
2018-05-18    阅读: 33  











  强身健体,立志成材,2班2班,非同一般 扬帆把舵,奋勇拼搏,看我三班,锐不可当 与时俱进,奋力拼搏,齐心协力,争创一流 铁心拼搏,争创一流

  团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息 挑战自我,超越梦想,团结互助,共创佳绩



  七一七一,永争佳绩,相互学习,齐心协力; 七一七一,强身健体,再接再厉,永不言弃; 七一七一,自强不息,努力拼搏,拥抱胜利。



  All the ebers f Red flag tea lk deep feeling f nfidene and they are alking at a tidy, vigrus pae, alking tard us Dzens f red flag flies by the ind, red represents passin, rsy luds all ver the sky, flag sea surge There breeds a kind f spirit beteen sea and sky, hinting a kind f issin Flag rising, they g frard ith nfidene They are inspiring, hand in hand, shulder t shulder ith the sng f life t reate the glry and drea 接着走过来的是本届运动会裁判员代表队这是一支无私奉献的队伍,运动会将在他们的严谨,公平,公正的执裁中顺利进行为使本届运动会成功举办,全体裁判员将本着公平公正实事求是的态度和稳健,热情,大公无私的职业操守,统一尺度,秉公执裁,全心全意为赛事服务我们期待着本届运动会在裁判的公正执裁中,圆满完成所有赛事

  Then ing the representative tea f referees in this sprts eeting This is a selfless tea; the sprts eeting

  ill be held suessfully beause f their rigrus and fair judge T ake the suessful hsting f the gaes, the referee ill be in line ith the attitude f seeking truth fr fats and be fair They ill ffer their servies hle-heartedly ith unified diensin, justie f judge and in a steady, enthusiasti, selfless rk ethi, e lk frard t the suessful pletin f all events in the referee's justie f judge


  See, n the ing phalanx in high spirit is ninth grade tea Tidy and vigrus pae, step by step, represents the nfidene and strength f the ninth grade A kind f energy f yuth flies upard The vitality f yuth, flies in the air e are ready t aplish the drea f yuth,

  sing the sng f the drea ludly and step ith nfidene, hih nstitutes the speial senery n the runay ith undisvered talent, everyne is s shiny Believing that they an sar like an eagle in the gaes, t break thrugh the blue sky, surpassing their dreas and shing the elegant deeanur, getting gd grades

  现在进入会场的是朝气蓬勃的202班,他们正迎着春风,踏着矫健的步伐向我们走来,他们的口号是”放飞梦想,创造辉煌,非比寻常,202班最强”希望他们在本次运动会中凝聚一心,团结一致,勇争第一,在比赛中发挥出最高水平202班,加油 N, being full f vigr and vitality, entering the eeting plae is 202 lass They are alking tard us, against the spring breeze, stepping a vigrus pae Their slgan is &qut;t fly drea, t reate brilliant, t be unusual, the 202 lass is the strngest lass&qut; Hping they an play the highest level in the gae as ne, slidarity tea and be first The 202 lass, e n



  The 203 lass, if rainb an desribe a grgeus senery, s e put a little f blush; if hite luds an sh a isp f pure, then e nly ay interpret a kind f brightness and leanness If beauty is the end f dreas and hpe, s e ill let the pursuit f struggle t be eternal The 203 lass tea as n ing t us, h is a unity f pragati representing hardrking, persistene, and a blend f gdness and isd &qut;Ten thusand is t ln

  g, t seize every inute&qut; e ill fly ur drea, sh ur bright sile in the sunshine and sar in the ind and rain e ill be brilliant in the spring f RngZhi eduatin



  Lk, full f vigr and vitality, the 204 lass is ing tards us In the past year, they rk tgether t seat a suess The sunshine is their sile; the blue sky is the testiny f their suess They are strng and nfident, like an eagle flying the sky, a siing dragn in vast expanse f ater They are deterined t rk tgether t reate brilliant suess Let's heer fr the and fr their unreitting effrts


  Lk, the 205 lass tea is ing tards platfr ith tidy pae This is a kind f lass lking fr the truth and being pratial hih represents slidarity, friendship,

  they have pride in the hest; nt



  迎着初秋的脚步,踏着矫健的步伐。现在向我们跑来的是九年级方阵。他们蕴蓄 着蓬勃的生机,凝聚着不竭的活力,他们是热血、激情、信念、奋发向上的象征。 他们将用执着的信念、年轻的激情和青春的力量展现王者风范!磨练的是非凡的 意志,较量的是超常的体力,拼搏的是出类拔萃的耐力;把长长的跑道当成一段 浪漫的征程;听,呼啸的长风在为他们加油;看,鲜艳的彩旗在为他们鼓掌。 今天他们会用汗水收获心目中的奖牌,明朝他们将用知识创造阳光般的未来!

