
2018-05-16    阅读: 12  


  Gd rning !

  It is really y hnr t have this pprtunity fr an intervie,

  I hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday I' nfident that I an sueed N i ill intrdue yself briefly

  I a 26 years ld,brn in shandng prvine

  I as graduated fr qingda university y ajr is eletrniand i gt y bahelr degree after y graduatin in the year f 2003

  I spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 and i have aquired basi knledge f y ajr during y shl tie

  In July 2003, I began rk fr a sall private pany as a tehnial supprt engineer in QingDa ityBeause I' apable f re respnsibilities, s I deided t hange y jb

  And in August 2004,I left QingDa t BeiJing and rked fr a freign enterprise as a autatin sftare test engineerBeause I ant t hange y rking envirnent, I'd like t find a jb hih is re hallenging rver trla is a glbal pany, s I feel I an gain the st fr rking in this kind f pany ennvirnent That is the reasn hy I e here t pete fr this psitin

  I think I' a gd tea player and I' a persn f great hnesty t thers Als I a able t rk under great pressure

  That’s all Thank yu fr giving e the hane


  1Gd rning I a glad t be here fr this intervie First let e intrdue yself y nae is ***, 24 I e fr ******,the apital f *******Prvine I graduated fr the ******* departent f *****University in July ,2001In the past t years I have been preparing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing *****in N****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in junir grade tN all y hard rk has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervie by yu I a pen-inded ,quik in thught and very fnd f histryIn y spare tie,I have brad interests like any ther yungstersI like reading bks, espeially thse abut *******Frequently I exhange ith ther peple by aking ents in the fru n lineIn additin ,during y llege years,I as ne a Net-bar tehniianS, I have a paratively gd and f netrk appliatinI a able t perate the puter ellI a skillful in searhing fr infratin in InternetI a a ftball fan fr yearsItalian tea is y favriteAnyay,I feel great pity fr ur untry’s tea I alays believe that ne ill easily lag behind unless he keeps n learning f urse, if I a given a hane t study ****** in this faus University,I ill stare n effrt t aster a gd and f advane ******

  2Gd afternn I a f great hrnr t stand here and intrdue yself t yu

  First f all ,y english nae is and y hinese nae is If yu are ging t have a jb intervie ,yu ust say uh things hih an sh yur illness t this jb ,suh as ,it is y lng herished drea t be and I a eager t get an pprtunity t dand then give se exaples hih an give evidene t then yu an say sething abut yur hbbies and it is best that the hbbies have sething t d ith the jb

  hat is re iprtant is d nt frget t uniate ith the intervieee,keeping a sile and keeping yur talks interesting and funny an ntribute t the suess

  I hpe yu ill give the a nderful speeh Gd luk t yu !

  3gd rning, y nae is jak, it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie, i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise, and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday, eventually ell in this prestigius university in septeber n i ill intrdue yself briefly,i a 21 years ld,brn in heilngjiang prvine ,nrtheast f hina,and i a urruently a senir student at beijing XX uniy ajr is pakaging engineeringand i ill reeive y bahelr degree after y graduatin in junein the past 4 years,i spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 ith an ease and i have aquired basi knledge f pakaging and publishing bth in thery and in pratie besides, i have attend several pakaging exhibitin hld in Beijing, this is ur advantage study here, i have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany thrugh these i have a deeply understanding f desti pakaging industry pared t develped untries suh as us, unfrtunately, althugh e have ade extrardinary prgress sine 1978,ur pakaging industry are still underdevelped, ess, unstable, the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard but i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur eny an keep the grth pae still i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la, and hat is y plan during graduate study life, i uld like t tell yu that pursue la is ne f y lifelng gal,i like y ajr pakaging and i n't give up,if i an pursue y aster degree here i ill bine la ith y frer eduatin i ill rk hard in thesefields ,patent ,tradeark, pyright, n the base f y years study in departent f p≈p, y harater? i annt desribe it ell, but i kn i a ptiisti and nfident seties i prefer t stay alne, reading, listening t usi, but i a nt lnely, i like t hat ith y lassates, alst talk everything ,y favrite pastie is valleyball,playing ards r surf nline thrugh llege life,i learn h t balane beteen study and entertainent by the ay, i as a atr f ur aazing draa lub i had a fe glrius ery n stage that is y pride

  3 hat is yur greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


  I feel that y strngest asset is y ability t stik t things t get the dne I feel a real sense f aplishent hen I finish a jb and it turns ut just as I’d planned I’ve set se high gals fr yself Fr exaple, I ant t graduate ith highest distintin And even thugh I had a sl start in y freshan year, I ade up fr it by ding an hnr’s thesis

  4 hat is yur greatest eakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


  I' suh a perfetinist that I ill nt stp until a jb is ell dne





  ①Ihat is yur ajr?

  Ay ajr is Business Adinistratin I a espeially interested in〃arketing〃


  ②Ihih university are yu attending?

  AI a attending×××University

  ③IHave yu reeived any degrees?

  AYes FirstI reeived y Bahelr degree in English Literatureand then an BA degree

  ④Ihat urse did yu like best?

  APrjet anageent I as very interested in this urse hen I as a student And I think it’s very useful fr y present rk

  ⑤ID yu feel that yu have reeived a gd general training?

  AYesI have studied in an English train-ing prgra and a puter training prgra sine I graduated fr university I a urrently studying Finane at a training shl 介绍工作经验:显露实力,避免炫耀

  ①IHave yu ever been eplyed?

  ②IYur resue says yu have had ne-year experiene rking in a freign representative ffie in Shanghaiay I ask hy yu left?

  AI rked in a freign repffie fr ne yearHeverI left there t years ag beause the rk they gave e as rather dullI fund anther jb that is re interesting

  ③IHave yu dne any rk in this field?

  ④Ihat qualifiatins d yu have that ake yu feel yu ill be suessful in yur field?

  ⑤Ihat have yu learned fr the jbs yu have had?

  AI have learned a lt abut business kn h and basi ffie skills In additinI learned at y previus jb sh t perate ith y lleagues

  ⑥Ihat’s yu ajr eak pint?

  AI haven’t been invlved in internatinal businesss I dn’t have any experienebut I have studied this urse in the Internatinal Business Training enter f the×××pany

  ⑦Ihat are yur greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

  ⑧IPlease tell e abut yur rking experiene

  ⑨IDes yur present eplyer kn yu are lking fr anther jb?

  ANI haven’t disussed y areer plans ith y present eplyerbut I a sure he ill understand 性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面

  ①IH d yu spend yur spare tie?

  ②IAre yu interested in sprts?

  ③ID yu think yu are intrverted r extrverted?

  ④Ihat kind f persnality d yu think yu have?

  AI alays apprah things very enthusiastially hen I beg in sethingI dn’t like t leave it halfdne I an’t nentrate n sething ne until the first thing is finished

  ⑤Ihat is the st iprtant thing fr yu t be happy?

  ADifferent peple have different ideas I think the st iprtant thing fr e is having a gd relatinship ith y faily ebers and y friends y faily ha





  还有,就是要想rap出来,或者写出来的歌词有意义(ake a sense),还需要多看书,知识面广,反映快,逻辑思维能力强,这样才能rap的精彩!不是乱来





  这个方面我现在没有经验,也没有跟人battle过,只是网上的lyris battle,等我这方面有了经验后在来跟大家分享。 首先学好英文,发音和连读非常关键。因为在说唱中有很多连读、失爆、吞音等情况出现。 其次要掌握好节奏和beat。个人认为这是最关键的。开始练习的时候可以先练一些白人的rapper因为他们的说唱的节奏也就是beat相对固定,没有什么变化。掌握了读熟就k。(注意一定不要一味求快,节奏最关键)比如linkin park的 ike shinda的rap已经算很慢的了,而且吐字很清晰。可以拿lp和frt inr的歌来练习。其次就是fl,什么是fl单从字面上很难解释。举个例子,你可以把它理解为你的rap中重读或者发音提高音调总之就是你的 rap中你语音需要强调的部分。听听nas,或者bigge这种纯正的纽约街头说唱相信你就能明白什么是fl了。它可以有很强的个人风格,开始时可以模仿自己喜欢的和rapper。熟练了就可以有自己的风格了。名不是很困难。 推荐几个你可以练习的:linkin park的paperut(节奏容易掌握,大声跟着联系,这首歌喊都没问题因为曲风是rap-etal)还有eine的hen i gne(找准节奏,实际上没那么难。这首歌fl比较流畅也是我会唱的第一首rap。) 其实一些相对sulful的rapper他们的歌也相对较慢,像kanye est他的歌都不快。


  此外jay-z的新专集里的pray,r bys, n hk较他之前的作品都很慢也很容易练习。 总之linkin park的所有歌都可用来练习的。 如果你想要battle,或者在自己的说唱中与别人beef。那就需要你有更高的level了。


  就这么多,学说唱这个是慢功夫,要多加练习。祝这位仁兄加油! 学rap我觉得有三个多:多听,多想,多说 所谓多听当然是多听rap歌曲~无论中文的,英文的或者其他文的。我以前只听rap,但是我听了许多年之后第一次写歌发现特别顺~就是因为听得多的缘故,耳濡目染就是这个意思。

  而且在听的时候可以跟着哼~不一定要加什么词~你可以随便加些即兴的音节上去,这样有个好处~可以练你的fl,不至于fl太单一太平~太平的fl会让人听听就想睡觉。(当然新手的fl一般都很平~这个多练练就好了) 所谓多想,就是观察生活~rap不是流行歌曲~他是一个表达自我的音乐形式~你对这个世界对你生活的感触你都要经常思考一下~有好的灵感就拿笔写下来~hiphp fr real! 所谓多说,顾名思义就是经常rap~没有规定说每天练多长时间~,凭自己兴趣吧~如果某天你更本不想动口,强迫自己练也没什么效果。建议你在当地找几个志同道合的朋友一起玩~

  有个团的话~提高会很快~而且写歌也容易很多~从那方面开始练的问题:从听歌开始练~个人推荐听美国黑人的下面贴一个关于中文饶舌fl的文章给你看看 关於中文饶舌fl技巧的一点肤浅认识(转) 众所周知 英文日文韩文的发音是只有两种声调 上升 或者下降 所以平时我们聼国外的东西 经常感到很顺 但是同样的fl 拿到中文裏面 就很别扭 这是为啥? 因为中文的发音非常令人发指。。。居然有四个声调。。。 所以 中文饶舌裏面才会有各种押韵只有这样来代替声调变化太大的不足 减少因为音调给节奏律动带来的困难 由此 中文饶舌歌词就比别的语言的难写 要考虑押韵 还不能因为押韵影响到意思的表达 唱起来还要顺 这就关系到了fl一个歌词再经典的rapper 如果fl像读课文 de也是不好听得。。。 fl讨论一: 停顿 一个八拍的歌词 要在哪里停顿 很有学问 因为你不能停顿的太有规律 这样就成了四四拍数来宝的念经 就成了读课文 成了快板儿 比如中国某些前辈们就直接四四拍到死。。。在国外,那只有八十年代才会有这样的说唱。

  可是你也不能停顿的太没有规律,因为这样一下子节奏就不好控制了,会影响到你的律动性。总起来说,要在哪里停顿,看beat,看感觉,看歌词的编配,看律动,当然还要看你的肺活量。fl不能平,要有跳跃性。我个人比较喜欢韩国的rapper的fl,技术含量非常高。 而且风格比较多元化,从街头诗人那种类似于说话的停顿方式到sniper那种像机关炮一样的除非换气否则就能让人忘了还有停顿这说,都能让我学到很多东西。

  fl讨论二: 弹舌 弹舌这东西,并非人人都能学会,有些人就是舌头厚,那也没办法。但是好象现在很多国内的rapper都喜欢“得儿得儿”的跟汽车发动机一样没完没了地弹。 我个人认为这是一种误区。 以前我刚学饶舌的时候也有过这种弹到死的de,可是后来随着自己听得东西越来越多,写的东西越来越多,我就发现,不能这样。太多地弹舌,会影响到fl的稳定性。也会让歌词变得模糊不清。这是唱饶舌最忌讳的事情。 记得以前alz哥哥曾经跟我说过,弹舌只是一个小加速。现在我也这么认为,本身弹舌作为一种技巧,是用来为fl服务的,而不是成为fl的累赘。一句很长的歌词里面,加一个弹舌音,会让节奏的律动性更加突出。最好是加在“的”“了”上。这样也不会影响到歌词的清晰度。 如果非要说华人饶舌里面我认为谁地弹舌最值得学习,我认为就是茶米了。他在《反省》那首歌里有这么一句“丧失了本质的放弃变成了。。。。” 两个“了”一个“的”,全部变成小弹舌音,同时还是三连音加速。让这句歌词成为整首歌里面最具有技术含量的一个亮点。 所以。我认为弹舌可以有,小小的技巧很容易提高整首fl的感觉,但是,过犹不及。。。

  fl讨论三: 加速 因为中文字正腔圆,所以在中文饶舌里面,想上速度非常的不容易。但是国外有很多出名的rapper,都有那么一两首让人佩服他们舌头构造的歌。 所以,加速几乎变成了饶舌音乐里面最重要的一个技巧,也成了评判一首歌fl技术含量的最重要因素。 欧美的我不经常听,暂且不说。韩国sniper那帮b,有首歌叫做《better than yesterday》,那加速简直可以说是令人肃然起敬了。他们居然可以做到一拍塞进去十个字!而且如果我没记错的话,整个歌的速度应该不是93就是96。 但是人家韩文毕竟简单,就两个发音。中文饶舌要达到一拍十个字,那连想都别想。中文饶舌,以前茶米标榜的最快语速是一拍六个字,就是在一拍 里面塞进去两个三连音加速,而且还可以两个八拍连着加。这对于中文来说已经很不易了,许多的中国rapper都达不到这样的速度。(特别那帮子所谓的前辈,一拍五个字的加速,都没办法连着唱下半个八拍来)现在已经有很多国内的rapper可以做到一拍六个字的连续三连音加速了,这倒是让人欣慰的事情,毕竟,这纯粹是靠听出来的,练出来的,来不得半点虚假的真功夫。 我就一直在考虑,中文饶舌的速度能不能再加了? 我尝试过用四连音加速,一拍塞八个字,但是只能偶尔出现在一拍当中,顶多两拍连着,再多就连不起来了。。。第一是嘴巴确实没那么利索,第二是中文饶舌这么加并不好听(因为还有音调影响),第三是这样的速度影响到歌词的清晰度了。如果不看歌词就听不明白,那这歌肯定是失败的作品。 所以,我认为中文饶舌的加速,最好用的是三连音加速,连着加,好听,有技术含量。那么加速如何用?怎么用? 我还是完全凭感觉来的,加速也不能用得太频繁,跟弹舌一样,是为了fl服务的,除非你唱的就是块歌,拿三连音当普通速度,用更快的四连音加速。那我没话说,不过国内我还没发现这样的牛人。。。都快赶上sniper那帮b了。。。

  fl讨论四: 卷舌篇二:rap英文介绍

  rap riginated in the id-1970s in ne yrk ityrap represents the ultiate expressin f attitude in ppular ulture prvking

  even re utragethan rk n rll in the 50s and punk 70 in the 70s

  ainstrea ulture

  in the early 1970s a usial gee as brn in the rie-ridden neighbrhds

  f ne yrk ity gifted teenagers ith plenty f iaginatin but little ash began t frge a ne style fr spare parts hip-hp as it as then knn as a prdut f pure streetise ingenuity extrating rhyths and eldies fr existing rerd and ixing the up ith searing petry hrniling life in the hd hip-hp spilled ut f the ghett

  hip-hp is the vie f a generatin that refused t be silened by urban pverty

  a lal phenenn fueled ith s uh passin and truth it uld nt help but reah

  the entire rld

  t things that is very iprtant t understand the rap: rap is talking in rhye t the rhyth f a beat hip-hp is a sub-ulture a ay f life fr a siety f peple h identify lve

  and herish rap break daning djing and graffiti ainstrea ulture sub-ulture

  dj dis jkey

  in the early 70s hen dis as nplizing the ainstrea airaves the rap

  veent as just being brnthe teenagers f the suth brnx and harle didnt have the ney t pay fr

  adissin t the expensive idtn and dntn lubs s they had their n parties

  alng the ay lubs huse parties and blk parties sprang up all ver ne yrk ghetts

  giving birth t the neighbrhd djpete dj jnes as abut the st ntable dj during thse early days he epitized

  the true eaning f a dj he had the preise tiing neessary t enable the partyger

  t dane nnstp hile keeping the break f a rerd playing ntinuusly he had

  a lean ixing style and an exellent sund syste kl dj her the gdfather f hip-hp as a jaaian-brn dj h ved t the

  brnx in 1967 ith his unique playlist f rb sul funk and bsure dis her quikly

  beae the atalyst f the hip-hp ay f life the kids fr the brnx and harle

  lved his ghett style hih gave birth t the nept f the b-by the b-by --

  r beat by break by brnx by -- lved the breaks f kl her and as a result sn

  reated break daning these ere the peple f the hip-hp ulture hile pete dj

  jnes as the pineer fr the blak dis rd in ne yrk ity her and the b-bys

  ere the essene f the hip-hp veent beause f they lived the lifestylethe ay they daned dressed alked and talked as unique as ppsed t st f

  the ainstrea ulture it’s a kind f sub-ulture it’s nt in tuh ith the urban

  streets f aeria bth the usial and lyrial ntent f rap still ake it anathea t the ajrity

  f the publi but there is little dubt that its enrus signifiane as a sial

  duent ill be regnized hen future generatins rite the histry bks



  尊敬的各位考官,各们同学大家下午好: 我叫lb,应用化学专业的,所以口才不如营销专业同学的好,说的不好的地方请大家多多包含。下面我想先对我为什么要应聘天地公司,第一它待遇明确,所以我有一种信任的感觉,而且待遇不错,可以找到一种归宿感,第二,它施行十轮淘汰制,很具有挑战性和刺激性。第三,它有 培训 机制。因为我们是初出大学的学生,书本上的知识和现实 又是那么的远,有再强的学习能力,再好的思维也英雄无用武之地,第四,它的公司文化,“快乐工作,快乐学习,快乐 生活”以及“创新 质量”等。因为人不是机器,工作和生活同样重要。而且人不能一层不变的生活,所以要创新。这些都是我选择天地公司原因。 接着我想做个 面试 自我介绍。我个性随和,平易近人。而且向来坚持“多动脑,少废事”的个人处事原则。所以大学期间我研究过如何思考,如何学习,如何创新,如何思维,如何记忆等。所以大学期间,我不仅是为了学习知识而学习,更是为了学习而学习。所以我的学习能力比较强,学习效率高(没想到 面试 官说2in到,很尴尬,但现在我想把我打在肚子里的东西写完)。我学的是应用化学,但是我并不怎么喜欢它。但既然选了就要学好,所以我只要求学好学懂,但并不要一定学到很优秀。按我的个个处事原则,所以我选择在学习能力提高方面下功夫,所以研究了上面所说方面的书籍。而且本人最大的特点就是创新能力比较强,我想给大家说几个小事“第一,我们宿舍台灯电路板坏了,其他人都说废了,而我用一个打火机熔化一条报废的圆珠笔恐芯就搞定。第二,我参加过一次记忆 培训 ,当时老师教我们用一个图像当一个密码代替两个数字,而后再结合一些特定的地点就可以记住无规律的一串数字。当时的一个图像只可以记住两个数字,而我经过总结,就可以一个密码记住四个数字,效率提高了一倍。第三,同样在记忆 培训 中,当老师告诉我们用图像代替数字,再叫我们找一组地点时,我就意识到一定是叫我们把故事同地点联系起来达到记住的目的。 谢谢!


  大家好,我是***,所学的是国际政治专业,四年的大学生活是我人生的关键点。校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 学习中,我脚踏实地,求实创新。一直努力的学习专业课知识,掌握了社会科学和自然科学相结合的分析方法。了解 我国对外方针政策、法规以及国际政治的理论前沿和政治学、世界经济的发展动态。为提高自己的社会交往和各方面知识的运用能力,我积极参加社会实践。这些经历,不仅增强了我吃苦耐劳、自理自立的能力,还提高了我与别人合作与交往的能力。 思想上,我积极要求上进,以党员为目标严格要求自己我还利用课余时间深入了解各系团总支、学生分会和学生社团的日常职责及工作情况,协助各学生团体之间开展联谊活动,增进了各学生团体之间的交流。通过这些活动,不仅营造了良好的学习氛围,还丰富了校园文化,充实了新同学们的业余文化生活,还增强同学们的集体荣誉感、团队精神在可贵的四年大学生活里,我经历了人生不曾有过的许多东西,我只能说四年助就了我成功的一半,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。 谢谢! 范文3 回首四年的校园生活,有喜有愁,有成功也有失败,我孜孜不倦,在努力的充实自己,坚持刻苦努力学习,把所学的东西应用在生活中。为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 我不固守书面理论,尽力尝试理论与实践相结合,以实践印证理论,以理论指导实践。并能很好地做到灵活变通,在实践中将理论提升为符合现实情景的操纵性技巧。理论与实践的结合展现一个了更为广阔的发挥空间,让我不拘泥单纯的理论和盲目的实践。

  此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,捉住每一个机会,锻炼自己。在工作方面进步很快,受到师生的一致好评。在校期间,我捉住一切机会锻炼自己各方面的能力,使自己朝着现代社会所需要的具有创新精神的复合型人才发展。努力学习专业知识的同时大量阅读课外书,对增加我的课外知识和丰富自己的人生阅历启到不可小看的作用。 生活方面老实做人,塌实做事是我的人生准则,复合型知识结构使我能胜任社会上的多种工作。知识是我最大的财富,年轻是我最大的本钱。过往并不代表未来,勤奋才是真实的内涵

  我自信有能力胜任贵公司的工作。若被贵单位录用,我将会在自己的岗位上踏实工作,勤奋学习,并以良好的拼搏精神在这个集体中实现自己的价值。 谢谢! 范文4我是来自广西大学会记专业的应届毕业生。请允许我占用考官一分钟时间进行自我介绍!经过四年的大学求学生活,使我学到了很多知识我乐 于接受和学习新的事物,做人与做事都很自律。

  篇三:0303-1 漂亮的英文自我介绍

  It is really y hnr t have this pprtunity fr an intervie,

  I hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday I' nfident that I an sueed N i ill intrdue yself briefly

  I a 26 years ld,brn in shandng prvine

  I as graduated fr qingda university y ajr is eletrniand i gt y bahelr degree after y graduatin in the year f 2003

  I spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 and i have aquired basi knledge f y ajr during y shl tie

  In July 2003, I began rk fr a sall private pany as a tehnial supprt engineer in QingDa ityBeause I' apable f re respnsibilities, s I deided t hange y jb

  And in August 2004,I left QingDa t BeiJing and rked fr a freign enterprise as a autatin sftare test engineerBeause I ant t hange y rking envirnent, I'd like t find a jb hih is re hallenging rver trla is a glbal pany, s I feel I an gain the st fr rking in this kind f pany ennvirnent That is the reasn hy I e here t pete fr this psitin

  I think I' a gd tea player and I' a persn f great hnesty t thers Als I a able t rk under great pressure

  That’s all Thank yu fr giving e the hane


  1Gd rning I a glad t be here fr this intervie First let e intrdue yself y nae is ***, 24 I e fr ******,the apital f *******Prvine I graduated fr the ******* departent f *****University in July ,2001In the past t years I have been preparing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing *****in N****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in junir grade tN all y hard rk has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervie by yu I a pen-inded ,quik in thught and very fnd f histryIn y spare tie,I have brad interests like any ther yungstersI like reading bks, espeially thse abut *******Frequently I exhange ith ther peple by aking ents in the fru n lineIn additin ,during y llege years,I as ne a Net-bar tehniianS, I have a paratively gd and f netrk appliatinI a able t perate the puter ellI a skillful in searhing fr infratin in InternetI a a ftball fan fr yearsItalian tea is y favriteAnyay,I feel great pity fr ur untry’s tea I alays believe that ne ill easily lag behind unless he keeps n learning f urse, if I a given a hane t study ****** in this faus University,I ill stare n effrt t aster a gd and f advane ******

  2Gd afternn I a f great hrnr t stand here and intrdue yself t yu

  First f all ,y english nae is and y hinese nae is If yu are ging t have a jb intervie ,yu ust say uh things hih an sh yur illness t this jb ,suh as ,it is y lng herished drea t be and I a eager t get an pprtunity t dand then give se exaples hih an give evidene t then yu an say sething abut yur hbbies and it is best that the hbbies have sething t d ith the jb

  hat is re iprtant is d nt frget t uniate ith the intervieee,keeping a sile and keeping yur talks interesting and funny an ntribute t the suess

  I hpe yu ill give the a nderful speeh Gd luk t yu !

  3gd rning, y nae is jak, it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie, i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise, and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday, eventually ell in this prestigius university in septeber n i ill intrdue yself briefly,i a 21 years ld,brn in heilngjiang prvine ,nrtheast f hina,and i a urruently a senir student at beijing XX uniy ajr is pakaging engineeringand i ill reeive y bahelr degree after y graduatin in junein the past 4 years,i spend st f y tie n study,i have passed ET4/6 ith an ease and i have aquired basi knledge f pakaging and publishing bth in thery and in pratie besides, i have attend several pakaging exhibitin hld in Beijing, this is ur advantage study here, i have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany thrugh these i have a deeply understanding f desti pakaging industry pared t develped untries suh as us, unfrtunately, althugh e have ade extrardinary prgress sine 1978,ur pakaging industry are still underdevelped, ess, unstable, the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard but i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur eny an keep the grth pae still i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la, and hat is y plan during graduate study life, i uld like t tell yu that pursue la is ne f y lifelng gal,i like y ajr pakaging and i n't give up,if i an pursue y aster degree here i ill bine la ith y frer eduatin i ill rk hard in thesefields ,patent ,tradeark, pyright, n the base f y years study in departent f p≈p, y harater? i annt desribe it ell, but i kn i a ptiisti and nfident seties i prefer t stay alne, reading, listening t usi, but i a nt lnely, i like t hat ith y lassates, alst talk everything ,y favrite pastie is valleyball,playing ards r surf nline thrugh llege life,i learn h t balane beteen study and entertainent by the ay, i as a atr f ur aazing draa lub i had a fe glrius ery n stage that is y pride

  3 hat is yur greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)



  I feel that y strngest asset is y ability t stik t things t get the dne I feel a real sense f aplishent hen I finish a jb and it turns ut just as I’d planned I’ve set se high gals fr yself Fr exaple, I ant t graduate ith highest distintin And even thugh I had a sl start in y freshan year, I ade up fr it by ding an hnr’s thesis

  4 hat is yur greatest eakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


  I' suh a perfetinist that I ill nt stp until a jb is elldne