
2018-05-15    阅读: 20  

在英语教学中,我们重视课堂用语,但是忽视作业评语。翻开学生的作业本,看到的多是简单的对、错符 号或分数或等级。几乎没有评语,至多是千篇一律 的All right,K或Gd。许多英语教师改进教学,把大量的 时间用于备课、课堂教学、作业的布置与批改、测验考试等,却想不到花点时间用在学生的作业评语上。作业 评语是英语教学中的一个重要环节,有其自身的特点和功能。我认为,作业评语的重要性会随着人们对"素质 教育"的重视而逐渐被认识。


教师使用课堂用语是为了提高学生的英语口语理解和表达能力,对于知识点 和书面表达的掌握程度则要通 过作业来练习和检验。教师多使用作业评语可以 提高学生的书面理解和表达能力。课堂用语转眼即逝,而作业 评语却能长久保存。在课堂上教师面对的是全班学生,在有限的课堂时间内不可能逐一对学生进行评价。而教 师在批改作业时所面对的是每一位学生的作业,便于因材施教,个别指导。可以说,评语可弥补课堂教学的不足,是师生对话的一种方式。学生阅读作业评语是对语言的实际运用。因为教师在评语中所使用的语言是有实际内容的,即对某个学生及其作业的具体情况所进行的分析或评价,所以很容易被学生理解、接受或效仿。

作业评语所使用的语言应该与学生的语言水平相当。教师可以利用学生已学 的单词、短语、句型、时态、 语态、语气或篇章结构等,也可以用即将接触的语言。这不仅可以评价作业,而且能帮助学生巩固和运用语言 。例如:


Gd! Nie! Great! kay! Lvely! Perfet! arvelus! Pleasant! nderful! rret! In rret! areless! Unlear! Untidy!


Very nie! Quite rret! Quite K (kay)! Neat and tidy!ell -dne ! ell-ritten! Just s- s Far fr rret Sareless!


A That's all right! /That's K /That's rng /That'sinrret! B It is lever f yu t d s /It's nie f yu t says /It's areless f yu t rite this ay

Yu've dne s niely /Yu've ade suh a arelessistake! D hat gd rk yu've dne! /hat a gd by yu are! H arefully yu've rked! /H nie yur rk is!

ETry t d better next tie! /See hat yu've dne!/rret yur istakes, /Dn't d that again! /Dn't be ssilly, Jhn!

F I find yu've ade a lt f prgress! /I think yu anrk re arefully next tie /I' srry yu've ade s anyistakes in yur rk G Yur handriting is nt s nie as aggie's /Yu'vedne better than last tie /Yu an d best f all if yutry harder

H hat d yu think f yur rk? /H did yu like yurhandriting? /Isn't yur rk l vely? Dn't ake suh aareless istake again, ill yu? /Let's try t say rretEnglis h, shall e?


A Jhn, yu've dne best f all in yur lass! /Yu'veade s uh prgress!

B Yu're ding niely!

Yur English ill bee better if yu rk harder

D N yu an d better than yu did befre

E Yu used t ake a lt f istakes in graar, but nyu d re rretly

5语态: A Yu d yur rk ell /Yur rk is ell dne

B Yu have ade great prgress in English this ter/Yur English has been greatly ipr ved this ter


A Yur English is exellent

B I ish yu uld rk harder /H I ish yu uld bere areful

Pay attentin t yur spelling /Keep n and n


Diana, yu alasy d ell in English But seties yu are a little areless Yu see, hat yu've dne here Yu've ade suh a funny istake! I think yu'll rret it Try t d y ur rk as arefully as yu an 有些教师认为,作业评语只是对作业本身进行评价,这是一种狭隘的观点。

我认为,作业评语的内容也可 以包括有关学生学习和生活的方方面面,其语言形式更可以千变万化。它们可以是:一个词,例如:

Great! (Perfet! nderful! S nie! )


Anna, hat a gd girl yu are! (H nie yur rk is!Yu've dne s ell! Isn't it great )


Pratie akes perfet (here there's a ill, there's aay Tie and tide aits fr n a n)还可以是三言两语的描述或随感,或是提出几个带启发性的问题。只要能帮助学生提高运用英语的能力,掌 握英语知识,激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性,无所不可涉及,各种句式都可运用。

写好作业评语,教师不仅要有相当高的英语知识和灵活运用英语的能力,而且要有一定的文学素养。有时不是教师不想写作业评语,或担心写了学生理解 不了,而是"书到用时方知少",想写而写不出!


长期以来由于受"应试教育"的影响,许多教师热衷于给学生作业打分数或划等级。实践证明,对某些学 生,这样做不仅不能起到鼓励或鞭策的作用,相反还会抑制甚至打击学生的积极性,因为分数和等级的标准往往是片面的和机械的,容易抹杀学生的个性,不能准确地衡量学生的真实成绩,达不到因材施教的目的。而且 ,一般作业也不都适合评分。只有评语才能给学生以恰如其分的评价,使他们真正看到自己已取得的成绩,存在的缺点和努力的方向。


Bb, yu've ade s any istakes but d better next tie Billy, I think yu an d better if yu rk a little harder Jenny, be a areful girl and yu'll ake greater prgress 一份差生的作业中可能有各种各样的语法错误,但是主要内容也许很好或书 法很不错,如被全部地划叉或判为零分,这就如同倒洗澡水把孩子也一起倒掉了一样。而评语则可以起到去粗取精之功用。例如:

I find yu're gd at expressing yurself Avid akingt any istakes in graar

Yu eant ell, but try t ake yur sentenes rret

Sally, yu've ade s any istakes here Try t rretthe I like yur handriting very uh Keep n


It's gd t be rret It's als iprtant t be reative

Exellent, Diana! Yu haven't ade any istakes, but try t ake yur handriting nier


Yu'd better be re areful! Pay re attentin t verbsand their uses!

rk harder and then yu'll ake uh prgress!

有些学生比较马虎,经常犯拼写错误。对于这类不大不小的问题,一个个批改不仅费力而且没有必要,但 也不能视而不见,提出要求是良方。例如:

Yur rk is quite gd exept fr a fe spelling istakes ( Try t spell yu r rds rretly Avid isspelling!)


A stith in tie saves nine /Little by little ne ges far

中学生在学习英语的过程中,最大的难题就是动词及其用法。他们往往混用时态,在叙述的时候更是如此 。如:"It's Sunday rning Father as taking Sandy t a park nearby their he Suestays a t he ith ther She as ding her herk"

这一段文字虽然时态混乱,但是内容不错,简单地否定或肯定都是不对的,轻则使学生茫然不知所措,重则挫伤他们的学习兴趣和积极性。比较好的方法 是向他们提出要求。例如:

Pay uh attentin t tenses! ( Dn't nfuse ne tenseith anther! If yu take yur st ry as a past event, use thePAST TENSE all the ay; if yu ake yur stry see t betaking plae n, use the PRESENT TENSE Yu an't use tensesat rand!)

现在的中学生大多为独生子女,过多的要求甚至批评难以奏效,"愉快教 育"才能适应现代化教育发展的 需要。对于那些缺乏良好学习习惯,或学习成 绩有下降趋势的学生,要经常在作业评语中委婉地指出他们的缺 点和不足,并 表达对他们的希望。只要这些希望是真诚的、适时的和有内容的,学生就会从中 理解老师对他们 的信任、关心和爱心,从而转化为学习的动力。




教师针对成绩不同的学生及其作业,在不同场合所作的评语可激发学生们的斗志,让优等生更上一层楼,使中等生改正缺点、发扬成绩。更重要的是,能实事求是地评价差生及其作业,以便他们克服对英语学习的畏 惧心理,树立信心,努力从后进变为先进。


Jenny, yu've ade se silly istakes in yur herkA ne ter begins n I ant yu t rk harder than last ter just fr the beginning heer up! A gd beginningakes a gd ending


ark, yu ade uh prgress last ter Hever, yu shuld rk still harder this ter D yu think s?

再如,有些学生在某个语言点上一再犯错,如"It isn't belngt her"


Jak, it's rng t say "It isn't belng t her " e say"It desn't belng t her" "Beln g" is a verb, like "g,lk, talk" e say "He desn't g t shl " D e say "He i sn't g t shl"? N, never!


Andy, I ish yu great suess in the ing exainatins

Sandy, g ver yur lessns again and pay re attentint the verbs e've learned this ter Avid aking sillyistakes in yur paper

T, ake up the herk yu've issed e t e if yu find anything yu an't under stand


T, I' srry t kn yu've failed in the lastexainatin I hpe yu n't be t sad Yur lassates and I all ant t help yu Reeber, failure is the ther fsues s I think yu an d better next tie


Janet, yu've ade se istakes in yur rk I think itvery natural

Dn't lse heart e 're all ready t help yuath up


Kelly, yu dn't kn h t d these exerises In fat, they aren't s diffiult The r easn is that yu didn'tlisten arefully in lass!


erry hristas! /Happy Ne year! /Have a gd tieduring the Spring Festival! /Enjy yurselves in the inghlidays!



Quite right, Jhn(或Yu see, yu've dne s ell!)


Exellent! (nderful! Perfet! Beautiful! lever! Gd girl!) h, it's s nie a sentene! (hat a beautiful sentene!I like this sentene very uh It' s very reative It's full f huur)

如遇到一处屡改屡犯的语法错误,只有明确的批语才能产生较深的印象:rng again! (h, s bad! Suh a areless by!)

I' bth srry and surprised! (或 Yu've ade suh aistake again)刚接触某个语法现象,如一般现在时,一部分学生在脑海里还没有形成明确的概念,做作业时很可能犯一些语法错误。对于这些错误靠打叉不解决问题,但又不能在作业本上一一解释。事实上,一时也解释不清,我们可以提出劝告 或警告以示注意。比如有这样一个错句:"Hehas gne t Japan three ties" 在此句旁边不妨给这样的评语:

N, e never say s e say " He has been t" (或 Jhn, yu dn't kn e hinese studen ts ften ake this kind fistake!)

有些动词,比如enjy的用法也容易出错:"They enjy lletstaps" 我们知道enjy后只接动名词而不接动词原型,然而初中学生尚未学到动名词。对于这样的句子简单地划叉会使学生感到莫名其妙,不如给 评语好。

Jenny, it's rng t say "enjy d sth" r "enjy t dsth" e nly say" enjy ding sth " Reeber!

中国学生常常漏写联系动词,如:His brther very tall对于这个错句我们可以用添加号∨或∧,也可 以批上:

Is it a sentene? N, it has n verb in it Be arefu[1]!这方面的评语也可以与有关的符号一同 使用。


1)表面上看起来,写作业评语比传统的作业批改增加教师的负担,而事实上正相反。传统的作业批改方法是"遇对必钩(√),有错必纠(×)",它既违背语言生成和发展的规律,又有悖于启发式教学原则,长期以来师生不知为 此浪费了多少时间和精力。

2)教师并不一定每次给每个学生的作业写批语。作业评语不能过多、过滥,过犹不及。而且每次评语写多少要因时制宜,贵在坚持。只要每周能给每个学生写一、两次恰当的评语就能使他们始终保持清醒的头脑、 强烈的兴趣和昂扬的斗志。