
2018-05-16    阅读: 294  


  1Yu ay e anytie yu ant

  Student ay nt sleep in lass

  2I uld g t Nray ne day

  I uld nt hse this lr

  3Yu shuld respet yur teaher

  Yu shuld nt ake nise hen the baby is sleeping

  4I an speak 3 languages

  I an nt finish it in 1 hur

  5Yu ust finish yur herk befre playing ith the dg

  Yu ust nt eat it up if yu are full


  1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。

  2) 情态动词 除ught 和have 外,后面只能接不带t 的不定式。

  3) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。

  4) 情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。

  比较an 和be able t

  1)an uld 表示能力;可能 (过去时用uld),

  只用于现在式和过去式(uld)。be able t可以用于各种时态。

  They ill be able t tell yu the nes sn 他很快就能告诉你消息了。

  2)只用be able t

  a 位于助动词后。

  b 情态动词后。


  d 用于句首表示条件。

  e 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用as/ere able t, 不能用uld。

  He as able t flee Eurpe befre the ar brke ut

  = He anaged t flee Eurpe befre the ar brke ut



  --- uld I have the televisin n?

  --- Yes, yu an / N, yu an't


  He uldn't be a bad an



  1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;ay 放在句首,表示祝愿。

  ay Gd bless yu!

  He ight be at he

  注意: ight 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比ay 小。

  2) 成语: ay/ight as ell,后面接不带t 的不定式,意为&qut;不妨&qut;。

  If that is the ase, e ay as ell try


  Peter ___e ith us tnight, but he isn't very sure yet

  A ust  B ay   an  D ill

  答案B 表可能性只能用ay 此句意可从后半句推出。

  比较have t和ust

  1) 两词都是'必须'的意思,have t 表示客观的需要, ust 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。

  y brther as very ill, s I had t all the dtr in the iddle f the night 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事)

  He said that they ust rk hard 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

  2) have t有人称、数、时态的变化,而ust只有一种形式。但ust 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。

  He had t lk after his sister yesterday

  3) 在否定结构中: dn't have t  表示&qut;不必&qut;

  ustn't    表示&qut;禁止&qut;,

  Yu dn't have t tell hi abut it  你不一定要把此事告诉他。

  Yu ustn't tell hi abut it    你一定不要把这件事告诉他。


  1) ust用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为&qut;一定&qut;。

  2) ust表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, ust 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。

  Yu have rked hard all dayYu ust be tired  你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断)

  He ust be rking in his ffie 他一定在办公室工作呢。


  He ust be staying there


  He ust stay there


  3) ust 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,ust 要接完成式。

  I didn't hear the phne I ust have been asleep 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。

  4) ust表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,ust 后面要接不定式的完成进行式。

  ---hy didn't yu anser y phne all?

  ---ell, I ust have been sleeping, s I didn't hear it

  5) 否定推测用an't。

  If T didn't leave here until five 'lk, he an't be he yet 如果汤姆五点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。


  an, uld, ay, ight, ust 皆可表示推测,其用法如下:



  I dn't kn here she is, she ay be in uhan



  At this ent, ur teaher ust be rreting ur exa papers




  e uld have finished this rk by the end f next Deeber


  The rad is et It ust have rained last night




  Yur ther ust have been lking fr yu


  5)推测的否定形式,疑问形式用an't, uldn't表示。

  ike an't have fund his ar, fr he ae t rk by bus this rning


  注意:uld, ight表示推测时不表示时态,其推测的程度不如an, ay。

  情态动词+ have +过去分词

  1) ay(ight) have + dne sth, an (uld) have + dne sth 表示过去,推测过去时间里可能发生的事情。

  Philip ay (ight) have been hurt seriusly in the ar aident

  Philip an (uld) have been hurt seriusly in the ar aident

  2) ust have +dne sth,对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有&qut;肯定&qut;,&qut;谅必&qut;的意思。

  ---Linda has gne t rk, but her biyle is still here

  ---She ust have gne by bus

  3) ught t have dne sth, shuld have dne sth


  Yu ught t (shuld) have been re areful in this experient

  He ught nt t have thrn the ld lthes aay(事实上已扔了。)

  ught t 在语气上比shuld 要强。

  4) needn't have dne sth  本没必要做某事

  I dressed very arly fr the trip, but I needn't have dne s The eather as ht

  5) uld like t have dne sth  本打算做某事

  I uld like t have read the artile, but I as very busy then

  三十五个经典句型 帮你过写作关(英语四级)

  一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( knn/heard/had/read, et)

  ~~~ the st + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( knn/heard/had/read, et)

  例句:Helen is the st beautiful girl that I have ever seen


  r hang is the kindest teaher that I have ever had


  二、Nthing is + ~~~ er than t + V

  Nthing is + re + 形容词 + than t + V

  例句:Nthing is re iprtant than t reeive eduatin


  三、~~~ annt ephasize the iprtane f ~~~ t uh


  例句:e annt ephasize the iprtane f prteting ur eyes t uh


  四、There is n denying that + S + V (不可否认的)

  例句:There is n denying that the qualities f ur living have gne fr bad t rse


  五、It is universally aknledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道)

  例句:It is universally aknledged that trees are indispensable t us


  六、There is n dubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的)

  例句:There is n dubt that ur eduatinal syste leaves sething t be desired


  七、An advantage f ~~~ is that + 句子 (的优点是)

  例句:An advantage f using the slar energy is that it n‘t reate (prdue) any pllutin


  八、The reasn hy + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (的原因是)

  例句:The reasn hy e have t gr trees is that they an prvide us ith fresh air

  The reasn hy e have t gr trees is that they an supply fresh air fr us


  九、S + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此以致于)

  例句:S preius is tie that e an‘t affrd t aste it


  十、Adj + as + Subjet(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然)

  例句:Rih as ur untry is, the qualities f ur living are by n eans satisfatry

  {by n eans = in n ay = n n aunt 一点也不}


  十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~

  The + re + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + re + Adj + S + V ~~~(愈愈)

  例句:The harder yu rk, the re prgress yu ake


  The re bks e read, the re learned e bee


  十二、By +Ving, ~~ an ~~ (借着,能够)

  例句:By taking exerise, e an alays stay healthy


  十三、~~~ enable + bjet(受词)+ t + V (使能够)

  例句:Listening t usi enable us t feel relaxed


  十四、n n aunt an e + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能)

  例句:n n aunt an e ignre the value f knledge


  十五、It is tie + S + 过去式 (该是的时候了)

  例句:It is tie the authrities nerned tk prper steps t slve the traffi prbles


  十六、Thse h ~~~ (的人)

  例句:Thse h vilate traffi regulatins shuld be punished


  十七、There is n ne but ~~~ (没有人不)

  例句:There is n ne but lngs t g t llege


  十八、be + fred/pelled/bliged + t + V (不得不)

  例句:Sine the exainatin is arund the rner, I a pelled t give up ding sprts


  十九、It is neivable that + 句子 (可想而知的)

  It is bvius that + 句子 (明显的)

  It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的)

  例句:It is neivable that knledge plays an iprtant rle in ur life


  二十、That is the reasn hy ~~~ (那就是的原因)

  例句:Suer is sultry That is the reasn hy I dn‘t like it


  二十一、Fr the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式(过去年来,一直)

  例句:Fr the past t years, I have been busy preparing fr the exainatin


  二十二、Sine + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。

  例句:Sine he ent t senir high shl, he has rked very hard


  二十三、It pays t + V ~~~ (是值得的。)

  例句:It pays t help thers


  二十四、be based n (以为基础)

  例句:The prgress f thee siety is based n harny


  二十五、Spare n effrt t + V (不遗余力的)

  e shuld spare n effrt t beautify ur envirnent


  二十六、bring he t + 人 + 事 (让明白事)

  例句:e shuld bring he t peple the value f rking hard


  二十七、be lsely related t ~~ (与息息相关)

  例句:Taking exerise is lsely related t health


  二十八、Get int the habit f + Ving

  = ake it a rule t + V (养成的习惯)

  e shuld get int the habit f keeping gd hurs


  二十九、Due t/ing t/Thanks t + N/Ving, ~~~ (因为)

  例句:Thanks t his enurageent, I finally realized y drea


  三十、hat a + Adj + N + S + V!= H + Adj + a + N + V!(多么!)

  例句:hat an iprtant thing it is t keep ur prise!

  H iprtant a thing it is t keep ur prise!


  三十一、Leave uh t be desired (令人不满意)

  例句:The nditin f ur traffi leaves uh t be desired


  三十二、Have a great influene n ~~~ (对有很大的影响)

  例句:Sking has a great influene n ur health


  三十三、d gd t (对有益),d har t (对有害)

  例句:Reading des gd t ur ind读书对心灵有益。

  verrk des har t health工作过度对健康有害。

  三十四、Pse a great threat t ~~ (对造成一大威胁)

  例句:Pllutin pses a great threat t ur existene


  三十五、d ne‘s utst t + V = d ne‘s best (尽全力去)

  例句:e shuld d ur utst t ahieve ur gal in life
