
2018-05-24    阅读: 32  


  1 abandned

  frsaken by ner r inhabitants


  Adpted hildren ust fae issues f abandnent as they gr lder

  2 aggressive

  harateristi f an eney r ne eager t fight


  But Bser uld appint ne and aggressive leaders in ther ity agenies, here Gray’s appintees have tended t be re autius

  — ashingtn Pst

  3 alienated

  sially disriented


  The re vigilant Allen as, the re resentful and alienated Nihlas beae, and the rse things gt

  — lass atters

  4 apatheti

  shing little r n etin r aniatin


  “And se peple are able t inspire therise apatheti yung peple t vte”

  — Frbes (t 21, 2018)

  5 ashaed

  feeling guilt r ebarrassent r rerse


  Then, ashaed and ebarrassed, he disappeared under a duvet and grieved

  — BB (Nv 4, 2018)

  6 astnished

  filled ith the etinal ipat f verheling surprise


  &qut;h y Gd,&qut; he sputters, learly astnished by the lai

  — BB (t 18, 2018)

  7 avidane

  deliberately aviding


  A sall perentage use it fr avidane, t reate a distratin, and an even saller perentage use it t get attentin

  — Ne Yrk Ties (t 30, 2018)

  8 aful

  exeptinally bad r displeasing


  ell, it's ugly, it's aful, but at least it's ffiial

  — Ls Angeles Ties (Nv 11, 2018)

  9 nfused

  unable t think ith larity r at intelligently


  Veterans servie rganizatins had braed fr a fld f alls fr nfusedveterans, but said s far they’ve nt heard any plaints

  — ashingtn Ties (Nv 11, 2018)

  10 urageus

  able t fae and deal ith danger r fear ithut flinhing


  &qut;T share in this ay is urageus, perful and generus,&qut; Dunha teeted at the tie, adding a link t Dylan Farr's letter

  — Seattle Ties (Nv 4, 2018)

  11 depressed

  filled ith elanhly and despndeny


  Hurs f rehabilitatin left hi feeling depressed at ties

  — Ls Angeles Ties (Nv 11, 2018)

  12 detestable

  ffensive t the ind


  Instead f aking hi re likable, it ade hi re detestable and he ended up being passive-aggressive

  — Saln (t 19, 2018)

  13 devastate

  verhel r verper


  In the afterath f the quake, rdinary Italians ere devastated and utraged

  — The Verge (Nv 11, 2018)

  14 disillusined

  freed fr false ideas


  Peple ere sared, disillusined and nfused, s they didn’t vte

  — Saln (Nv 10, 2018)

  15 distant

  rete in anner


  Her parents, thugh, ere distant, and the yung Jean sn develped the strng independent streak hih has haraterised her life

  — BB (Nv 10, 2018)

  16 eager

  having r shing keen interest r intense desire


  Derati-priary vters are alays eager t see a fresh ptential andidate

  — The Ne Yrker (Nv 10, 2018)

  17 estati

  feeling great rapture r delight


  &qut;I as just s estati t get the ring bak&qut;

  — hiag Tribune (Nv 6, 2018)

  18 ebarrassed

  feeling r aused t feel uneasy and self-nsius


  Tgether, they ebrae then pull apart as if ebarrassed by the physial lseness

  — Seattle Ties (Nv 10, 2018)

  19 energeti

  pssessing r displaying freful exertin


  Niall had been a gfy, energeti, reative kid h asn’t quite sure hat he anted t d ith his life

  — ashingtn Pst

  20 enraged

  arked by extree anger


  hen he returned he, he searhed his ife’s ell phne and beaeenraged hen he fund a piture f anther an, prseutrs said

  — Reuters (Nv 7, 2018)

  21 frustrated

  disappintingly unsuessful


  &qut;But it still ake e sad that I an’t speak ell I all y interpreter hen I get frustrated&qut;

  — Reuters (Nv 12, 2018)

  22 furius

  arked by extree anger


  hite Huse ffiials ere furius, alling Krne's behavir &qut;unprfessinal&qut;

  — Seattle Ties (Nv 10, 2018)

  23 hateful

  evking r deserving hatred


  st peple have been supprtive, she said, but thers have been hateful

  — Ls Angeles Ties (Nv 9, 2018)

  24 hesitant

  unable t at r deide quikly r firly


  He is hesitant arund e, kind f respetfully shy

  25 hstile

  haraterized by enity r ill ill


  They ntinued t bak r Dunkle, saying an independent investigatin had fund he had nt reated a hstile rk envirnent, Bishp Sisk said

  — Ne Yrk Ties (Nv 7, 2018)

  26 hurt

  psyhlgial suffering


  “It hurts e and it pains e Paul is ith hi, but I seties feel like I’ failing as a ther”

  — Ne Yrk Ties (Nv 12, 2018)

  27 ignred



  Have yu ever felt ignred fr n reasn at all?

  and inadequate

  28 indifferent

  arked by a lak f interest


  A fe staffers, thugh, seeed either indifferent r dnright surly

  — Frbes (Nv 7, 2018)

  29 inquisitive

  shing urisity


  Her lder sister, Bedges added, “is an inquisitive girl, very talkative”

  — ashingtn Pst

  30 inseure

  laking self-nfidene r assurane


  I as s inseure, and I hated yself

  — Tie (Nv 1, 2018)

  31 insignifiant

  f little iprtane r influene r per; f inr status


  “Hell, a kid’s already sared f being sall and insignifiant,” he ne said

  — The Ne Yrker (Nv 5, 2018)

  32 intiate

  arked by lse aquaintane, assiatin, r failiarity


  The uple gre s intiate that the an prised she uld ve t Ne Yrk in six nths

  — Ne Yrk Ties (Nv 7, 2018)

  33 jealus

  suspiius r fearful f being displaed by a rival


  &qut;I think it as really hard I think he as a little jealus f the vide guy at first,&qut; Gez jked

  — Ls Angeles Ties (Nv 6, 2018)

  34 ptiisti

  expeting the best in this best f all pssible rlds


  She said the talks ere ging ell and she felt ptiisti that prgress uld be ade

  — BB (Nv 12, 2018)

  35 perplexed

  full f diffiulty r nfusin r beilderent


  The bankers h arrange the lan deals say that they are perplexed

  — Ne Yrk Ties (Nv 4, 2018)

  36 playful

  full f fun and high spirits


  He says the furth “Ty Stry” installent ill “pen a ne hapter” in the lives f dy, Buzz and their playful pals

  — ashingtn Ties (Nv 7, 2018)

  37 rejeted

  rebuffed (by a lver) rebuffed (by a lver) ithut arning


  The break up ith his best friend left hi feeling lnely, rejeted, and generally ut f srts

  38 rerseful

  feeling r expressing pain r srr fr sins r ffenses


  In a stateent, h said the running bak as “ntrite, ebarrassed andrerseful”

  — ashingtn Ties (t 15, 2018)

  39 repugnant

  ffensive t the ind


  These inidents n strike us as repugnant disriinatin

  — Slate (Nv 7, 2018)

  40 resentful

  full f r arked by indignant ill ill


  This is h e, the eletrate, are being desribed: sur, dyspepti, deralized, disgusted, rebellius, frustrated, resentful, angry

  — Seattle Ties (Nv 7, 2018)

  41 sared

  ade afraid


  &qut;I' sared right n,&qut; she said as she athed ske fr the burning huse

  — US Nes (Nv 11, 2018)

  42 skeptial

  arked by r given t dubt


  Faed ith skeptial — r sexist — editrs and lleagues, the en fund that rk seties ae at the prie f their persnal lives

  — Ne Yrk Ties (Nv 12, 2018)

  43 subissive

  inlined r illing t give in t rders r ishes f thers


  Finally, a textbk that teahes en the anly pursuit f siene in ters that ur feeble, subissive lady brains ill understand

  — Saln (t 14, 2018)

  44 terrified

  thrn int a state f intense fear r desperatin


  &qut;She kne she as ging t be urdered She as terrified&qut;

  — BB (Nv 12, 2018)

  45 threatened

  likely in the near future t bee endangered


  &qut;I as disgusted that y vie as ignred, but they felt threatened after being alled by a plitiian&qut;

  — BB (Nv 12, 2018)

  46 vitiized

  f persns; taken advantage f


  Any girl suspeted f being attrated t girls as gssiped abut, vitiized, and shunned

  — iddlesex: A Nvel

  47 vulnerable

  apable f being unded r hurt


  &qut;She is s funny and vulnerable,&qut; he said

  — Ls Angeles Ties (Nv 12, 2018)

  48 ithdran

  tending t reserve r intrspetin


  Exeutive ah aureen riarty believes that thse h fail t uniate their feelings at rk are ften pereived as alf, ld,ithdran r untrustrthy

  — US Nes (Nv 11, 2018)

  49 rried

  afflited ith r arked by anxius uneasiness r truble


  Arding t the survey, 80% f Aerians are rried abut the gvernent’s nitring f phne and Internet uniatins

  — all Street Jurnal (Nv 12, 2018)

  50 rthless

  laking in usefulness r value


  “I as just tired f it I as letting y faily dn; I as feeling rthless”

  — US Nes (Nv 5, 2018)