the st happy, yu finally learned t take are f yurself, ant t use seet taste, keep happy ties, enurage the st urageus, yu finally gre up and beae a real yurself, happy birthday。



  I ish y father happy birthday, I' versatile yu are y idl in y heart frever!


  ish yu gr up in eah day is a happy, happy birthday!


  Hrse is running ut, the strng sldier is playing ut Happy birthday t yself!


  I ish yu a happy birthday, baby! ay ntain all f the jys yur birthday brings!


  In tday's birthday is ing, ay all the jy and delight, nstantly pured int yur ind


  Dreas fade, flers fall, but have yu ever had, and ill be ith yu frever, happy birthday!


  In yur frever ith spring n the brder in the drea I ish yu: happy happiness! Happy birthday!


  River, ill nt stay fr us, nly yu y lve, alays hide the depths f the heart, I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Baiyun sent t y ntinuus thinking f yu, the l breeze gently send y ish I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Birthday by, I ish yu an get all hpe, all dreas e true, all aiting an appear, all paying an ash


  N fler, n gifts, nly deeply ish, ish yu a happy, healthy frever beautiful,, everything drinks! daily ha ha!


  N ish uld be any arer than this, and n daughter uld be any dearer than yu Happy birthday! ith lts f lve!


  I fld paper ranes, every day s that I saved nly, I ake a ish, is t ish yu a happy birthday is the sae every year!


  The eaning f life and lve is the highest huan At the sae tie f try t grasp life, ay yu find lve at an early date Happy birthday!


  Fr grandpa sent t endless heart! I ish yu a happy and healthy frever, sile in the eyebrs jy in y ind, happy birthday


  Gently bak hu, dn't ant t disturb yu! Just ant t really kn everything abut yu is k I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Tie flies, and t yur birthday, in this I ish yu a happy birthday, happy and suessful, t this year in the ing year better birthday!


  Send yu is just a fe degrees f the spring and autun, stay is belng t yu y st sinere friendship, a friend a happy birthday!


  I ish yu a happy birthday ith all y lve! hen yu need e I ill by yur side I ish yu a happy, lve yu re than a year a year!


  aybe yu are nt brn fr e, but I a luky enugh t apany ith yu ay y lifetie, fr every year yu light up the birthday andle


  n this speial day send yu everlasting feeling f gratefulness and thankfulness Thanks fr yu, have n rds t express Happy birthday!


  Every reature's birth t this lrful rld adds a lr, and yu are the st beautiful a pen I ish yu a happy birthday!


  untain in the essage is y beating heart, juping harater is y passinate lve! The heerful essage sund? Is y praise t yu, f urse!


  In yur birthday this ent, it an't beside yu, srry! an I give yu the st ar ishes, there is n the sea I prise!


  There are lng luds light pes, light pes are in the jy f ntinuus, the jy f ntinuus lightly, I have the ish, happy birthday!


  Althugh letters is s rare, bak and frth tgether tie is s shrt, but eah ther's friendship tie us tightly I ish a happy birthday!


  Beause f yur ing, the day beae a beautiful day, fr then n, the rld as then any a put n a ipe attrative lr I ish yu a happy birthday!


  I think health and happiness is ne f the st iprtant t things in life, sinerely ish health and happiness apany yu frever, happy birthday!


  This seasn even re deliate and haring flers, yu kn, it is beause I use etin in the ater nly ait yu f birthday gift t yu, hpe yu like it


  Let e bless fr yu, let e laugh fr yu, beause in yur birthday tday, y heart is ith yu the sae jubilatin, happy! I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Lng distane, lng line, attahed t lng thughts ut far spae, fr a lng tie, distant dian read nstantly! I ish yu a happy birthday!


  an is nt beause f beautiful just lvely, but beause the lvely is beautiful In y heart, yu ill alays be lvely and beautiful, happy birthday!


  Unfrgettable is yu y pure friendship! Valuable is frever invariable truth! Is glad t eet yu! ffer y favrite arnatin, ish yu a happy birthday!


  In yur birthday this day, I ill happy ntes as a gift t yu, ay yu in the days, beautiful, happy every day, I sinerely ish yu a happy birthday!


  Tday the rld re nderful t have yu, have yu re brilliant, the stars tday beause yu re ar, huan tday beause yu I feel re happy, happy birthday


  Thank gd in tday gave e a speial gift, that's yu Lng lng jurney, apany ith yu is the happiness f y life I ish yu a happy birthday!


  Yesterday's ind and rain, has gne Tday's yu and e, ill ntinue Frget all ry, trr yu still beautiful Happy birthday! Happy spend!


  ish yu are the ind, take a hite sail; ish yu are the ship, split the blue aves Life is in frnt f yu sile, bldly stepped frard, life ill be lrful


  At this tie very seet, aay fr a glass f ine t yu, alng ith y best ishes? Gift is nt expensive, preius ish yu have a seet seet, happy birthday


  Yu had a pair f ings Tugh t fly, dn't be nvined by ind and rain; Sinerely fly, dn't be beguiled by seet hney Tard the lear gal, fle t the gd life