
2018-05-16    阅读: 21  

  Respeted Prfessrs,Gd afternn! I' great hnred t eet yu hereN all e t give a brief self-intrdutin

  I' ,26 years ld , brn in ity , PrvineIn the year f ,I entered University, ajring in ahinal Designing and Prduing During thse 4 years'study,I rked hard and I as alays ative in varius ativities I gained the first shlarship fr fur ties and I jined the unist Party at the llege

  After y graduatin in June ,I rked in pany I gt a psitin in the Tehnlgy Departent the first year and I as invlved in several internet prjets, suh as the ne fr llege student Reruitent in Henan Prvine and the ne fr puter enter in athatis Departent in Zhengzhu University ning t y hard rk ,I as aarded the Best Neer Prize in the year The next year, I as transferred int the Prinipal uster Departent, respnsible fr develping and strengthening a gd relatinship beteen the prinipal usters and y pany T ajr usters, Henan Prvinipal Departent f Transprtatin and Henan Prvinial Departent f Persnnel, are under y rk

  Hever,ith tie ging n ,the re I experiened, the learer I realized that I' really interested in the Enterprise anageent I find any enterprises have the prble f an unathed anageent t its develping speed I' eager t learn re abut anageent and I hpe I an study further in this University

  S I resigned in August , 2008 and started the ay t pursuing y studies After abut half year's hard rk, I' finally standing befre yur hnrable prfessrs n I' really exited Thugh I've sarified uh n y ay t pusuing studies, I believe it's rthhile I believe rking hard ill finally be prepared Thank yu !




